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Terrainer needed!!!

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Level 9
Oct 6, 2007
I'm looking for a terrainer for my DEFCON: Everyone Dies map I'm making. Everything in the map except the terrain is done, and is ready for a public beta release. I'm looking for someone who can create the world like this (minus Antartica) and then add in the extras, like mountains, doodads, etc):


If you need more pictures, please ask me and I'll take them.

Qustions and Answers:

Q: What is DEFCON: Everyone Dies?

A: DEFCON: Everyone Dies is basically a map about nuclear war. The player is given radar, airbases, silos, and ships (including Submarines) in order to complete his mission, which is the destruction of the enemy. Players may use any means necessary to win the game.

Q: When is the map going to be released?

A: Well, if I get a terrainer now, then it should be released around the first week of Febuary.

Q: Will this be an on going project?

A: Yes, it will. I will be updating the Beta version, fixing any bugs that may arise, and further balancing out the map untill there are no more problems to fix, and thus a final version is released.

Q: Is this map protected?

A: Yes, this map will be protected when I release it to the public. Map theft is a problem, and I personally don't want my ideas or map to be stolen, edited or "fixed" without my permission. It's my map, I put the time into making it, and it isn't fair for me to have someone else take what is mine.

Q: Will you ever release an unprotected version?

A: Eventually, yes.

Q: If I terrain for you, will I be in the credits?

A: Of course you will, the name will stand out, too (I.E. Bold, colored, etc). Hell, I'll even create an uber powerful unit named after you* :p

If you're interested in being a terrainer for me, then either post it in this thread, send me a PM, or E-mail me at [email protected]. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. I really do hope that I get a terrainer; it'd be a shame for the map to be canceled because of this minor setback.


*You might not get an uber powerful unit, but you may have a city named after you
Level 3
Nov 20, 2008
Are you planning to terrain the whole world, though there is only two nations involved?But I understand why you would want that. Then again the cities will be very close together if you are supposed to make a balanced world map.
I didn't really understad if there are only two players in the game? Will there be several players controling each their part of the country? If there is going to be more than 2 players you could let them control other continents occupied by the US or Soviet.
Anyway, don't think I'm a man good enough for the job, but this what i think. Wish you good luck!
Level 9
Oct 6, 2007
Are you planning to terrain the whole world, though there is only two nations involved?But I understand why you would want that. Then again the cities will be very close together if you are supposed to make a balanced world map.
I didn't really understad if there are only two players in the game? Will there be several players controling each their part of the country? If there is going to be more than 2 players you could let them control other continents occupied by the US or Soviet.
Anyway, don't think I'm a man good enough for the job, but this what i think. Wish you good luck!

No, currently there are two players but in the beta release (right now) there are going to be 6 players. I've already started creating the cities for the other 4 players. If you read the thread I created, you'll see that I inform everyone of this.

If it was only going to be two players, I'd just create the two continents ;)
Level 9
Oct 6, 2007
I'll just shrink earth to fit in your map. xD
Only America, Europe, Africa and Asia right?

Lol, if you think that'll work, then k. Really though, if making it bigger will make the terrain better looking, then it's no problem. I want it to be the best it can possibly be. I'll just re-important everything, recreate the camera and import the units and trigger stuff. If you really are sure on just shrinking the world, then I'll just send the map lol.

Don't forget Australia and South America.

Anyways, it should be exactly how I posted the pic above. Part of Russia and China/Australia will be on the left side of the map.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
Lol, if you think that'll work, then k. Really though, if making it bigger will make the terrain better looking, then it's no problem. I want it to be the best it can possibly be. I'll just re-important everything, recreate the camera and import the units and trigger stuff. If you really are sure on just shrinking the world, then I'll just send the map lol.

Don't forget Australia and South America.

Anyways, it should be exactly how I posted the pic above. Part of Russia and China/Australia will be on the left side of the map.

Lol America = Entire America, and Australia is included with Asia in my opinion. xD
But sure I'll make it look like that.
Level 9
Oct 6, 2007
Oke, size is to small, it's no problem I'll just increase the size.
Just a small question, do you prefer wc3 cliffs? Or rolling cliffs.

EDIT: When choosing a tileset I encountered the problem with limits.
Is it oke if there is no snow in your map? xD

I told you it was too small :D

Well what's better, wc3 cliffs or rolling cliffs lol? And no snow is fine.
Level 17
Jun 12, 2007
I told you it was too small :D

Well what's better, wc3 cliffs or rolling cliffs lol? And no snow is fine.

With rolling cliffs I can make more different kinds of cliffs and it looks more natural. Blizz cliffs limit and look ugly. =:D

Oke I finished the skeleton, sadly it's impossible to create a good entire earth due to it's epic size.
Even with the biggest size I could not create it perfectly, however I did my best at this and this is what I ended up with.

(I know a part of Asia isn't on the map because meh just to small.. xD it's very very small though.)

I'm also going to be honest about the mountains and tree's, the details are impossible. Simply said: Earth is just to big to put into a wc3 map. xD

I do have a solution though.
There are 2 textures that fit into your map (grid).

It would look better and solve the problems you get with mountains and tree's since they are no longer needed.
It would look much more like your picture.
Is one of them.

Picture of what I have now:


  • Lolz.jpg
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Level 9
Oct 6, 2007
With rolling cliffs I can make more different kinds of cliffs and it looks more natural. Blizz cliffs limit and look ugly. =:D

Oke I finished the skeleton, sadly it's impossible to create a good entire earth due to it's epic size.
Even with the biggest size I could not create it perfectly, however I did my best at this and this is what I ended up with.

(I know a part of Asia isn't on the map because meh just to small.. xD it's very very small though.)

I'm also going to be honest about the mountains and tree's, the details are impossible. Simply said: Earth is just to big to put into a wc3 map. xD

I do have a solution though.
There are 2 textures that fit into your map (grid).

It would look better and solve the problems you get with mountains and tree's since they are no longer needed.
It would look much more like your picture.
Is one of them.

Picture of what I have now:

Looks good. Greenland and South America look a bit odd, though.

Go ahead and use the thing you posted above lol.
Level 4
Jul 30, 2008
I have an idea, use the 'small grid' and the 'small grid green' textures of the hive, found in the skin section. I have already tested it, and it looks nearly exactly like defcon. try it!
if you use mine, please give credit^^.


  • Defcon Terrain.w3x
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