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Ultra paladinx.blp

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
He is a warrior of light, covered with mithril armor. He wears sacred "Book of God's verdict"-the most powerfull bible in all Azeroth!
He is former magistre of "silver hand" order, leaved his post, when his best friend in all world Uther Lightbearer lost his life. Many years "Ultra paladin" Godmund travels around Azeroth and Kalimdor, posseded with eternal sadness, but now he return to destroy all unded scums and recover former power of "silver hand" order!

Paladin, silver hand, magister, light, avenger, Uther

Godmund,the "Ultra paladin" (Texture)

18:01, 9th Jan 2009 Hawkwing: A little bit of recolour, and a little bit of copy and paste. Try looking at some tutorials and try again.




18:01, 9th Jan 2009
Hawkwing: A little bit of recolour, and a little bit of copy and paste. Try looking at some tutorials and try again.