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The Reforged Blade V1,33 +Ai

Dark-Zalor presents :

The Reforged Blade V1,33 +Ai
Created by Dark-Zalor


By Sage V Kyuubi

Map Info

Two teams composed with the best warriors of each race will fight in a incredible and dangerous arena to get the legendary swords.
Some events will forces each team to reinforce their team play and their resistance.
It's a terrible place where the weaks can't survive!!! You can choose one of the 93 heroes to fight in this game and support your team and custom your hero with more than 97 items.

For any questions or suggestions please send your e-mail at : [email protected]

I made a playlist youtube for epic games :
I hope you will enjoy it, feel free to give me suggestions about song that are missing to you...

Visit my facebook page at:

See my videos here:

Working with the version 1.32 of Warcraft 3 or newer.

I'm currently working on that project. 60% heroes reworked and optimized


This game is a custom hero arena with specific and very differents heroes. Each team has to kill enemies heroes to get some points.
The first team that reaches the goal (number fixed by the mode) will defeat the enemy's team. The maximum hero level is 75.

Spells :
Every heroes have 5 uniques and custom spells all differents from the warcraft 3 spells and good loking with awsome effects.
Spells are divided in 3 classes
- Basic spells that could be learnt at Lvl 1 upgraded every 2 levels
- Ultimate spells that could be learnt at Lvl 6 upgraded every 6 levels
- Insane spells that could be learnt at Lvl 10 upgraded every 10 levels

Custom keys are Q, W, E, R, F

Their damages are calculated with the Intelligence of the caster, you can see the formula below :
Basic spells :
1,20 + (1,20 x (Spell Lvl) x (Total Int))

Ultimate spells :
2,4 + (2,4 x (Spell Lvl) x (Total Int))

Insane spells :
3,5 + (3,5 x (Spell Lvl) x (Total Int))

Spells damages are reduced by the hero basic magic resistance 25% but with items and spells too.

Events :
There is several events in the map :
Balnazzar's Thirst [Auto] :
The very strong outland guard Balnazzar will leave his desolated lands to arrive in the main arena by the fountain to kill alives heroes.
He has a permanent invisibility and a moderate strength.
The team that can kill him will get an amount of gold and medals in function of the time, you get a bigger bounty if you kill it earlier
Bounty :
Gold : 2500 - (500 x Nbr Spawn)
Medals : 15 - (5 x Nbr Spawn)
(2 minutes duration each spawn)

Thor's War [Auto] :
The Azgard God invites the entire team in his arena. The two teams will be separated in two arenas. The meaning of this event is to survive.
He's a very strong enemy you can't kill it.
If one hero from a team survive the entire team will get a 2000 gold and 8 medals. If Mathog had Killed all the team's heroes nobody would have a bounty.
(3 minutes duration)

Ring of Fire [Auto] :
The two spirits Senarius and Vexxor make a bet about their duels. One hero for each team will be picked randomly, the first hero that will kill his spirit
Will give the Spirit Bull (+60 Every attributes during 7 minutes)
(2 minutes duration)

Manoroth's Fury [Auto] :
In this event Manototh calls the best hero of each team to come to fight against him. The hero with the biggest quantity of Attributes (Strength, Agility, Intelligence)
will be selectioned for this event. Every hero is move in a side of the Nerubian Ziggurath the first hero that will arrive to the spectral Door will have the right to fight
against Manoroth. The hero that defeat Manoroth will gives to his team the Destructo's Aura during 8 seconds.
+20% Move Speed
+20% Attack Speed
+25% Damages
+200% Life Regeneration
+300% Mana Regeneration
+20 Armor
(5 minutes maximum duration)

Slauther Arena :
In the slauther arena there is Oz and his a undead army. His monsters respawn after 25 seconds. If a team kill Oz it will have a biggest bounty every time he's killed.
Gold : 250 x Nbr
Medals : 2 x Nbr
Every time Oz dies it get +80 of each attributes and has 2 min respawn time.
This arena is disponible by stepping in the Slauther Arena circle

Runical Arena :
The Lich King has 3 very strong golems that are protecting the outland Kingdom, they got the divine rapier. This sword permittes them to forces dying creatures to stay into
the outland and not coming back in the earth.
If a hero kills one of them it will receives a divine rapier in his base.

Lich King Quest :
In this arena you have to defeat the Lich King to receives his Legendary Sword : FROSTMOURNE!!!
You can go to his arena by stepping into the circle called Lich King.

Big Daddy :
This is a secret quest

Kills :
Every heroes kills in this map will gives you some medals, this is a new ressources that permittes you to by some tomes to increases the hero's attributes.

Modes :
There is a few modes in the game :
-ar : All Random (Every player will have a random hero)
-nc : No Creeps (no neutral creeps in the arena)
-ne : No Event (Disable Automatic Events)
-nb : No Battles (Disable Battles)
-xc : extra creeps (double the number of neutral creeps in the arena)
-hs : Half Score (25 kills/Player to win)
-ds : Double Score (100 kills/Player to win)
-us : Unlimited Score (No kills Limit)
-ns : Normal Score (50 kills/Player to win)
-oi : Only Intelligence (The other heroes can't be picked)
-oa : Only Agility (The other heroes can't be picked)
-os : Only Strength (The other heroes can't be picked)
-dr : Dragon Mode (some dragons will spawn that gives bonus when killed)
-mc : Magic coin Mode (a coin is created on the map and gives to a team 800 gold and 5 medals when picked)
-cs XXX : to fix the kill score per hero

Every modes can be wrote in the same chat entry
ex: -ar-xc-mc-ds

Commands :
-view : to reset the camera view
-dsi : to display the insane spell damages
-dsu : to display the ultimate spell damages
-dsb : to display the basic spells damages
-bug : to respawn a bugged hero (that doesn't revive)
-zoom XXXX : to fix the camera's distance to XXXX (2300 default; 3000 is enough)

Ai :
In this map, you can play against computer.
The bots have different bonuses in function of their difficulty level

Creep BountyGold / secXp
Human Player+0%480%

















V 1,33 :
Rework Chaos Grunt spells

V 1,31 :
Fixed Doombringer spells

V 1,29 :
Optimized 1 new hero

V 1,27 :
Correct errors with items Recipies
Optimized 1 new hero

V 1,25 :
Optimized 3 new Heroes

V 1,21 :
Optimized 4 new Heroes
Fix Items bugs

V 1,19 :
Optimized 5 new Heroes
Add custom musics
Rework sound system

V 1,17 :
Optimized 5 new Heroes
Debug death of heroes after battle

V 1,15 :
Optimize Chaos Knight Scripts

V 1,13 :
Refacto Hero spells as VJass

V 1,11 :
Fix items bugs

V 1,09 :
correct some bugs about Mjollnir and items
Fix Heretic Ultimate, Bolts rotations (now both of the missiles has random starting location)

V 1,07 :
Heroes reworked 50/93
correct some bugs on items
Rework Triggers

V 1,05 :
Heroes reworked 29/93
correct some bugs with heroes spells

V 1,04 :
Heroes reworked 27/93
correct some bugs with items

V 1,03 :
Heroes reworked 25/93

V 1,02 :
Add new hero
Rework 5 new heroes

V 1,01 :
Correct not respawn bug
Optimized 1 new hero
correct timer window right inline bug
fix bug that don't show final board
fix bug with mega creeps not respawning

V 1,0 :
Change the name
Rework 11 heroes
Create 1 hero
Add nightmare sheep event
Changed name to The Reforged Blade

V 10,27 :
Correct the bug about Keeper of the Groove, Faerie Walk

V 10,26 :
Correct the bug about Gnomish heavybot Titan Clash
Changing the AI difficulty

V 10,25 :
I correct a bug about nob spell "Warlus Punch"
now it should works

V 10,2 :
I correct a few bugs
I optimized the triggers to reduce lags

V 10,15 :
I changed damages from spells to heroes
I corrected a bug on demon Hunter spell

V 10,1 :
I added some magic resistance items
the basic heroes spell resistance is now set to 25% (before it was 50%)
I corrected a bug in the magtherigon event (bots don't go fighting the boss)

V 10,0 :
Changed the spell damages to set them back with each heroes intelligence
I'm still learning on a more efficient AI, it's not finnish yet

V 9,9 :
I changed the Witch Doctor Insane Spell (now it spawns some spirits that attacks the enemies in the area)
I improved the AI (i will improve this again in a next version)
Due to some problems with heroes balanced, every spells are now calculated witch every heroes main attributes (see the modes section above)
Big daddy has his Strength, Agility, Intelligence equal to 4 times the Hero's Strength, Agility and Intelligence (including bonuses).

V 9,8 :
I correct some bugs
I added a command that allow the player to fix the camera distance
The HEADSHOT bonus is now available if your damage is bigger than the life of the damaged enemy
The spell blood link from the dark samouraï has been changed the missile speed is now 3500 the area is now 4000, the spell doesn't target fogged unit and it still bounces 17 times.
The spell vendetta from the warden now deals damages to the primary target in function of the distance
The spell Call The Kraken deals some damages when the caster is grab, but the biggest part of the damages are dealt when the caster is eaten by the kraken, enemies eaten takes damages per seconds during this period

V 9,7 :
Correct some bugs (lord headbreaker, drow ranger, AI scripts, Balnazar)

V 9,6 :
Correct a few bugs
I add a new hero

V 9,5 :
I changed a bug about the heretic and his damages passive that
don't works against bosses


Special Thanks:
  • The Helper
  • Hive WorkShop
  • The Warcraft 3 French Community
  • Blizzard

A special thanks to Mythic that helps me with my bugged models.

Models :
  • General Frank
  • Mythic
  • JetFangInferno
  • Kitabatake
  • ratamahatta
  • wingednosering
  • GreyArchon
  • Troca
  • Ki
  • Zack1996
  • Frankster
  • Donut3.5
  • Rizz_Boomer

A big thanks to Flaming_Dragon and Blasterixx for their precious feedback and patience.

Music :
Warcraft 2 OST - Made by Blizzard Entertainment
Author's notes

I spent a lot of time and imagination creating that map, I hope you will enjoy it.
If you have some ideas about spells, events, modes, just send me an e-mail at : [email protected]

I appreciate feedback and suggestions!

Blade, Heroes, Hero, Effect, Arena, Fight, Dual, Epic, Last Blade, War, Battle, Team, Effects, Spells, Warrior, Trigger, The Last Blade, Map, Custom,


The Reforged Blade 1.33 Ai (Map)

Orcnet20:21, 4th July 2013 Map Approved The Last Blade (Version 2.2) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...
Level 3
Feb 25, 2011
ok since i played lots of the versions by now i can judge this a bit..
the heroes are fine but at times i get the feeling that some are slightly underpowered.. the builder causes heavy lag spikes same with invokers stone ability if casted in higher range

the abilities are mainly int based which is fine.. but it makes it a bit unbalanced when comparing different heroes with different main attributes (int heroes get more int per level thus higher spell damage + extra damage from int items) maybe you can try to make ability damage depending on the heros main attribute?

my favorites so far are the golem from 5,8 and the archer from 5,6 (i think.. or 5,5)
as well as the tauren chieftain

the items could take more variety in my opinion, as for me it was the best choice up till now to get the items for warmogg
Last edited:
I think that spells damages are too important and it's not balanced.

Just tell me what you're thinking about that
Tell me too if some hero are unbalanced and if you know it the reason

For the moment the builder is blocked an Ai can't pick it (only buyable in tavern)

Does anybody have respawn bugs??

I really thanks people that follow that map and still play with it, I'm doing all that work for them

I hope you have fun even if my english is horrible and there is bugs
Level 12
May 11, 2014
I think that spells damages are too important and it's not balanced.

Just tell me what you're thinking about that
Tell me too if some hero are unbalanced and if you know it the reason

For the moment the builder is blocked an Ai can't pick it (only buyable in tavern)

Does anybody have respawn bugs??

I really thanks people that follow that map and still play with it, I'm doing all that work for them

I hope you have fun even if my english is horrible and there is bugs
Your english is good and i think that the heroes spells are prety balanced , in my opinion the most important things are spells unique and gameplay . Good luck with it !
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I think that spells damages are too important and it's not balanced.

Just tell me what you're thinking about that
Tell me too if some hero are unbalanced and if you know it the reason

For the moment the builder is blocked an Ai can't pick it (only buyable in tavern)

Does anybody have respawn bugs??

I really thanks people that follow that map and still play with it, I'm doing all that work for them

I hope you have fun even if my english is horrible and there is bugs
Like Kakuzu said your english is good and the spells are damn awesome and unique. 6.1...its been a long road. And its still good. Like I always say...uhmmm...okay I don't always say this but when you get to the last drop its just as good as the first sip. What I mean by this is your map has always been good,fun,unique,entertaining and awesome. Its never been bad and I don't think it ever will be.good luck. You rock!
Level 5
Jul 11, 2009
Played that map two times, two times i left dissapointed. Couple of reasons: Map offers nothing unique (everything is copied from somewhere), same dota items, a lot of underpowered heroes and overpowered ones as well, laggy abilities which cause ingame disturbance. Also, it's another copy of angel arena, bvo etc, so, since it has nothing better/more to show I surely wont choose it over these already popular maps. Seriously, tell me at least one reason why I should even choose that map over such arena-type maps. Also, its not newb friendly, something that is really important for each new project. Terrain isnt that good and doesnt present any atmosphere, its flat and empty - Fog of War manipulating skills are useless here - very bad. Overall, I am affraid that i can not give more than 2/5.
First I want to thank you to have played my map
I'm sorry that this experience was so horrible

This map is not a clone of BVO
I put some custom heores, custom spells very diffrent,
and my events are not the same (I've played a lot of battle arena and I haven't see some event like that)

I put some nice special effects and very unique spells

All my items are not from dota or the warmogg axe, the red butterfly and frostmourne are well hidden
I used some dota basics items because it's easier for players to get them they don't have to read every recipies
from every items in every shops - I had an item system that is not in dota or BVO

For the terrain i agree with you I made it empty for players, an arena like for the gladiators an empty sand arena
This is a bad point I recongnize

If you look at the number of this version you can see that this map had a lot of upload
balancing heroes is my priority, i'm working on it with Kakuzu, DarkSaian, Archimonde Supreme but it takes a lot of time

My map is a battle arena so it has some hero arena systems : an arena, 2 bases, a fountain some heroes
and some battles but EVERY hero arena are like this!!! I can't go over this is the bases of the map
A battle arena is not unique for you if there is some heroes that fight alone in an arena (so no one are unique)

if you doesn't like this kind of map because it's boring and alway the same don't play it or
just play Bvo (because it's perfect) Warcraft 3 has more than 10 years and becasue there is a famous map in every style
we can't make other map because it can looks like existing map I doesn't agree with that

I don't know if you map but if you do you can understand that a map is very long to do it's a lot of work and i'm open
to constructive criticism and suggestions, but put a rate of 2/5 and says its a copy and it's not good it's not enougth for me
(wich heroes are OP, wich spells are laggy, what items are not good, How I could change on the terrain)

Fog of war skill are very bad ???

Why you said that this map is not "newb friendly" ??

So my answer is not here to defend my map I'm open to criticism and I will change some stuff, I don't wan't problem with you.
It's just a small message to explain my point of view
Level 5
Jul 11, 2009
Sure, first of all, thank you that you didnt missunderstand me for my judgement.
Terrain - Yes, I know that all arena-type maps are the same since they aim at pvp but that doesnt flat and empty terrain, which is the main reason why most of the arent any played. Your map has to be unique and offer the players something new, which hasnt been made, ofc its pretty difficult, but not impossible and making a nice terrain is the start point. Otherwise, its just another random map here. Also fog of war is very important so players can hide from enemies which can cause advantage since map is mostly pvp. Check out my map project for example and look what im talking about, its an arena-type map as well and i update it weekly. Im not trying to advertise or something, just trying to give you the idea.
Newb friendly - your map is not as popular as lets say dota for example, so most of players who try this map out are newbs and dont know anything about hero build, items, strategy etc. Make tips for each hero and/or global announcements for str/agi/int heroes at least.
Level 1
Aug 11, 2013

Im little bit confused in this game
you created skill for int types
some the heroes are not int type ..
even agi or what ever heroes have int type skills .:vw_sad:
im confused what item can i buy for the hero that i pick ?? :vw_death::vw_wtf:
Level 2
Sep 20, 2014
regarding the post above..you shouldn't pay much mind to the skills being int based and all..just get the gear according to your preference..as usual mages are strong early game but soon enough the other types will catch up to them..

anyway my point for this post is to ask if anyone can share their experience with the secret boss, "the invincible big daddy"..I for one can't seem to find my way to face him..I read 1 player should type "-whosyourdaddy" in chat but that doesn't seems to do anything to me..
For the spells there damages are all calculated with the int of the caster
For some balancing reason (if i don' do that int heroes are just useless

Before the spells damages were calculated in function of main attributes so strength heroes was totally op so i changed the system

Big papy event is locked
This was unable only if mag is dead 5 death for oz and the 3 golems destroyed
And after typing -whosyourdaddy

In the first vesrion kill big papy gives an instant victory to the team
The item given was very powerful but it took a slot that is not practical

This boss was stronger than arthas and i thougth that there was enougth bosses
(I don't know if you think like me)

Sorry for my bad english
I'm open to suggestions or other ideas
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Level 2
Sep 20, 2014
ahh thx..no wonder nothing happens..oz bounty was a bit low so I normally ignored it..my bad..
I personally think your map is very well made..all the important things are in there..keep it up..
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
7,4...Next time I hear somebody say a cheetah is the fastest thing I will say no Dark-Zalor is! Keep up the good work. :goblin_yeah:
some news

For the moment i have a break with hero creation

I'm working on frost ai for:
Godess of war, barbarian warlord, shadow fiend

And laggy spells
Builder farm throwing
Invoker sismic shards
Sand king ravage
Tide hunter call the craken (spell ugly)

All these informations come from players if there is some missing info
Can you just tell me

I'm working too on tool tips i hope you saw that i have more than 300 tooltips to do so it's takes some time
So i want to say that all spells damages are calculated with intelligence of the caster and keys are Q W E R F

People thougth that poisonous enforcer was too strong pest reduction armor is less strong
Infernal knight was weak there was a problem on his first spell sorry now damages are bigger(4 times)
Beast master was weak too (there was a problem on his ultimate too sorry)
Keepper of the grove was able to pass througth unit this is fix too
Other problems is ILIDAN some people told me to remove it not change remove it because too trong or too weak so if some body has more informations about if ? I ve played it i don't find it too powerful

Nobody told me that some heroes disapear (i think it's a good news after 50 releases)

I made magtheridon stronger and i add a new event (big daddy) a "secret" quest

This game still have some bad point sorry guys, but i'm alone so to detect bugs it's long
I really tanks people that play to my map and continue to play it, i really thanks people that gives me feedback and reputation points or better a rate to the map thanks very much

I have a fb page for my maps :
So you can post pictures or other stuff for the moment i made a game where I made 76% of the kills
I'm not sure if somebody can beat me..
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
7.9..Wow...I still have 3.3,the first one I've played. So much updates in such a short time.keep up the good work and good luck!

What do you mean with this?
I'm working on frost ai for:
Godess of war, barbarian warlord, shadow fiend
Hi everybody

This map was very funny to make and to upload I really loved it

But too laggy and now I have some bugs that I don't know how to fix.
(some of my heroes can't do any spells, this is due to the quantity of triggers to initialize I think) that is shit because I created 2 more heroes

So I'm very sad to tell you that no more version will be uploaded there due to that bug that I can't correct
I think I will release a last version to correct some bugs without the new heroes

I really thanks people that have hepled me with all of these version
This was a lot of work
I uploaded a new version of my map V9,0
I optimized some trigger to reduce the leaks
Who's the guy that uploaded my map the 2 of june on the website www.epicwar.com?
I have already did this 3 days before (Just I want to know what changes this guy did)
For every player just have fun and don't be afraid to give some review og post some suggestions
Level 2
Dec 14, 2013
I uploaded a new version of my map V9,0
I optimized some trigger to reduce the leaks
Who's the guy that uploaded my map the 2 of june on the website www.epicwar.com?
I have already did this 3 days before (Just I want to know what changes this guy did)
For every player just have fun and don't be afraid to give some review og post some suggestions

Uh... I tried the new version.
When the final event against Magtheridon starts, I am not transported to the map... and the event just times out without anything happening.:vw_sad:
Level 2
Dec 14, 2013
The Magtheridon event event happens with the best hero of each team (This include bots) the best hero is chosen with the biggest str + Agi + Int
So maybe a bot was chosen and didn't move...
Did you played alone?

I played alone... I was just trying it out with 4 normal level AI just so I can collect as much high level equips as fast as possible... and then when the Magtheridon event happens, neither hero from either team is transported to the Magtheridon arena... so I just wait it out until it times out.
I am not sure what's wrong though...