The World of Or

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Level 10
May 3, 2009
The World of Or

The War of the Dead

I support this project and People who use this map.

But. You may not add more to the lore without permission

You can check out the lore on my project descendant.

In addition if anything I find is of illegallity and uses my lore without my permission, this will result in termination of this entire project.

Project Leader: Prorox
Terrainer: ?????
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Level 6
Dec 29, 2013
Okey guys, Stormwarriors2 writes a book "The World of Or" and we have the idea to make a strategy game for that. We take "The War of the Dead" as the section we make this game about.
The game will be like world war 3, wich is a normal Warcraft 3 game without: food limits, air units and wood (only for upgrades).

The basic idea is, that there are 2 sites fighting each other(6 players vs 6 players):

1. The good site: It consists races like wood/stone-elves, humans, dwarfs

2. The evil site: Demons, Evil Humans, Undeads, Revenants (= )

Each of these races will have their own speciality, for example:
Elves will have special bowmen, Humans will have the best cavallry and undeads will have the biggest armies.

We will cut the map based on the book into two pieces like you can see here:


The red areas are the start territories for the players of the evil source, the rest is are for the light races.

The plan of this game is it to make strategy games for wc3 more popular, since nearly none are played @Warcraft 3 anymore. We want to reach epic battles with a need of tactical team-cooperation!

Now to create this rather big map, we need your help.

Positions needed
Projectleader: Prorox
Terrainer: Prorox
Terrainer: Atavus
Object-data: Prorox
Triggers: Chewii
Ideas and map-testing:
2D-Texture artist:
Musician: Prorox, +?
Here a short piece of the story:

The War of the Dead

For a thousand years the newborn god reigned chaos upon the lands of Ör. The great kingdoms of Ör reviled in fear as the Great God sent his armies against the living. Even with the combined efforts of the races, the newborn god still won every battle. The Gods trembled at a god that could steal their powers away, the Sin Gods not seeing this declared war upon the Newborn god and were imprisoned within their own realms. Kingdoms fell and Only one kingdom held the Newborn god at bay. The Druids and the Gods of nature, but even with their interference they were unable to hold them back for long. Hundreds of thousands had died. Populations had gone down completely. But then came the Descendant and the largest amassing of men, elves and dwarves the world has not seen for an age...

Waiting for your comments! :)


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Level 1
Feb 16, 2011
I'll make the terrain. Aslong it won't fight back ofcourse.

I hate dangerous things.... They are so dangerous... Look out that damn rock is alive!!!
Level 2
Feb 20, 2010
I can't be dedicated to help BUT I could help with a few triggers here or there when you Chewii's too busy :3. Just hit me up with a PM
Level 6
Dec 29, 2013
Hey guys,

we really need a modelmaker and 2D-Artist!

That's because we plan on doing a dwarven race but there doesn't exist any kind of dwarf tier 1-3; And further we need someone to do icons for the dwarf units :/

Would be really cool if anybody could help :)
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