- Joined
- Mar 24, 2008
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So, i've got this spell where a unit creates another unit and this unit has to do ciclic actions when a timer expires. I'm new to vJass but i've tried with a lot of ways to make it work...
I'm posting the code, the first is the spell casted by the unit (removed useless code to make reading easier), the second is the struct attached to the created unit with the code that has to be executed when the timer expires, also the code to make the timer is missing because i was trying different things but i have a global array and a function that gives me the first available timer.
I already know what's the problem: the method that has to be executed cannot be set as static as it is now, so i cannot use it neither as trigger or as function to be executed when a trigger expires.
I would like to know if there's a way to make it work without implementing some kind of system or something like that
I'm posting the code, the first is the spell casted by the unit (removed useless code to make reading easier), the second is the struct attached to the created unit with the code that has to be executed when the timer expires, also the code to make the timer is missing because i was trying different things but i have a global array and a function that gives me the first available timer.
I already know what's the problem: the method that has to be executed cannot be set as static as it is now, so i cannot use it neither as trigger or as function to be executed when a trigger expires.
I would like to know if there's a way to make it work without implementing some kind of system or something like that
scope Slicendice
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return (GetSpellAbilityId() == 'A00V')== true
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit SliceAndDiceCaster = GetTriggerUnit()
local unit SliceAndDiceTarget = GetSpellTargetUnit()
local unit SliceAndDiceDummy1
local effect SliceAndDiceCasterSfx1
local location SliceAndDiceTargetLoc
local location SliceAndDiceCasterLoc
local location SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc
local effect SliceAndDiceCasterSfx2
local effect SliceAndDiceTargetSfx
local effect SliceAndDiceDummy1Sfx
local integer in = 0
local integer tim = getfirstavailable()
local real angle1
local real angle2
local real distance = 160
local integer maxattacks = 170
//local real damage = I2R(GetHeroStr(SliceAndDiceCaster, true) + GetHeroAgi(SliceAndDiceCaster, true))/2
local real damage = 1
local loopthingie stru
call PauseUnit(SliceAndDiceCaster, true)
call PauseUnit(SliceAndDiceTarget, true)
call SetUnitInvulnerable(SliceAndDiceCaster, true)
set SliceAndDiceCasterSfx1 = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Weapons\\IllidanMissile\\IllidanMissile.mdl", SliceAndDiceCaster, "chest")
call PlaySoundOnUnitBJ(gg_snd_DefendCaster, 100, SliceAndDiceCaster)
call TriggerSleepAction(0.20)
set SliceAndDiceTargetLoc = GetUnitLoc(SliceAndDiceTarget)
set SliceAndDiceCasterLoc = GetUnitLoc(SliceAndDiceCaster)
set angle1 = AngleBetweenPoints(SliceAndDiceTargetLoc, SliceAndDiceCasterLoc)
set angle2 = angle1+180
call SetUnitPathing(SliceAndDiceCaster, false)
set SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc = PolarProjectionBJ(SliceAndDiceTargetLoc, distance, angle2)
set SliceAndDiceDummy1 = CreateUnitAtLoc(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), 'e00G', SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc, angle2)
set stru = loopthingie.create(SliceAndDiceTarget, SliceAndDiceDummy1, SliceAndDiceTarget, tim)
call SetUnitUserData(SliceAndDiceDummy1, stru)
set SliceAndDiceDummy1Sfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Weapons\\IllidanMissile\\IllidanMissile.mdl", SliceAndDiceDummy1, "chest")
public function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger SlicenDice = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(SlicenDice, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
call TriggerAddCondition(SlicenDice, Condition( function Conditions))
call TriggerAddAction(SlicenDice, function Actions)
scope Shadowloop
struct loopthingie
public unit owner
public unit shadow
public unit target
public trigger loopy = CreateTrigger()
public integer itim
public integer in = 0
public real angle1
public real angle2
public boolean attacca = true
public method slicedice takes nothing returns nothing
local unit SliceAndDiceCaster=this.shadow
local unit SliceAndDiceTarget=this.target
local location SliceAndDiceTargetLoc
local location SliceAndDiceCasterLoc
local location SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc
local effect SliceAndDiceTargetSfx
local real distance = 160
set SliceAndDiceTargetLoc = GetUnitLoc(SliceAndDiceTarget)
set SliceAndDiceCasterLoc = GetUnitLoc(SliceAndDiceCaster)
if (this.in==0) then
set this.angle1 = AngleBetweenPoints(SliceAndDiceTargetLoc, SliceAndDiceCasterLoc)
set this.angle2 = this.angle1+180
if (ModuloReal(this.in, 2)==0) then
set this.angle2=this.angle2-20
set SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc = PolarProjectionBJ(SliceAndDiceTargetLoc, distance, this.angle2)
set this.angle1=this.angle1-20
set SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc = PolarProjectionBJ(SliceAndDiceTargetLoc, distance, this.angle1)
call SetUnitPositionLocFacingLocBJ(SliceAndDiceCaster, SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc, SliceAndDiceTargetLoc)
call SetUnitAnimation(SliceAndDiceCaster, "Attack")
set SliceAndDiceTargetSfx = AddSpecialEffectTarget("Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Stampede\\StampedeMissileDeath.mdl", SliceAndDiceTarget, "origin")
call SetUnitFacing(SliceAndDiceTarget, GetUnitFacing(SliceAndDiceTarget)+45)
call DestroyEffect(SliceAndDiceTargetSfx)
call RemoveLocation(SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc)
call RemoveLocation(SliceAndDiceCasterLoc)
call RemoveLocation(SliceAndDiceTargetLoc)
set SliceAndDiceCaster = null
set SliceAndDiceTarget = null
set SliceAndDiceTargetLoc = null
set SliceAndDiceCasterLoc = null
set SliceAndDiceCasterRandomLoc = null
set SliceAndDiceTargetSfx = null
set this.in=this.in+1
method onDestroy takes nothing returns nothing
call resettimer(this.itim)
set this.shadow=null
set this.owner=null
set this.target=null
static method create takes unit towner, unit tshadow, unit ttarget, integer titim returns loopthingie
local loopthingie l = loopthingie.allocate()
set l.owner = towner
set l.shadow = tshadow
set l.target = ttarget
set l.itim = titim
return l
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