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Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Ok, I noticed that The Hive doesn't yet have thread for this game.

It's 2D survival/building/exploring game, and I don't want to cause a shit storm, so I just say that it belongs to same genre as Minecraft.

It has sold over 200 000 copies, and has been huge success (it's an indie game). It can be purchased from Steam for 9.99$/€, or then you can buy the 4-pack with your friends, for a price of 30$/€.

Grab your tools and go! You can do many things in Terraria: make weapons and fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes, dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things, gather wood, stone, ores, and other resources to create everything you need to make the world your own and defend it. Build a house, a fort, even a castle, and people will move in to live there and perhaps even sell you different wares to assist you on your journey. But beware, there are even more challenges awaiting you... Are you up to the task?


And you can build your own house/castle/fort, and even have NPC's moving there.


And fight bosses.

Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
This looks like something inspired by Minecraft. I mean, it is just like minecraft, only 2D and with more different things to use, fight and explore.
I just wonder if it has levels randomly generated, just like in Minecraft. I mean, exploring and building games loose all the fun if the levels are not random.
Level 7
May 13, 2011
LOL, my friend told me about this just a few days ago. I think if I had to choose between this and Minecraft, I'd choose Terraria.

I just wonder if it has levels randomly generated, just like in Minecraft. I mean, exploring and building games loose all the fun if the levels are not random.

Yeah, I think the levels are randomly generated. I can't remember if my friend told me or I saw it in the trailer, but I'm pretty sure they are.

Why do the main characters look like they are from final fantasy 5?

Especially the hare on one of them looks like Bartz from FF5 in a battle.

If they didn't it probably wouldn't be half as popular. Subliminal messages XD
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
I have been playing Terraria for about 20 hours now and I can say it's awesome.
The feeling you get when exploring something new is incredible (just found underground jungle).

Edit: And crafting,

At left, you see the things that can be crafted, and their requirements.
Wooden door, requires 6 wood (in the picture)


There are many things to be crafted in Terraria (I think that more than in Minecraft)
Level 7
May 13, 2011
That screenshot right there makes it look 10 times cooler. A wooden door is consumable.

By the way, I think that because it isn't 3D and it's still as pixelated as Minecraft, they can fit a whole lot more stuff in, like more stuff to craft. And apparently you can make your own servers (although that might be possible in Minecraft too, I don't know). My friend said his friend made a server with a million monsters and they went in there with brand new, undeveloped characters XD
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Hmm, I'll have hard time choosing between Minecraft and Terraria...
I mean they both have endless building possibilities (Okay, Minecraft has more because of 3D graphics, but it seems that simplicity of 2D graphics allows terraria to have more stuff...), and cute pixely graphics... can you potato please tell more stuff to comapre the games with? I mean, multiplayer possibilities, weapons and monsters to fight, size of the world you explore, different experimenting with materials and items possibilities...
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Well, Terraria has bosses, and many kinds of enemies (30 types or something like that),
and many unique items you can find from underground places. And size of the world... it's huge, I chose large map, and I still haven't found the borders of it.
And in Terraria, you can have NPCs moving in your house (merchant, arms dealer, demolitionist). But I don't know about multiplayer.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
I wonder how do you get those NPCs... and it seems that you can buy various equipment from these people with the coins you collect... that's fun. Including that you can see there are guns in this game...
Oh, and since there is that four-pack, I think there should be multiplayer, definetly. Games like this loose all fun without multiplayer, random exploration and endless creativity possibilities.
Level 7
May 13, 2011
There is a multiplayer, and from my knowledge it's pretty flexible. As I said, my friend told me his friend made a server with heaps of enemies. I think if you can do that, you can do quite a bit.
Level 14
Sep 27, 2009
Yea multiplayer does exist, but I haven't tried it.
YOu can get those NPCs when you have filled their requirements.
Merchant; requires a room with table, chair bed and lightning, and you must have at least 40 silver coins. When you have filled those requirements, he will appear to the room that fills the requirements.
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
I'd rather try it first through ways that are not so illegal.

So uhm, what's not clear to me... is how you save your houses and everything? i mean worlds are randomly generated so do you just build a house in a world and a new world is generated when you've done every possible thing in there?

I wouldn't want to play a game for a long time only to find that my charachter along with all his equipment and buildings is removed because of something like that. Or aint it somekind of rpg?
Level 7
May 13, 2011
I was wondering that too, but I think maybe your houses or whatever are saved in a certain world/level/place that is yours, y'know, on your account or something. What I'm confident about is that your character and inventory is saved on your account.

But, uh... is Hamachi illegal?
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
I downloaded it but it doesn't work. The process runs buts get shut down after a few seconds. Re-installed this XNA thing and restored .NET 4 but it still does the same thing. (Running as admin and XP service pack 3 compability)

So yeah... nice game!

I heard that a few graphics cards arent supported by XNA, although i have no idea what XNA is and don't really bother to look it up. Never heard of a pixelated game that can't be run by certain videocards... seriously wtf!
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
I remember a certain diablo II settings that might be a bit of the same?

Anyway this kind of stuff pisses me off, it's a hit... but only for those who can play it. Do they really suspect me to look up the requirements for a game like this.

I also remember The Witcher, which was kind of a pain in the ass to install. I believe i still have those patches and everything stored for the case i would like to play it again (and finish it). But there you at least get an awesome RPG experience out of all the installation nuisance.
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