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The apology to Hive

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Level 9
May 23, 2009
I posted this thread to apologies for everything wrong i did,
Here it is:

-I apologies for multi-accounting...
-I apologies for calling General_Frank an nazi...
-I apologies for insulting Rui...
-I apologies for insulting Ralle all the time...
-I apologies for spamming/flaming/trolling/double posting etc in The Hive Workshop...
-I apologies for breaking all the rules all the time...
-I apologies for insulting General_Frank all the time...
-I apologies for randomly insulting in chat...
-I apologies for stealing resources without giving them credit...
-I apologies for disliking The Hive Workshop...
-I apologies for not giving +REP to the one who helped me...
-I apologies for not apologising before...
-I apologies for not being an good user...
-I apologies for not giving anything to this site...
-I apologies for being such an jerk...
-I apologies for all of my mistakes that i made before...
-I apologies for never respecting anyone...
-I apologies for never following The Hive Workshop Rules...
-I apologies for the things i done in chat...
-I apologies for lying all the time...
-I apologies for hating mods/admins...
-I apologies for my self-destruction behavior...
-I apologies for not giving anything back to The Hive Workshop...
-I apologies for ever insulting anyone here...
-I apologies for demanding something without giving anything back...
-I apologies for insulting this site on other Wc3 sites...
-I apologies for giving fake apologising in the past...
-I apologies for using to much CAPS,crossing out,underline etc in my message...
-I apologies for making parody out of everyone...
-I apologies for everything...
I beg you to
-I beg you to forgive me...
-I beg you to give me another chance...

NOTE:I am the Wallshadow...

I cant send message of apology to General_Frank so if you are reading this General_Frank i am deeply sorry for insulting you...

NOTE 2:This is the new me,the old me is now gone for ever...

NOTE 3:I apologies to everyone,to the ones i insult and to the ones i did not...

:I am sick and tired of acting like an jerk and trying to be the most negative user in this site...So one day...To be more precise before 2 days i wanted to change so i wrote this message in hope of you all forgiving me or at least trying to forgive me....

REASON 2:After listening to this http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=3352240 i changed...
Its an great song...

Now the choice is yours,i already wasted all of my chances so now...So now you must chose...

So what do u think...?
Reply would be appreciated...

ALSO i made a request,here:

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Level 3
Jun 20, 2009

is what I would say before.

Now, I'd like to ask pardon for being a dick.

I've multi-accounted 10 times already.

If you give me a second chance, I'll be happy to behave.

If you noticed, only a few times did I do intentional spamming/flaming.

Gawd, I want back, TheHelper is neat but Hive is a great place to stay.

By unbanning my account, I will not do what I did months ago.

Besides, I'm itching to see what Riptokus had progressed in his project.


PS: Congratulations on PurplePoot for being the new Director. I haven't encountered you in Battle.Net for some time already. :eekani:

PSS: I know only moderators can see a message from a new user. :D
Level 9
Jan 22, 2009
Its great you have wrote this and your lists you must repay. I will follow what they have said (sounds recommended) and also mine, however here are a couple of things you could do:

1. Apologize through PM and sympathize how sorry you are.
2. Change your behavior, and believe that you will change for good. Take on worthiness and set aside the negative.
3. Follow the rules, and make yourself home here
4. Feel what others feel, and try to understand others.
5. See what other people had done; they have worked hard, yet you plagiarize it?

I understand and that you want to change and be as positive, but you'll need to take action. The sympathy and feeling for others is what is really makes such a difference here; if I disliked everyone and then made threats would I feel happy about it?

Probably you could make a program, icon or model to make it up, or show how sorry you are. You must know how we feel, and think before you say. Like what one of Aesop's fables say:

"Actions speak louder than words" - It is a very important moral...
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