Third Hotfix: Fixed crash issue with giving commands, other things as well.
Second Hotfix:
Weyrling: Crash bug reported, fixed nao.
Weyrling: I made a few quick fixes to a couple things I forgot to re-enable.
Version 1.0 Changelog:
Pretty much every error reported to date has been fixed, along with a complete rewrite of a large number of triggers.
Weyrling: We will probably be adding some more builders, custom models, sfx, etcetera.
Early Beta
Another RP game, called TFoRP (The Future of Roleplaying).
I know many people will think, "Oh this is just that old RP that did horribly," WRONG. Weyrling and myself (I use TheOverWhelming now) began this map solo and, with coincidence in mind, we named it TFoRP.
We have not used or even heard of the original TFoRP.
The terrain used is Philosopher created by Iamthewalrus., I got permission to use her terrain VIA Forums.
But, what makes TFoRP so different from all those others? One, the most major and most awesome thing is, there is NO selection bug whatsoever.
How can we prove this? If you doubt us already there is no real way to prove it other than make a 80 minute long video of us using commands, so you'll have to play it yourself to find out.
Sadly, this IS an EARLY beta, it currently misses the Castle Builder from SotDRP, the Projectile system (know how to make it but I just need to do it), the Height System (Blizzard's fault), the Door system (accidently deleted + needs looking over from glitching in past versions), and the SFX/SFY/SFZ system. These haven't been done due to: me accidently deleting one while the other two were horribly inefficient. Weyr can easily make them 80x better but he does not have access to JassNewGen and does not have a PC available to him half the time.
Weyrling: This version of the RP was advanced by TheOverWhelming from an older version of my version of the map. There are a number of things that appear to have been overlooked that were simply lost in the transition, all will be properly fixed soon.
Update: SFX system added, command is now "sfx ###X" The #s is the SFX number, which currently is only used through 1-9, 300-370, 500-550 (or so, I'm guessing those, check every 100 to be sure). The X is the attachment points, experiment. Will be updating quests soon.
Also, 180 items have been added but NOT to the shops. Spawning via item BLEH still works to spawn those, a few example is Unholy Shield, Unholy Sword, etc.
RP, Roleplaying, RPG, Roleplayinggame, Epic, fun, TFoRP