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The Crusade

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Level 6
Jan 6, 2007
Chapter 1:Blood Reavers and Scrap Reavers.

All the Goblins were in a rush to find the parts for this 'great' rocket that could travel within the Twisting Nether, the 'greatest creation ever' they called it. What they didnt know that before Deathclaw died, he created a new type of Fel Reaver, which was more advanced than the Tempol Reaver and the Fel Reaver itself. The goblin technician was more busy with the minimized, weak version of the Fel Reaver, he named them Scrap Reavers, they didnt live on the Fel core that empowers them. The Gan-args were all over the place looking for a new Burning Legion creation from the Mo'args, it was some sort of device that could clone other Demons and creations, they would use this to create more Blood Reavers in order to fully take Area 52, thats if of course any of the Guardians were there. With the Blood Reaver at Forge Camp: Destroyer and the Scrap Reavers at Area 52, it might be certain that Area 52's greatest project would go to ruin. The Goblins did not know of the threat so they were all calm, but the Mo'args enabled the Blood Reaver. Soon the machine looked over Area 52, the Scrap Reavers suddenly went to action and attacked the reaver. It easily saw them as ants attacking a pray far lethal then they were, it stomped on them all. Hardly anything remained of them as he resumed to hanging over Area 52, he saw the rocket and grabbed it.

''NOOOO! OUR GREATEST CREATION!'' the Goblins wailed and cried. The Blood Reaver crushed the rocket. They were mere bugs, this Blood Reaver was a colossal creation only from the great Deathclaw. With the Scrap Reavers running around crazily and even fleeing into Burning Legion territory, and the rocket destroyed. The goblins left Area 52, and vowed revenge against the monstrous, colossal, dangerous, almighty Blood Reaver.
Level 6
Jan 6, 2007
Chapter Two:Return of the Spider Queen

She only asked to live in peace like she always did, the second conflict with Naruto was an approach, it was so bad that her soul was teared and put her in a selfish rage, but she managed to forgive Korial, with the new threat of this 'Blood Reaver', who knows? it might be a creation of Naruto, but he wouldnt do that! at first she said that the goblin creatures should ask assistance from the Maelstrom Guardian, or even the Arcane Guardian, but they were far more busy on important task since the Twilight's Hammer plot to invade Stormwind, and they even changed their cultist name to Akatsuki. Arachna was the only one available, the Unseen Nerubian was not heard from along. The goblin group stood proud, only wanting revenge for what happened. They stepped into the light-gifted city, Shattrath, the Aldor, the Scryers and even the Naaru, though not heard, greeted the strangers. They all knew of Arachna but her form was more Nerubian and deformed than more spider, this might because of Korial's tainted power, but it didnt matter, the Scryers and the Aldor asked the creatures who they would join, but they declined any offers, they just wanted revenge. Because Arachna was in a more humane form and had a great White War Talbuk mount, the Goblins decided they would ride the beautiful, brightly coloured Hawkstrider. They are prepared, for a great journey of battle to begin.
Level 6
Jan 6, 2007
The Crusade chapter 3:The Next Conflict Begins.

She stood at a gravestone that lasted in her mind forever, she could remember that slaughter she had to do to free pain, but she respects those who died, Arachna remembers the lines:Your heart is as kind as legendary as your name. But something troubled the spirits, and the soul she once destroyed came back. His aching voice spoke,
''Arachna, the O Dark One has come back, and with him he brings Blood Reavers, and also he brings the tainted power of Korial, his lair resides in Mt.Hyjal, he did not choose to return to his lair, travel to Outland with your goblins, travel there with a Night Elf warrior and a hunter, travel there to a lair which is full of darkness, the only things that help see is the fetid Fel flames, travel there and destroy the Pit Lord in Human Form, make sure the Hunter gets the last shots.'' he then dissapeared leaving a line once forgotten.

Foolish little Arachna! This is not the end, YOU HEAR ME?! THIS IS NOT THE END!! echoed through her head. She was stunned, she could remember the voice that was in pain, that was in Korial's corruption, a voice that ached, a voice that came from the Magic Guardian, Naruto. He was going to start another conflict! and this time it might truly be the end. She headed the spirit's voice and gathered her little Goblin army, also getting a Hunter and a Warrior. Then they travelled to the war-torn world known as Outland.

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