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The Cage

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Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

This was originally a project for English class. We were each given a different picture, and from that picture write a story in the 3rd person point of view.
Note ~ There are some spelling and/or grammatical errors.

The Cage

On a warm sunny day a man was vacuuming around his house. When the man reached the living room he was surprised to find that all of the electrical outlets were being used, he then remembered that he had an extension cord with two plugs in it in his room. As he walked up stairs into his room he noticed that the window was open, he went to close the window when suddenly he felt like he was pushed out of the window plummeting towards the ground. He shut his eyes as to shun himself from the ground as he thought "Its all my fault, why did I leave the window open?"

His eyes opened just to find himself trapped in a rusty old cage on a beach of dark brown sand, to the left and right of him there seemed to be endless walls of cliff''s as tall as skyscrapers. Behind him was another cage... that held a gruesome black skeleton, as he was about to yell for someone.. anyone to get him out of that cage the skeleton's jaw started to move, as if it was trying to say something, "Help me" it said. In a terrified craze the man tried with all his might to bust out of that cage, he slammed the wall, then again, and again, and again, until it fell with a loud BANG.

Many hours later after escaping the cage & the skeleton the man noticed footprints in the sand leading towards a rocky outcrop that held a small narrow opening that led into a dimly lit cave. After minute's of concentration he decided to go into the cave, as he squeezed through he closed his eyes to shield them from the falling dust. His eyes opened and he was back in his room. Shocked from the strange occurrence he collapsed into his bed, exhausted from this experience; many many minute's or maby hour's later he hoped back on his feet and bolted downstairs to make himself the biggest most delicious PB & J sandwich the world had ever seen! But as he closed the fridge door he found himself back in the cave lying on the ground with an enormous headache, he reached to grasp his head and try to shake it out of the pain, but the only thing he found was a deep bleeding gash along his entire head. In a frighted panic he tried to get up but found his legs to be pinned down, though he couldn't see by what so he felt his legs but all that he could feel were slimy scales..."A SNAKE!" he screamed as he tryed to push it away, then suddenly a bright light speed-ed towards him and then dissappered taking the creature along with it. The man notices a dark person like figure holding out a hand to help him up in front of him, after getting up the creature beckons him to follow.

As the man follows this shadowy figure he notices an eerie red glow emanating from the creatures body, just as he notices the glow the figure comes to a halt, "Who are you, where are we, can you take me home?" he asks, but all he gets in return is a feint whisper "run...". More figures appear, forming a circle around a small pond like body of water. The figures grasping hands all start to emanate the strange glow, and suddenly out of nowhere a cage rises from the waters depths and within it lies the black skeleton. "You left me in this cage, to sit, to ponder, to wait..." the skeleton said, "It wasn't my fault you cant blame me, I was frighted by you the man frantically spewd out, the skeleton raises his bony arm and points at the man "You will stay, you will sit, you will ponder, you will wait forever in my place". The figures glow is brighter now almost blinding, one of the creatures reaches out to grab the man as a fluttering sound is heard in the distance. A white dove swoops in through the figures body turning it to a blue sapphire type stone. The other figures reach out and grab the man, pulling him towards the open cage... The bird comes back this time swirling around the man faster and faster forming a white tunnel that the man seems to fall endlessly through. Slamming down on his bead, "I'm back?, I'm back..I'm back!" he screams in a joyful bliss. He suddenly hears a crack, he looks behind him at the plain white wall of his room, he notices that the paint has a large crack in it, the crack expands causing the entire wall to crumbed revealing an old wallpaper hidden for years behind the white wall.. "The dove, just like the one from that cave" he says, as he stares off at the new wall covered in a swarm of white featherd birds."It all started when I left the window open" he mutters...
:fp:The End
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Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

~Sequel in the making, ETA ???
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