The Irate Gamer show

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Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Hey there hiverworkshop folk!
I present myself here as a youtube user, who found a pretty interesting show for NES players (which are getting rarer, but there still are some, thanks god!)...

Now for those who dislike the fabulous, and the horrible games from the NES and came here to post flamming or anything else, I would just ask you to think about... (why did I came here to post in a thread speaking of things I hate/don't care?) your mind should then do the rest of the trick.

Now getting back on topic, I came here to present you, a show that is hosted on youtube, made by someone called the "Irate Gamer". In this show, the Irate Gamer play and shows his opinion on many old game back from the NES which may bring back many memories and laugh while listenning. Here's the link here.

If you have any opinion, or comments, post them!
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