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Triggers Requests : The Monolith Map

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Level 3
Oct 8, 2011
Hello all . First I want to tell that I am a begginer whit WC3 Editor and I don't know how to use triggers or how to create . I only know how to addd trees , gold mines , and other simple things but those are not enought to make a map . :vw_death:

Today I want to change the Monolith map maded by Blizzard . I have good ideas but I don't know how to make them real . :ogre_icwydt:

First I want to make an area visible to all human players , its marked whit the red quadrangle as you can see in the picture

http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/822/mapi.jpg/ .

Second I want to make the Night Elves and Undeads to start whit the second mone . As you can see , every player start have 2 gold mines . At human and orc is easy to have the second mine , just put 5 workers on every mine but when comes about Undead and Night Elves , things are going wrong . I need a Trigger or an item that Undeads and Night Elves can buy it from they'r fly fly house and rooty woody tree .

Third I want to make the weather to change automaticaly something like " Hey , now is raining ... now is snowing , wtf is whit this climate ? Arrgh I can't see , so much fog . Ahhhh the gorgeous moonlights ... " . Ok , let's delete the part whit snow but you got the idea , right ?

Fourth thing is that when I start whit 3 players for example , the 4th player start zone don't have the gold mines but you can find there shops like mercenary or goblin laboratory and other . And I forgot to add creeps , yes you also find creeps . How can I stop those things to happen ? I want the gold mines unguarded and not beeing replaced by another building .

Fiveth thing is to make a trigger when a player leaves , his resources are split to the other players and all his units and buildings are destroyed .

The 6th thing and the last . I want to make some tips for players and display them on screen in the left part of the screen . Something like " Hey , buy the gobly gobly wood cutty , is better but first research the Goblin Pact becouse they work only for GOLD :goblin_yeah: "

Please don't ignore me like " Hey he is new , welcome ... die in hell you unexperienced one ! " . Thanks for reading my post and excuse the grammar mistakes .

BTW here is the map if you can help me better .


  • (4) Monolith.w3x
    1.8 MB · Views: 50
The best way to learn is to make things by himself.

Tips :
For create/modificate/see a trigger, you need to go in the Trigger Editor (by clicking on F6 or go in the toolbar --> modules --> Trigger Editor)
For create a new trigger, you just need to right clic in the left part in the Trigger Editor then choose "New Trigger"
The GUI actions, conditions and events are classed by category (unit, hero, unit group, weather, etc.../boolean comparison, string comparison, etc.../time, player, unit, etc...)
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
First I want to make an area visible to all human players , its marked whit the red quadrangle as you can see in the picture

-> Inside 'Actions' find 'Visibility' They are used to manipulate visibility (Fog of War, Black Mask, Visibility). Read the action options and find yourself. Shouldn't be so hard.

Second I want to make the Night Elves and Undeads to start whit the second mone . As you can see , every player start have 2 gold mines . At human and orc is easy to have the second mine , just put 5 workers on every mine but when comes about Undead and Night Elves , things are going wrong . I need a Trigger or an item that Undeads and Night Elves can buy it from they'r fly fly house and rooty woody tree .

-> I guess you have to trigger it. Look under 'Unit - Issue unit an order targeting an Unit'. There should be some action like 'Tree of Life - Entangle Gold Mine' or something like that. I'm not sure, never messed with those abilities.

Third I want to make the weather to change automaticaly something like " Hey , now is raining ... now is snowing , wtf is whit this climate ? Arrgh I can't see , so much fog . Ahhhh the gorgeous moonlights ... " . Ok , let's delete the part whit snow but you got the idea , right ?

For any enviroment manipulation, check 'Enviroment' actions, and read the different ways to manipulate it. If you want it to be periodicall, you can create a trigger that 'Every X seconds of game-time'. So, the actions you place on that trigger, will happen every X seconds. If there's no 'Random' option inside those actions, you'll have to declare weathers into variables... Check the first suggestion, if doesn't work, ask for the second one and I'll help you.

Fourth thing is that when I start whit 3 players for example , the 4th player start zone don't have the gold mines but you can find there shops like mercenary or goblin laboratory and other . And I forgot to add creeps , yes you also find creeps . How can I stop those things to happen ? I want the gold mines unguarded and not beeing replaced by another building .

If they are preplaced on the map, delete them :D If they don't, check for a trigger that messes with Players "Playing", and see if there's some kind of 'Action' that creates those structures.

Fiveth thing is to make a trigger when a player leaves , his resources are split to the other players and all his units and buildings are destroyed .

- Event: Player - A player leaves the game
- Actions: Do your stuff. 'Pick every unit owned by Triggering Player and do - Kill picked unit'

The 6th thing and the last . I want to make some tips for players and display them on screen in the left part of the screen . Something like " Hey , buy the gobly gobly wood cutty , is better but first research the Goblin Pact becouse they work only for GOLD "

Game - Display to (YourPlayers) the Text: Bla bla

Please don't ignore me like " Hey he is new , welcome ... die in hell you unexperienced one ! " . Thanks for reading my post and excuse the grammar mistakes .

Most of us won't, unless you become selfish, arrogant, bossy, and refuse to learn =).

I havent checked the map, can't right now. I'll may check it later.
Hello all . First I want to tell that I am a begginer whit WC3 Editor and I don't know how to use triggers or how to create . I only know how to addd trees , gold mines , and other simple things but those are not enought to make a map . :vw_death:
But you said in your first post that you don't know how to create or use triggers.

And I gave you 3tips for create and use triggers, and you mean that it was completely useless.
Level 3
Oct 8, 2011
But you said in your first post that you don't know how to create or use triggers.

And I gave you 3tips for create and use triggers, and you mean that it was completely useless.

Yes but he said exactly , where and how


-> Inside 'Actions' find 'Visibility' They are used to manipulate visibility (Fog of War, Black Mask, Visibility). Read the action options and find yourself. Shouldn't be so hard.

-> I guess you have to trigger it. Look under 'Unit - Issue unit an order targeting an Unit'. There should be some action like 'Tree of Life - Entangle Gold Mine' or something like that. I'm not sure, never messed with those abilities.

For any enviroment manipulation, check 'Enviroment' actions, and read the different ways to manipulate it. If you want it to be periodicall, you can create a trigger that 'Every X seconds of game-time'. So, the actions you place on that trigger, will happen every X seconds. If there's no 'Random' option inside those actions, you'll have to declare weathers into variables... Check the first suggestion, if doesn't work, ask for the second one and I'll help you.

If they are preplaced on the map, delete them :D If they don't, check for a trigger that messes with Players "Playing", and see if there's some kind of 'Action' that creates those structures.

- Event: Player - A player leaves the game
- Actions: Do your stuff. 'Pick every unit owned by Triggering Player and do - Kill picked unit'

Game - Display to (YourPlayers) the Text: Bla bla

Most of us won't, unless you become selfish, arrogant, bossy, and refuse to learn =).

I havent checked the map, can't right now. I'll may check it later.

Still can't make those ideas working , I try and try and the result is always the same ... Nothing
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