- Joined
- Aug 17, 2005
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- 24
I'm making a spell for my map that causes a unit to run 70% faster for 7 seconds, then run 30% slower for 4 seconds. This is what I have:
(Yes, I know I've been requesting a lot of things from Dark Deeds)
Anyways, Everything works up until the slow part. My Farmer runs faster, but when the speed buff wears off, he just starts running at normal speed again! Any suggestions?
Also, I'm making a spell for my Vampire called "Bat Form". It's supposed to cast the Dreadlord's Death Animation, then after he bursts into bats, it creates a Vampire Bat unit in his place. I have most of it working, but the Death Animation won't play.
How come it won't work? Thanks for all help!
Farmer Panic
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Panic
Set Panicker = (Casting unit)
Sound - Play PanicSound <gen> at 100.00% volume, attached to Panicker
Unit - Order Dummy Caster 0001 <gen> to Orc Shaman - Bloodlust Panicker
Wait 7.00 seconds
Unit - Order Dummy Caster 0001 <gen> to Human Sorceress - Slow Panicker
(Yes, I know I've been requesting a lot of things from Dark Deeds)
Anyways, Everything works up until the slow part. My Farmer runs faster, but when the speed buff wears off, he just starts running at normal speed again! Any suggestions?
Also, I'm making a spell for my Vampire called "Bat Form". It's supposed to cast the Dreadlord's Death Animation, then after he bursts into bats, it creates a Vampire Bat unit in his place. I have most of it working, but the Death Animation won't play.
Vampire Bat Form
Unit - A unit Begins casting an ability
(Ability being cast) Equal to Bat Form
Set BatFormCaster = (Casting unit)
Set VampLevel = (Hero level of BatFormCaster)
Set BatFormCasterPoint = (Position of BatFormCaster)
Set BatFormCasterAngle = (Facing of BatFormCaster)
Animation - Play BatFormCaster's death animation
Wait 2.00 seconds
Unit - Remove BatFormCaster from the game
Unit - Create 1 Vampire Bat for (Owner of BatFormCaster) at BatFormCasterPoint facing BatFormCasterAngle degrees
Unit - Change color of (Last created unit) to Black
How come it won't work? Thanks for all help!