That moment when you look at your old campaigns and maps

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Level 25
May 11, 2007
And wonder why you didn't finish them..

I have all maps and campaigns since I was... 11 saved, hell even my first map.
And I wonder still, why didn't I finish some of them!? :D

I attached the first map I made with triggers. Anyone else have any old gems to share?


  • Warheads Flag.w3m
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Deleted member 219079

Looks like something I'd do with wc2 editor.

Anyone else have any old gems to share?

2-3 years ago I started peasants' nightmare, I have a thread about it at the map development forum. But, the thing is, the map is 100% GUI and full of triggers I dunno what they do. If I had started it with vJASS from the very start, I'd still be developing it. Now I find GUI too hard to work with, I salute the persons who can make big maps in GUI :D lol. And the map isn't even that bad, I still have it on my HDD. You can navigate to the thread and download the map, it need >=2 players. If interested in continuing it, I can PM the unprotected ver. Though it's very messy..
Then apart from that map, I remember how I started with creating stuff with always using the Dungeon tileset, cuz I was 10 years or so and was like "lava!!! :O". And I didn't event know what trigger editor was, so I always had to deal with the town hall and 5 peons at the start lol. Then I started making GUI spells, by looking help from internet, especially youtube's videos. I remember doing these series and being like "how the f*ck he got that action??" and I had to pause the video a lot lol.

Makes me wonder, how did you learn to make those triggers and stuff?
Level 25
May 11, 2007
I had mapped in Starcraft 1 before, so I knew the basics of triggering and object editor, but for Wc3, there was a map on a warcraft 3 maps site, I don't remember the name, but you could download max 5 maps per day if you were not logged in.
There was a tutorial map in there, I was inspired by it and made my own.

Then started creating a campaign out of it, stopped, redid it like 2-3 times, made other maps, some done and a lot others not and currently working on a campaign I intend to release :p
I remember back when I was trying to figure out the trigger editor.
I was trying to copy and paste GUI triggers from other maps and wondering why they didn't work in mine lolz.

I have like ~20 maps that could potentially be fully developed into decent playable maps and a lot of random test maps for... Well... Testing stuff.

If I say I'm bored at home with nothing to do, well I'll be lying about having nothing to do at least.
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