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The Workshop is for everyone! Except LoaPs...

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Level 3
May 22, 2007
Meh don't really care if I get banned for this, even though this place is supposed to allow everyones' maps. :sad:

/rant on :infl_thumbs_up:

I logged on today to check up on my map- a LoaP game I had made a about half a year ago. I was quite suprised when I had a PM from a moderator; I had done nothing wrong, had only made a few posts since joining. What could it be? Why it was a lovely automated message about my original release of LoaP Nerubians' deletion! The moderator was quite descriptive of what he thought my map was like, with the wonderful phrase "It killed a part of me playing this," in big, red print. He even told me what a REAL game was like- Real Life. Its about doing real life things! WAIT! That sounds so very oddly familiar...... could it be from LoaP as well?! :eekani:

One thing he said, "I feel that this is just a nother loap clone," surprised me! The man has figured me out! What a genius! It's a LoaP that is like a LoaP should be! Forget all the stuff I added and removed, its like every LoaP out there! Forget the balancing, the new heros, the create-a-house system, just forget it! It is nothing compared to the wonderful Real Life! :con:

His wonderfully uplifting and inspiring phrase "It killed a part of me playing this" has shown me that I was wrong! I should not make a LoaP that is a LoaP! I should make a map he wants, for a genre he likes! I should add things to make it more fun, unlike the old ones I made in the two months of on/off work I put into this map! But wait, I thought this place allowed maps of all kinds? I am wrong it seems.

"So my sugestion would be dont make a nothe loap make a better loap (like Real Life)" was his astounding conclusion! I thought I had made a better LoaP, but it appears I was wrong, yet again! Silly me, for I know nothing like the moderators do! Even though I made it so peasants can't be bullied as easily as they can in the other LoaPs, it was all a great mistake!

I apologize, I am sorry that small part within you died because of my map; tell me when the funeral is, I'll send a most beautiful congratulations letter, with gold engravings and everything. I have to wonder though, did you just look at the map's file or actually play the game? Online? With people? Because it seems the only reason you spared the V1.2 is because someone said they liked it. :con:
Another thing I noticed was how you called my map crap and that was that! Astounding! Simply amazing! You have told me to make a better map! How about some real, honest criticism on how to improve it instead of glancing at the map and denouncing it right there for being what it is- a Loap. A LoaP that is just what a LoaP should be, like the fans like it.

Here are the links for the people who have read the rant this far-
LoaP Nerubian 1.1 Original Release-
LoaP Nerubian 1.2-

My suggestion? Let games be rated by people that actually LIKE the damn genre, or else this kind of thing's going to keep happening. As for you people who are going to reply "LoaP sucks," etc, actually play my map before you start with that crap. If you still think LoaP sucks afterwards, that's great for you, but I don't really want your opinion unless its about changing things in the map.

/rant off :slp:

Edit- realized some people can't see the ignored resource- added picture-
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That's a bit ... "mappist". I mean, it DOES say in the map submission rules ...
"• Virtually any and all maps, regardless of talent. Every Warcraft modder must start somewhere. Low-quality maps therefore, will not be ignored providing that obvious effort was put into creating them."

I'm not seeing much of that there. I mean, if he has to start with a LoaP clone - then let him, there's no reason to bloody ignore the map.
This seems a bit very much like the moderators own opinion, not the actual quality of the map (which can be worked on, since the UD and Nerubian units are a bit strong).
Level 3
May 22, 2007
Just wanted my old version to be availabe to people who want to edit it, just incase they don't want the one with the islands.
Plus was kinda mad he said that about my map just because he doesn't like the type :hohum: Next time I'll update and add link to Epicwar for older versions.

And actually I'm feeling the undead are kind of underpowered because most of the undead players go for the fast training weak skeleton units, but I'm still working on everything with the new factions.
Plus I've already gotten a suggestion for a camp-type setup along with the house builder. Gonna build on that and add some other new "camp" type builders as well as adding new units for the factions already in place. Suggestions ftw!
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Community > FAQ > THW Rules > Resource Section Rules > Map Rules
Resource moderators will decide on a case-by-case basis which maps are "original" enough to be approved.
Life of a Peasant Nerubian 1.2 has been approved.

Life of a Peasant Nerubian (the earlier version) has been ignored.

Also, please refer to Map Update Requirements in the Map Rules:
Map creators may upload their maps only once and must then update them to release future versions.
Level 15
Jun 28, 2007
I still dont see why people should attack me

1. when i played your map it caused dircetx to crash 10 times
2. your map started to leek when i played it (that most likely caused directx to crash)
3. I like to play loaps one in a while, but this loap isnt a loap its a c(loned)loap, if you look at Loap Silvermoon, its one of my favorite maps to play on battle.net
4. i beleve this is in the wrong section
Level 8
Jul 10, 2007
Bettax: Is footman wars a genre? is Dota a genre? no. The Workshop is mostly for mappers and not editors.

Deskalada: Then why didn't you mention these errors before in your comments on his maps?
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Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Well obviously moderators dont have time to actually go post detailed reports about your map. But if they did play it (I highly doubt that most mods play more than 10 min of each map in Single Player anyways) then just giving a bit of feedback wont take that long.

I think you did have the right to complain seeing just how rude DesKalada was about that, and how hive prides itself on being a different (and more positive) map database than wc3c.

But then again... you shouldnt have uploaded more than 1 of the map.
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Who the hell has time to go through hundreds of maps and write detailed reports about them and has the knowledge to say something worthwhile? Anyone who does reaallly needs to get a life. Would you say that someone should become a mod because they live in their mom's basement and are willing to spend their entire time reviewing maps, or would you say that instead someone who has insightful thoughts and is able to give critical but well-worded reviews should become a moderator?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
then why are they moderators in the first place if they don't have time?
He's merely saying that we do not have time to write out long critiques or comments. We test quickly, and find out if it's playable. We are not there to comment on how fun, but on playability and to make sure all credit is given.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Hmm ... Yeah as Gilles told we don't have time for long rewiew we are map moderator -testers, not for long story what they expect, you you write for him good hting, you are right, if you don't they will made such threat in Site Discussion instead of Admin contact or here

Hmm.. Anway I always give friendly commments in 90% cases. I respect author's hard wok there, and I always test thoose 3 things what rules says to map must have. And I am also against moderator's comments where moderator insult authror. Also I am against when map is rejected, authors insult moderators. We must respect each other.
Someone please move this threat into resource moderation, I htink this is problem what in htis case don't affect site, so this should goes into New urce Moderation forum
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Please refer to my post above:
Community > FAQ > THW Rules > Resource Section Rules > Map Rules
Resource moderators will decide on a case-by-case basis which maps are "original" enough to be approved.
Life of a Peasant Nerubian 1.2 has been approved.

Life of a Peasant Nerubian (the earlier version) has been ignored.

Also, please refer to Map Update Requirements in the Map Rules:
Map creators may upload their maps only once and must then update them to release future versions.
The Hive Workshop Resource Moderation forum is now open for resource creators to discuss the status of individual resource submissions.

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