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[Trigger] Trigger

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Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here? The trigger doesn't work, when the hero enters the region nothing happens.

Untitled Trigger 212
Unit - A unit enters Region 027 <gen>
((Triggering unit) is A Hero) Equal to True
(Player 8 (Pink) controller) Not equal to User
(Player 10 (Light Blue) controller) Not equal to User
(Player 9 (Gray) controller) Not equal to User
(Player 1 (Red) controller) Not equal to User
Game - Display to (All players) the text: You are the new Chi...
Unit - Remove (Triggering unit) from the game
Unit - Change ownership of Chief of Staff 0123 <gen> to (Owner of (Triggering unit)) and Change color
Unit - Change ownership of Chief of Staff Job 0124 <gen> to (Owner of (Triggering unit)) and Change color
  • (Player 8 (Pink) controller) Not equal to User
  • (Player 10 (Light Blue) controller) Not equal to User
  • (Player 9 (Gray) controller) Not equal to User
  • (Player 1 (Red) controller) Not equal to User
Did you mean "(Player (X) slot status) Not equal to Is playing"?
Because you already know whether a slot is a user or a computer, you take care of this issue in the World Editor.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
  • (Player 8 (Pink) controller) Not equal to User
  • (Player 10 (Light Blue) controller) Not equal to User
  • (Player 9 (Gray) controller) Not equal to User
  • (Player 1 (Red) controller) Not equal to User
Did you mean "(Player (X) slot status) Not equal to Is playing"?
Because you already know whether a slot is a user or a computer, you take care of this issue in the World Editor.

That part really has nothing to do with it. Pink, lb, Grey, and red are just the players that cannot be the owner of the triggering unit.
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