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Tropical Template 1.3

A tropical island template that will undergo some more edits.
Tileset: Sunken Ruins/Ashenvale
Press "V" in the editor to view the map in-game style with fog/sky weather effects.

Credits for models:
Sunchips, HappyTouren, Buster, Sellenisko, eubz


If anyone finds the map description insufficient, please take a look at the information tab at the top. There is all the information needed for a terrain template, unless you find that hard to "decode".

Version 1.1 - Terrain changes, bug fixes
Map can be viewed in-game as well now.
Added picture and tour camera modes.
Press "Esc" for a scenery cam view of the island.
Type "-roamon" and "-roamoff" (without quoutes) to start/stop a camera motion tour of the island.
Version 1.2 - Edited and added terrain. Minor tweaks with the old part.
Version 1.3 - Added terrain.

Admin/Moderators please update this -
Map Submition Rules

I firmly believe that a uploading a screenshot in the map descriptions should not be a rule and that user resources should not be judged by that a specially if that resource is a terrain template. Don't be lazy, open the damn maps and check them out. Ever heard the saying "Do not judge a book by it's cover" in most cases here on the hive it's just like that with tons of low-quality maps uploaded and "Described" with ready Map Description Templates.
Small Island, Tropic Island, Template

Tropical Template 1.3 (Map)

Orcnet00:02, 11th Nov 2013700 Small Tropic Island Template (Tested Version 1.1) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...




Orcnet00:02, 11th Nov 2013


Small Tropic Island Template (Tested Version 1.1)









"The fair space and enough room to make objectives seems to be useful for mini games like easter egg hunts, puzzles and etc."



"Terrain is very well executed, a clean and well flexed idea and useful variations of the palm tree. Although the water fall like theme going on looks funky, still its a clever move."



"Overall map can be useful."

Total Score: (Gameplay[x/5] + Terrain[x/5] + Management[x/5] / Total Score[15] * 50 + 50)

Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
The Hive Workshop Official

Map Reviewer: Hell_Master
Map Name: SmallTropicalIslandTemplate
Map Author: meatfactory



Terrain looks good and I like how the decorations (doodads and destructibles) are wisely placed. Terrain is not flat which is good. The way that small waterfall of some sorts is made looks attractive though the shallow watery parts can still be decorated maybe by spreading tiles there and putting some decoration most likely Water related. Also if you want, could use a fog too.

Score: 80/100


Shallow water parts of the terrain could still be pushed on and improved by putting some decorations at it though not much for it will look weird if incase, this will be a playable map in-use.


Final Score: 80.000/100
4/5 Vote for Approval


Contact: (Visitor Message) / (Private Message) / (Map Reviewers)
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description maniacs


presentation is pretty much bad. At least post some screenshots, some little description and organize your description.


terrain looks good and i like how the decorations (doodads and destructibles) are wisely placed. Terrain is not flat which is good. The way that small waterfall of some sorts is made looks attractive though the shallow watery parts can still be decorated maybe by spreading tiles there and putting some decoration most likely water related. Also if you want, could use a fog too.

score: 71/100

water flowing from the waterfall of some sort does not fit with the overall water's appearance on the terrain.

final score: 52.000/100
2/5 vote for rejection (due to lack of proper presentation)

I will not update the description! It is a fucking terrain template. You open the map and you view terrain either in-game or in editor. I am sick of people just increasing their post count with the same bullshit "improve description". In regular maps... ok a good description is required. On terrain templates not so much.

And btw I am using fog.

Edit: Waterfall color edited.
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meatfactory, honestly.. he's not just increasing his post count, he's just reviewing it
if you don't like it then just leave it, no harm about it

it's moderator's decision to approve it or not, not based on his score.. but yes, you lack a proper presentation, give a screenshot would make it good

I don't mind the review I just mind the "description part", but hey thats my opinion you don't have to agree with me or like it and I don't have to and will not put a screenshot in the description.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Sorry if I didnt notice the fog, will edit my review. But you need to chill seriously, I didnt do this just to increase my post count, I did this to review your map and help you. And I am not doing this for my own pleasure but yours, yes, its not in the rules but if you can see most users prefer that and they don't download maps without seeing the descriptions first including the screenshots though not to worry for I downloaded and see through the terrain template map. You also got to consider what the audience hates and likes to better "sell" your map.
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
its not in the rules but if you can see most users prefer that and they don't download maps without seeing the descriptions first including the screenshots

The users loss for being lazy I guess

I shall review this and give my opinion on the terrain in a second, so saving post

EDIT: cannot open your map, since my editor keeps going not responding when loading your map (only happens on yours tried several others, so I will try in-game)
The users loss for being lazy I guess

I shall review this and give my opinion on the terrain in a second, so saving post

EDIT: cannot open your map, since my editor keeps going not responding when loading your map (only happens on yours tried several others, so I will try in-game)

Tell me if it causes problems in-game as well I will re-upload it.

Edit: It appears I now have the same problem... opens in game but wont open in editor.

Edit 2: Fixed.
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Then it can't be counted as template and it loss it's purpose until users can open it.
Also, Screenshot are a "must" put in every map since a few last Map Submission Rules modification. At least show us a portion of the terrain.

Really? This is the official version of the rules : http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/beta-rules-information-710/map-submission-rules-228244/

Thanks for supporting what I needed to say, good thing you showed the updated one for I didnt know that there is also that. :)
Level 10
Jan 20, 2011
Then it can't be counted as template and it loss it's purpose until users can open it.

True will be fixed ASAP. There would seem to be a problem with some of the doodads probably.

The official version of the rules? (under the parent folder named [Beta] I don't know) and from a former staff member. Well I wont argue on that one cause I think a map moderator or Ralle should have a final saying on this, but the link I provided is from the Resourse Rules in FAQ so if there are new rules that directory should be updated too.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
Screenshots are not required as there is no such rule in the map submission rules.

I guess you went to the Specific Resource Rules and not here?: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/beta-rules-information-710/map-submission-rules-228244/

I know its confusing for newly and old members alike identifying the correct resource rules to be followed but I guess Ralle haven't abolished the rules set from FAQ while making this a permanent graphic: LINK

EDIT: we are still working on a finale about the rules that's why its called BETA, we may encouraged users not to follow the rules on FAQ.
I guess you went to the Specific Resource Rules and not here?: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/beta-rules-information-710/map-submission-rules-228244/

I know its confusing for newly and old members alike identifying the correct resource rules to be followed but I guess Ralle haven't abolished the rules set from FAQ while making this a permanent graphic: LINK

EDIT: we are still working on a finale about the rules that's why its called BETA, we may encouraged users not to follow the rules on FAQ.

Ok, fine I will put a screenshot in the description since you are a moderator and confirm this rule.
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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
The problem with Hell Master's review is this:

2/5 vote for rejection (due to lack of proper presentation)

If I get this on any of my melee map, I'm gonna peel that guy's skin.

Reject the map with bad gameplay or other content issue but not because the description didn't match your taste unless it says "No Description". I saw its description before and I didn't mind it at all. Sometimes you just need to use your commonsense and proper justification to tell if this map really need some fancy description or the current cheap description it have is enough.

@Meatfactory, don't really know where to use this terrain since its too small but I got to say that the terrain is really neat but the Tree(NewVariation) by eubz doesn't seems to blend well with the other trees. Oh tint down the waterfall to 110-140(RGB) since the current tint is too bright and doesn't mix with the fog well, oh and add a few more rocks on the side of the waterfall and a few cattail(tinted down) if possible. 3/5.
The problem with Hell Master's review is this:

If I get this on any of my melee map, I'm gonna peel that guy's skin.

Reject the map with bad gameplay or other content issue but not because the description didn't match your taste unless it says "No Description". I saw its description before and I didn't mind it at all. Sometimes you just need to use your commonsense and proper justification to tell if this map really need some fancy description or the current cheap description it have is enough.

@Meatfactory, don't really know where to use this terrain since its too small but I got to say that the terrain is really neat but the Tree(NewVariation) by eubz doesn't seems to blend well with the other trees. Oh tint down the waterfall to 110-140(RGB) since the current tint is too bright and doesn't mix with the fog well, oh and add a few more rocks on the side of the waterfall and a few cattail(tinted down) if possible. 3/5.

Remarks noted, I will edit the thing you suggested later thanks for support on the descriptions matter. About the Tree(NewVariation) - yes doesn't quite mix with the overall terrain but in nature there is diversity so I tried to implement that (but I will see what I can do).
Well, changes has been made so good job, meatfactory.

I find your ignorance annoying and insulting. You rate the terrain 4/5 and give the map a value of 2 and you give me rep. Please do me and probably a lot of other people a favor and do not make more comments on my resources. The only reason for me to add those screens is that rule confirmed by orcnet.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
I find your ignorance annoying and insulting. You rate the terrain 4/5 and give the map a value of 2 and you give me rep. Please do me and probably a lot of other people a favor and do not make more comments on my resources. The only reason for me to add those screens is that rule confirmed by orcnet.

So now, I lack knowledge because of making this review? God what did I do to piss off you like this...? I rated it 2 because as I said, its not just the terrain being judged much here but also the descriptions and I gave you rep because I still appreciate your work. But as I saw just now that Orcnet edited his posts about the rule being BETA and should not be followed so okay then, I shall deeply judge your map through only terrain so 4/5

Also, but if you find my previous comment quite annoying, fine then, sorry for that.

You know you are the only one who has a great problem in the point of even insulting me you know on my review (lets just face it, I insulted me but dont deny also you insulted me back), if you find a great problem do talk to me in a decent tone. I accept my mistake on the description part much for I see the rules still in the state of BETA so pleaase do calm down.
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Okay, okay, not like to keep the current flames to it's torrent but listen.

First of all, I'll get it straight, all rules of Resources Submission are now set at the Beta Forum, so all Rules Regarding Resources Submission at FAQ are now deprecated.

Second, about your description for the map.
Admin/Moderators please update this -
Map Submition Rules

I firmly believe that a uploading a screenshot in the map descriptions should not be a rule and that user resources should not be judged by that a specially if that resource is a terrain template. Don't be lazy, open the damn maps and check them out. Ever heard the saying "Do not judge a book by it's cover" in most cases here on the hive it's just like that with tons of low-quality maps uploaded and "Described" with ready Map Description Templates.
VK has made the rules as he was a Moderator, and listen, many noobs won't waste their time on maps without screenshot, even for a template, they might want to look the template's terrain. Please discard this from the description and contact the Mod and Admins at SC as it might become annoying for some people.
So now, I lack knowledge because of making this review? God what did I do to piss off you like this...? I rated it 2 because as I said, its not just the terrain being judged much here but also the descriptions and I gave you rep because I still appreciate your work. But as I saw just now that Orcnet edited his posts about the rule being BETA and should not be followed so okay then, I shall deeply judge your map through only terrain so 4/5

Also, but if you find my previous comment quite annoying, fine then, sorry for that.

1st. You do not lack knowledge for making a map review, but You lack knowledge of common sense. So imagine the following situation: I review a map of your's and like what I see in the map in terms of terrain and write a good score on that, but then I say to my self "damn that description is really annoying... hey you know what fuck that guy I'm gonna rate it low :ogre_hurrhurr: ". Now I don't suppose you to react like me but it would be kinda strange not to if you feel the description you provided is sufficient. Btw It is rather strange to be criticized from someone who uses pre-made description templates him self.

You know you are the only one who has a great problem in the point of even insulting me you know on my review (lets just face it, I insulted me but dont deny also you insulted me back), if you find a great problem do talk to me in a decent tone. I accept my mistake on the description part much for I see the rules still in the state of BETA so pleaase do calm down.

2nd. "Please connect tongue to brain" as they say, or in your case improve your English a bit.

3rd. Decent tone... bitch please I'm the definition of decent.
... jk.

4th. I am calm :ogre_rage:

Please discard this from the description and contact the Mod and Admins at SC as it might become annoying for some people.

If those people are lazy assess that don't even open the maps like some other people I could mention I hope it does.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 24
Jan 29, 2010
About the description thing: I will have to agree that map pressentation and description are essential and extremely helpful both for the uploader and the users. However I don't agree that the description should change the rating for any sort of map in any way.

Let's imagine a situation here: I am a user and I wanna play a RPG map for example. I will scan through existing RPG's in order to choose the best possible map. However, if I load every single one of them in editor/ingame it will take a lot of time and that's why I will just look at their descriptions to get a grasp of what they are all about. So, if I see an RPG with a good description (screenshots, videos, explanations, etc...) and a RPG with a bad description, ofc I will choose to play the one with better description because I will know what I am about to play.

What does all of that lead us to? Well, if the uploader has a "bad" description, he will loose potential players, cause they will be looking for something to play and will have no idea what the no-description-map is all about. That's enough of a toll for the uploader as it is. He looses some potential players. No reason to diminish his map rating... So, Map Reviewers, you are rating the map, not the description. Descriptions are a tool to attract players. The uploader can either use that tool and gain from it or not use it at all and loose from the lack of it.

Of course, blanc descriptions are not acceptable, I know that. That sums up what I wanted to say about the descriptions thingy and of course that's my opinion that I share with all of you guys.

About the map itself: it looks very natural and can be helpful for starting terrainers. I think it can be very useful. I have only one complaint though; I personally dislike waterfall rivers. It can work, but I wouldn't do it.

That's all, hf.
I firmly believe that a uploading a screenshot in the map descriptions should not be a rule and that user resources should not be judged by that a specially if that resource is a terrain template. Don't be lazy, open the damn maps and check them out. Ever heard the saying "Do not judge a book by it's cover" in most cases here on the hive it's just like that with tons of low-quality maps uploaded and "Described" with ready Map Description Templates.

Yeah I agree in this note, Why ? It because I saw many "BAD MAPS" here in hive with good description . I know that the description of the map is helpful because it describe the features, etc . But in some cases, you need to download it and observe the gameplay , etc . You don't need rate the map low by its description . Rate it by the map, gameplay, etc .