Tirion Fordring

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
Base model credit: Arthas Menethil (Paladin), Daelin Proudmoore, and Derivatives by Ujimasa Hojo

Fixed the lip portrait animation

Tirion Fordring (Model)

Please include an in-game screenshot and fix the Sanity Issues. The model also needs a sphere collision shape. I would also ask you to credit @Sunchips for his Ashbringer model that is used in your model.
Level 25
Dec 6, 2022
One model uses 7 custom textures☠️
The model is very cool, but the main disadvantage is that during the animation of the portrait, his mouth does not open like the original paladins, please fix it :)
Combine all the textures into one (preferably,I think it will not be convenient to carry 7 textures on one ), and also make a portrait model separately based on Paladin Uther :)
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Level 20
Oct 16, 2021
I think his talking animation is cool. He's just too beardy for his mouth to be visible :p. It has it's charm and fits to WC3 style of goofiness. Merged portrait makes the model easier to edit and work on, so also + from me for that.

But that many different textures makes things annoying to manage in WE. Pathing and stuff... Merging all the textures is quite quick remapping job in RMS tho.
Level 10
Nov 25, 2019
One model uses 7 custom textures☠️
The model is very cool, but the main disadvantage is that during the animation of the portrait, his mouth does not open like the original paladins, please fix it :)
Combine all the textures into one (preferably,I think it will not be convenient to carry 7 textures on one ), and also make a portrait model separately based on Paladin Uther :)
Yes, I know he has trouble with the animation of the portrait, since I replaced the original head with a paladin, and I'm still a beginner in mdlvis, with textures, too, the most difficult thing was to put the texture of the armor.
Level 10
Nov 25, 2019
I think his talking animation is cool. He's just too beardy for his mouth to be visible :p. It has it's charm and fits to WC3 style of goofiness. Merged portrait makes the model easier to edit and work on, so also + from me for that.

But that many different textures makes things annoying to manage in WE. Pathing and stuff... Merging all the textures is quite quick remapping job in RMS tho.
Yes, techniques that have no analogues with WOW made Tyrion in demand and it was very important to use the armor technique on the body. I'm not a master at Mdlvis)