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Two books i've started to write

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Level 4
Jun 8, 2007
Okay, well, a looooong time ago i started to get ideas for books, and i started to write, the first idea, eee, not so good, i kinda trashed it, but then i had another idea! (woot!)

The name of that book (first attatched), which i haven't looked at in forever, is called Elemental Skies, since none of my books are truly finished and everytime i read over them i end up changing things like crazy, i hate to post them, cause...y'know, they're unfinished.


nonetheless, i'm posting them
Elemental Skies is about a kid who got kinda locked in a bad situation, he was swept up in a war between things he's never seen, and never knew of, but either way, he was swept up in it.

I haven't read through all of that in a looooooooooooong time, so it's bound to have really bad things (i just found a u instead of a you Oo)

My second book, and my latest, is called Broken Together.

It's about a girl, funny story how it turned out to be a girl... I started writing and the character just seemed to be a girl... i didn't have any gender planned :p But anyway, this girl is swept up (not in things she has never known!) in a dispute with her parents, which turns horribly wrong.

Since Broken Together is fairly newer than Elemental Skies, it's quite shorter, but Broken Together is the book im currently working on (if you could call it working), and...

I want your feedback to see if i should get my butt in gear and finish them, or just do it casually like i've been doing, either way i don't think i can just dis-continue them completely, but as of now i'm not working on them on a day-by-day basis, more like a couple hours a week MAYBE on Broken Together.


  • Elemental Skies.doc
    133 KB · Views: 184
  • Broken Together.doc
    77 KB · Views: 196
Level 35
May 22, 2007

I have also been working on a Fantasy/Sci-Fi novel...7 long years I have been revamping, revising, redesigning, adding, subtracting, fixing, and building a world. And I havent even written the first page.

The hardest part is trying to make the story original and unique, plus well written and fun. I most definately dont want my novel to become the next Eragon. (by that I mean a mockery to fantasy writing everywhere.)
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
Nice. i didn;t look at the first but Broken Together was a good one. Keep workin im waiting for it to be done. Oh hey i think i know why parents cut deep and she broke the law. Maybe she murdered her parents!
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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006

I have also been working on a Fantasy/Sci-Fi novel...7 long years I have been revamping, revising, redesigning, adding, subtracting, fixing, and building a world. And I havent even written the first page.

The hardest part is trying to make the story original and unique, plus well written and fun. I most definately dont want my novel to become the next Eragon. (by that I mean a mockery to fantasy writing everywhere.)

Eragon was INDEED a mockery. I mean honestly, it screams star wars. The plot of the books mimicks Star Wars in ever way.

For starters: Young farmer boy, lives with his Aunt and Uncle, never knew his parents, lives in a quiet town, when suddenly, he gets something that makes the evil henchmen come after him, and the village story teller comes and saves him, and after he realizes that his aunt and uncle are dead, goes on a wild and epic adventure in which the old man ends up dying in.

That's just for STARTERS. The book is rediculous. I mean okay he was 15 years old when he wrote it, but STILL, try and be more imaginative then that. I'll have to read your two pieces when I get the chance :)
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
Eragon was INDEED a mockery. I mean honestly, it screams star wars. The plot of the books mimicks Star Wars in ever way.

For starters: Young farmer boy, lives with his Aunt and Uncle, never knew his parents, lives in a quiet town, when suddenly, he gets something that makes the evil henchmen come after him, and the village story teller comes and saves him, and after he realizes that his aunt and uncle are dead, goes on a wild and epic adventure in which the old man ends up dying in.

That's just for STARTERS. The book is rediculous. I mean okay he was 15 years old when he wrote it, but STILL, try and be more imaginative then that. I'll have to read your two pieces when I get the chance :)

Oh come on guys dont be hard on Ergon i liked the books. Personaly their better than star wars but hey thats my opinion
Level 4
Jun 8, 2007
Haha, thanks you guys,

Personally, i like Broken Together better, right now, but i'll have to keep you waiting on all your predictions :)

btw, Tabitha Segovia isn't on the hive, she's one of my friends that has helped a lot, i'll keep workin on Broken Together right now.

Eragon huh.... never read it,:wink: i don't really want to.... but if he's just copying base story-lines and re-creating a new world, psh, i'll be the true youngest author :p

Elenai, hehe, wow, ur world must be pretty complex, it sounds good for a game :p, or a new board-RPG, ur ideas will be the new standard for RPers everywhere! :grin:

I'll work on Broken Together, get a few chapters done in the next few weeks mebe, School starts on monday for me :S, i'll be pretty busy
Level 35
May 22, 2007
DarkMagi: may I direct you to this site. http://www.anti-shurtugal.com/ it explains much of my postition on Eragon (they share many of my views)

FuryOfASquirrel: Hehe, it is indeed complex.

Although I am quite proud of it. I've tried my very best to make the book as original as possible too, mabye a few tolkein nods here and there, and the fact that I have elves in the story. But the elves are a unique rendition (in no way a mockery of Tolkein's elves either). I've even created an interesting concept, an alternative to the "traditional" form of magic.

But the biggest problem I am having right now is with the latest revamp.

I am having trouble figureing out some of the lore. But all things considered I am very glad to see the next generation of writers putting out their own work instead of copying "cool" movies.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Oh come on guys dont be hard on Ergon i liked the books. Personaly their better than star wars but hey thats my opinion

Don't even go there. Star Wars is far beyond anything any 15 year old could come up with. Since Eragon just shamelessly STEALS from Star Wars it is therefor inferior, because most likely the only reason you like it is because you like the plot details it stole and recycled from Star Wars.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Brad is indeed correct.

This calls for a prophecyy (I havent done one in a long while)

"And he that wretched beast called plaigarism, shall break from his cage once guarded by the angels of Originality, and Imagination. He shall steal the precious works of great Kings of Lore and also shalt he steal the souls of the innocent. Wraped in the guise of great literature he shall diminish the work of the deserving, and also shalt he shall rape the spirits of kittens. He shall summon great minions and bring many rabid fans to his dark fold. With his army of fanatics he shalt issue forth the battle cry across a thousand voids and a thousand worlds,

"ur jest jelus cus he'z published and ur not"

He shalt also make mockeries of once glorious races, The elves he shalt pervert into an atheistic PETA, and of the dwarves he will make cheap copies, and of the Nazgul shalt he make into smelly chickens.

But then from the heavens the angels of Originality, and Imagination shalt come down upon another young writer who will smite The beast of Plaigarism soundly with the wet trout of good grammar, and the sword of Excellent lore.

And the people will rejoice in the rapture of the true Child Prodigy eating many tacos and tomatoe paste with cheese..."

-Prophecies of Elenai- 3:22:My Eyes Dost Bleed Profusly-
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Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
Gard'o Aselor!lol That's anastarian for Your opinion and mine. God Star Wars and Eragon are both good god danm but why you have to be so hard on the guy is beyond me.
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Level 5
Sep 1, 2004
15 is too young to do anything imo. Ya I read Eragon, wasn't inspired in the slightest. I'd much rather read Tolkien or Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time series) mainly because they've got lots and lots of lore. And Robert Jordan has 10 characters going at once which I like :p

Eragon would be nice for.....a dream. Other than that, it's nothing special. It's like Harry Potter (which I loathe, much more than Eragon), those that are too dumb/lazy to read better fantasy think that the simplistic crap they're reading is the most amazing junk ever written.

Well, I'm done my rant :p
Level 4
Jun 8, 2007
Wow, i think i'm going to make a 100 on all my writing assignments now that I've read that XD

That's really an excellent site if you're a writer, or love to read, it really.... wow....it's..... dang.... i give it...

Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Just because he was in university does not mean that his writing is genius.

May I direct you yet again to this most wonderful site

Eragon is a blight upon the literary world. Because not only is he a thief, but he has cheapened the hard work of REAL writers everywhere.

You have confused what i'm saying! His writing is certainly NOT genius, i'm just stating that he has a certified Genius IQ, and was taking University courses at the time, which should (realistically) give him more of a shot at producing a decent fantasy novel then any other fifteen year old writer.
Level 2
Aug 22, 2007
grrrrrrrr!! I don't care if it's a mockery of star wars i love both danmed stories.

oh ya and um lets just keep talking about the BOOKS we are suposed to kk?
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