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Tidal Guardian Modify

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Level 7
Nov 11, 2011
Hello there it's been a while since i'm working on something. So as the title implies, i request for a modified tidal guardian.

The Tidal Guardian needs to have:
- Similar animations to the Ziggurat model.
-Attack animation still the same but the upgrading animation is when the upgrading is happening, the model turns to water and recreates into desired upgrade (There are 2 upgrades i think)

- Attack Upgrade 1 and 2 is the same as the attack animation of the original guardian
- Birth must be the naga birth
-Details for the upgrades:
- when not upgraded, there is no water
- upgrade number one (Spirit) is da same as the original guardian
- " " two (Frost) have poisonous effect and color water change into toxin one but it's ok that the guardian (the monster) has'nt changed texture. Yay!

For more questions and suggestions pls reply to this thread. I hope someone will answer and grant my request (+Reputation).

PS: I'am not expert and does'nt know a thing animation. (Like i care)
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