Well this is my map "the epic adventure" started of by just starting to make a terrain and i
realized it was quite easy and this map wasnt my original idea, but now idea is that i will
try to have as many popular game modes in it as possible such as bfme, broken alliances
risk etc i hope that aint breaking copy rights or something
upploaded it cause im having trouble to find testers(i cant host myself curently)
and this might make people host the map,
so far only includes bfme'ish mode and free explore, in free explore there is no objective,
might be quite imbalanced

especially the few heroes.
Might lag quite alot in bfme mode but not sure since i havent gotten to test the map since
the last time i fixed on the triggers, but all lag should probably come after the game
hope you have fun
epic, adventure,the,the epic adventure,the epic,epic adventure, the adventure,bfme,bfme'ish,risk,broken alliances,rpg,open rpg.