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UI Request: NotD

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Level 8
Jun 18, 2007
Hello there, anyone good at skins, I really need someone to make me this awesome UI from the Night of the Dead map. Ofc., credit will have to go to FM_Osiris and FM_Bilouxi, since they're the creators of the map.

Some shoots:


  • UI 1.jpg
    UI 1.jpg
    194.2 KB · Views: 212
  • UI 2.jpg
    UI 2.jpg
    176.7 KB · Views: 148
  • UI 3.jpg
    UI 3.jpg
    184.4 KB · Views: 124
Level 9
Dec 21, 2006
have a look at the screenshots and you will notice that he started the map out of the editor, that's only possible if he hacked the map. ok maybe i am wrong and he uses "worldedit" as profile on warcraft, lol

and btw the userinterface is just set to clear, means importing a clear.blp and replacing all parts of the userinterface with it. you can find this "advanced"- "user interface". in fact notd is just without ui. that what you see is just the basic that's always there.
Level 8
Jun 18, 2007
Warhunter, I already have that one :p, but thx for trying :p.
Muhahahahahaha, what? I didn't not hack in NoTd, do you think I would possibly ask for that UI, if I hacked it o_O. Here's a thought for you: World Editor does not show Multiboards, unless you are in the game -.-, take a better look at the pictures.
Tryed the clear.blp, it's not working, same with icons: it's green.
Level 8
Jun 18, 2007
have a look at the screenshots and you will notice that he started the map out of the editor, that's only possible if he hacked the map. ok maybe i am wrong and he uses "worldedit" as profile on warcraft, lol

and btw the userinterface is just set to clear, means importing a clear.blp and replacing all parts of the userinterface with it. you can find this "advanced"- "user interface". in fact notd is just without ui. that what you see is just the basic that's always there.

Oh yea I use WorldEdit on lan xD....
Level 9
Dec 21, 2006
using worldedit on lan is kinda strange but w/e.
you need a clear blp. just open gimp (or what ever) create new file and make everything transparent. save as tga and convert it to blp. then import it and replace all files of the user interface in advanced-game interface. you actually need to replace alot of things. borders background etc.... if you arent usung human you need to import the clear.blp to a specific path.
Level 8
Jun 18, 2007
using worldedit on lan is kinda strange but w/e.
you need a clear blp. just open gimp (or what ever) create new file and make everything transparent. save as tga and convert it to blp. then import it and replace all files of the user interface in advanced-game interface. you actually need to replace alot of things. borders background etc.... if you arent usung human you need to import the clear.blp to a specific path.

Oh, transparent, I didn't thought of that, but then again, I'm a spell maker I JUST SIMPLY SUCK WITH GRAPHICS! Gonna try that.
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