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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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>>>---The-Maze-Castle---<<< 1.01a
version 1.00a

versoin 1.01
-some new skins
-much more decoreted rooms
-fixed some small bugs

version 1.01a
-autor name

--> I know the loadingsscreen and the preview picture still says 1.00a, I will change it with the version 1.02, which will come out in some days!

-Its a small one Player RPG.
-Story&Quest:You are a simple warrior and you have to save the kingdom of king Arlink and his doughter.
Search the red diamant and the legendery masterblade and try to kill the Frost-King.
-You have to throw you sword to kill enemys, its more fun than simple fighting^^
-You are in a castle, which is like a labyrinth, with a lot of rooms and doors
-Talk to all the people in and out of the castle to get usefull hints

Please make a lot of commands :)

READ (pls): I am working on 1.02 there will come some changes in the game, or better says in the map, maeby a new room or someting like this and more new items.

I AM LOOKING FOR A LOADINGSCREEN, email me at [email protected]

rpg, zelda, castle, maze, sword, rooms, frost-king, fire, dragon, heart, masterblade, arlink, kingdom

The-Maze-Castle (Map)

20:09, 1st Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Rejected
Level 5
Feb 24, 2009
first comment:

I really enjoyed playing this minimap ;)
Things you should take into consideration:
**Daughter, not dOughter
**Throne, not thron

I finish the game in around 20 mins, i suppose with max score since i cleared the whole map.
Try adding some kind of video at end at least, or a victory screen.
Enemies after you get the hang of the game get really easy, except the last boss which is kind of annoying cuz of the abomination, but still do-able
You could also try to add more decoration to each room, gets kinda boring always having pretty much the same thing.

Nice map afterall, liked the concept
Level 5
Jun 16, 2008
this map is very hard ^^
but for what are points?

For the score :p
maybe i will make, that you can buy things for you're points.
But not in the next version... but maybe in 1.02^^

first comment:

I really enjoyed playing this minimap ;)
Things you should take into consideration:
**Daughter, not dOughter
**Throne, not thron

I finish the game in around 20 mins, i suppose with max score since i cleared the whole map.
Try adding some kind of video at end at least, or a victory screen.
Enemies after you get the hang of the game get really easy, except the last boss which is kind of annoying cuz of the abomination, but still do-able
You could also try to add more decoration to each room, gets kinda boring always having pretty much the same thing.

Nice map afterall, liked the concept

Yes i will change those things, and sorry for my bad english^^ I#m just 14 and I'm not english.But I'll change the wrong grammar first.
I will make some more decoration, the music will stop after killing the frost-king, I'll ad a graphic effect, when you get a heart and more... for the next version.
And maybe i make it harder in 1.02 but lets wait for other commands, which says it is too easy too.^^
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Level 2
May 21, 2009
First,i would like to congrulate the maker who was very creative at making this maze castle map.What should be in a map is not really quality.But how can you entertain the player who play this map,doesn't it?.And this map also have its own gameplay.
This gameplay never existed in this hiveworkshop since you uploaded this to hiveworkshop.It is somekind of an action map i must say.
Every enemies have its own uniquness,so it will require different strategies to defeat your enemies.
So i give this map a 5/5 rating since this map is just so great and a +rep for the uploader or the maker.
But i have my own question as well.
1.Stempel2000 you said that you created this map in the late post but it said that it was created by unbenkannt while you stemplel2000 was just uploading it to hive,please fix that!
2.I just think that the original ability of that sword throwing was a"shockwave" but it is not.How could you made that throw sword ability.

And,i wanted to tell you what enemy i enjoy fighting xd
1.worm/greater worm/blood worm:I usually fight them in a close-combat since they are melee,well you will always get hurt when you are fighting any of them
2.Meat Wagon:This is why i enjoy this game,but it is easy because its attack and projectile are slow making it easy to be avoided.But one hit and "THE END"
3.Ghost/Dark ghost:Well,fighting with ghost was really fun to me since they are like meat wagon but "no splash attack,faster attack speed,lower damage and can move"
Just fighting one of them is easy but fighting with a group of them are really hard and exciting.Dark ghosts have more attack speed than the standart ghost making
"4 dark ghosts=BOSS"REALLY DIFFICULT(seriously)""
4.Thief:Well,this guy is annoying,he is actually like a worm but with a fast ranged attack that cannot be avoided.I usually kill this gut in a close-combat and there is no way you will not get hurt as fighting those annoying worms

Now to the boss part!!!
actually this guy is just a standard ghost with more damage and hp.
BUT there is a fireball which have the locust ability and the immolation which is always wandering near the boss.Making us have to avoid the boss attacks and the fireball.
actually this guy is also just "A dark ghost"which have stronger damage,thicker hp, almost the same attack speed and movement speed and a larger projectile which makes its attack really easy to be avoided.My comment:"easy"
YEAH ANOTHER ACTUALLY,it is just somekind of a moving meat wagon with "8000 Hp" and a lower damage.BUT,he have a monster with unlimited hp with him making that monster a meat shield.It is useless to hit the monster,you need to hit the frost king!
IF YOU FIGHT HIM NORMALLY,I AM NOT SURE IF YOU WIN(means i have a trick to kill him)Hint:eventhough you have begun the battle with frost king,you can still exit the room!means when that monster have almost got you,just exit the room and that monster together with the frost king will walk to their original position making you able to hit them while they are trying to go to their original position!!

1.I kill the frost king but the ending is really boring(ending:the princess was rescued and the king suddenly teleport to his own castle),please give a better ending or a bonus boss fight
2.Make the 2nd version of this map please(means make another map)XD
3.My idea for a boss fight
A.Dragon with bash ability and a monstrous regeneration
B.A firelord but it can summon monsters too and the burning oil ability
C.A Frost King with the "MIRROR IMAGE" ability while the abonomition is killable but have the reincarnation ability
D.8 Dark ghosts and 1 enemy which can cast fearie fire,inner fire and ensnare making This BOSS FIGHT WILL BE A REAL BOSS FIGHT
Thank you for reading this stampel2000 i hope you can make the 2nd version
Level 2
May 21, 2009
Eh?? i can't Rate this map seriously, i can only vote for approval!
oh,sorry looks like i didin't notice the upper screen.
I have rate it but looks like my rate doesn't really effect so much(from 3-3,67)
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Level 5
Jun 16, 2008
THX for thr good rating :)
1. I will fix the autor name,
2. the sword abillity is triggered in vjass, in vjass everything is possible ^^
3. I will add a better ending
4. I think i will give the fire-boss the oilabillity (thx for the hint)
5. I'm not sure what i will do with the dragon but i will do something to make him more exciting too

And more ^^

PS. I am working on 1.02 in 2-8 days its ready
Level 2
May 21, 2009
wow i see.so that sword was made by jass.too bad that i can't do jass
Well i am waiting for your map then farewell.

1.Did you know that fighting with the Dark ghosts was really fun????!!!!!!Please make a big fight where we fight very many dark ghosts as many possible
2.Actually i don't know what that score(you know,a point you received when you killed an enemy) do?can you make that into money or something so we can buy potions or equipments?
3.could you make the potions so they can stack with each other without wasting the inventory slots?

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Level 7
Mar 29, 2009
Tried your map.

I died at the frost king or when i tried.
The creeps (worms, banshees and meat wagons) were pretty balanced. The only annoying thing in the map was the abomination in the frost king room.
The fire boss were pretty cool and i got a nice idea for the bosses. The dragon boss is pretty boring. What you could do is to make a trigger.
Something like: When dragon has less than 1100 hp, then make another attack (turn on trigger for the attack). or change the attack. Would be cool :)

Great map anyway. i give it 4/5