The AI Editor Ability

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Level 2
Aug 26, 2011
Sorry if this post isnt in the right section, wasnt sure where to put it

I have attached a screenshot of my problem to this post (at least I think I have)

In the AI editor I have tried to make a custom race and the heros of that race have 1 or 2 ablilities that refuse to be shown and stay as unknown. I have test these abilities and they are fine. This problem is driving me spare i would love any advice that any1 would have that would clew me in on how to solve this problem.



  • WhyUNoWork.JPG
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Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
Sorry to be short, I'm about to go to sleep, but make sure that in the AI editor you have imported your map's custom object data. To do this, you need to first export your custom object data.

Export you object data by (I think) selecting the export option from the options in the object editor, save the file as whatever you want to call it.

Import the object data into your AI by finding the import custom object data button on the AI editor (I forget exactly where). Select the file you exported earlier and you should be set.
Level 2
Aug 26, 2011
Hey its me thanks for the Answering but I have already done that with the latest objects and such that ive made and using them exported, via import. I am trying to create the AI. Most of the custom abilities, even the crazy ones work fine. Its just some random ordinary abilities that are not working for some reason. Which is the problem that i'm having. They should be fine and there is nothing wrong with them.

I still get whats shown on the screenshot.
Level 2
Aug 26, 2011
Thank you for your imput, symptoms still persist and making another AI does not help, sadly. I have tried all such simple "fixes". I can do triggering that doesn't require custom scripts. My custom scripts never seem to work cause im just plain bad and I have spent many a fustrated hour trying to get things moving along.

I really need this to work in the AI editor.
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in that case, you have to trigger your ability...

this small snippet will help you...just copy and paste this code and add your
spell raw code...
to view raw code just press CTRL+D from your ability editor...
library LearnSkill initializer init

function GainAction takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u
    if GetPlayerController(GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()))==MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER then
        set u = GetTriggerUnit()
        //call SelectHeroSkill(u, 'A000') //'A000' is a sample raw code
    set u = null

private function init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger t = CreateTrigger(  )
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(t, EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL )
    call TriggerAddAction(t, function GainAction )
    set t = null

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