Anyone in for making a new tunderball?
I would love to see one that would look similar to the standard:
firebolt missle
frost breath
but now a tunder version
All the other tunderballs here just dont work for me
When frost breath or fireball move then they grow in lenght (dont know how to properley explain what i mean but you will get it if u fire one in game)
There are some other tunderbolts that also do that, but they dont look nice and are not compact.
I would love to see one that would look similar to the standard:
firebolt missle
frost breath
but now a tunder version
All the other tunderballs here just dont work for me
When frost breath or fireball move then they grow in lenght (dont know how to properley explain what i mean but you will get it if u fire one in game)
There are some other tunderbolts that also do that, but they dont look nice and are not compact.