)( Temple of Time )(
Temple of Time is an online, attack/defense team based game consisting of two teams of six. Currently 8 classes with 4 spells each. The setting it takes place on is a large temple front that sits on the shores of a soon to be named beach. With the attackers starting on the beach and the defenders starting at the temple entrance.
Goal: Enter the temple with a better time than the other team.
This is the most basic modes of Temple of Time, consisting of two up to 10 minute rounds in which each team will have their chance to both attack and defend.
Tie!?: In the event that both teams do not enter the temple before the allowed time has expired. The game will then acquire a score from each team based on, kill and death ratios, assists, average distance traveled between the starting area and goal among teams and the number relics acquired.
Story: The attacking team knows that the temple will bring doom to the world which they know if the wrong people acquire its power, so to make sure the Temple of Time causes no harm to the world, they will destroy it. While the defending team believes that if the temple of time is destroyed, life as they know it will cease to exist.
Attack Goal: Carry a bomb infused with magic into the temple before the allowed time expires.
Defending Goal: Do not allow the temple to come to any kind of destruction by not allowing the bomb to enter the temple.
"Temple Destruction" consists of two 15 minute rounds in which each team will have their chance to carry a bomb from the starting point of the attacking team to the inside of the temple, thus destroying it. The bomb may be carried by anyone on the team, however, upon death of person who carries the bomb, the bomb will drop at the position of death and start a 25 second countdown. If nobody on the attacking team picks the bomb up in that amount of time, the bomb is then moved back to the nearest attacking graveyard.
Tie!?: In the event that both teams do not place the bomb within the temple before the allowed time has expired. The game will go into a "Hot Potatoesk" bomb match, in all members of each team will be stripped of their skills, and one bomb will be placed into the bag of a random player, that player must get rid of it by passing it to someone else (hopefully a member of the opposite team) after a random amount of time, the bomb will go off, exploding whoever still has possession of the bomb. The first team to lose all of its players via the bomb, will lose the game, thus making the other team the winners.
I think the name speaks for itself, when the host selects this, it will randomly choose from the modes in the game. And run that mode.
Note!: The classes will be released on this thread as they are created.
With her sweet face and enchanting voice, this mage is often taken lightly. But behind that sweet face is a blood thirsty, freezing, scorching, mind blasting psycho. She promises to all, that the last thing her victims hear is her kind words whispered in their ear.
Note!: At this time I will not be releasing the exact description of the vehicles, but there will be roughly 3 given on the beach to the attacking team and 3 near the temple for the defending team.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned relics, relics will be the "gold" of this game, unlike many other games, the relics will be given in smaller amounts, obviously making items you purchase cost less, one 3 relics will be given for a kill, 1 relic for an assist, many more may be given based on killing sprees and up.
Note!: Items purchased by relics will not be given out till beta testing begins on this game.
Achievements are something we see more and more in newer games. I thought it might be nice to put these achievements into a Warcraft 3 Game. Using a save game cache, each player will be given a new code at the end each game, if they progress an achievement. Uploading these codes before each game will allow for that player to reap the benefits of the achievements they have completed.
Note!: Again at this time I will not be releasing ALL of the achievements as I still have not thought them up yet. But for these I would be happy to hear suggestions for fun, clever, difficult or time consuming achievements. ALSO when the class abilities are released you can created achievements based on their abilities.
Killing Spree: Kill 3 players without dying.
Cant Touch This: Kill 10 players without dying.
Pretty Shinny Things: Collect 10 relics.
Not It!: Be the last person alive in a "Hot Potatoesk Match"
Casual Player: Win 5 games.
Too Legit to Quit: Win 25 games.
DotA? Never Heard of It: Win 50 games.
Achievement Rewards will be given to particular classes based on the achievements you've completed for that class as well as many more, rewards consisting of increasing damage, shortening the duration, cooldown, casting time of spells while also adding one new spell to each class if all achievements are completed pertaining to that class. Also completing non class specific achievements will get you rewards, rewards like but not limited to, a party hat on you're hero, enemies exploding when you kill them and items needing less relics to purchase.
So whats next? I sure see a lot of text and a lack of screenshots.
I've marked this as a currently in progress map as it still is. Screenshots will be released soon, showing the map, as well as some of the class abilities.
Please post suggestions, comments, rants, pro's and cons below.
If you have ideas for spells or achievements, or achievement rewards please send them to be in a private message. You will be mentioned in credits.
While I've come to the realization that I might be doing this project by myself, help is always a nice thing. If you are interested on helping the project, again please send me a private message. You will also be mentioned in credits and be given the opportunity to name one the classes based on yourself.
Temple of Time
Temple of Time is an online, attack/defense team based game consisting of two teams of six. Currently 8 classes with 4 spells each. The setting it takes place on is a large temple front that sits on the shores of a soon to be named beach. With the attackers starting on the beach and the defenders starting at the temple entrance.
While the general idea of Temple of Time is an attack/defense. There are currently 2 game modes that the host can choose from at the start.
"Temple of Time"
Mode: "- tot"
Story: The attacking team believes the temple has the ability to give their group the power of time travel, seen as a great power to many in the group. While the defensive team believes that time should not be messed with as it could alter the present.Goal: Enter the temple with a better time than the other team.
This is the most basic modes of Temple of Time, consisting of two up to 10 minute rounds in which each team will have their chance to both attack and defend.
Tie!?: In the event that both teams do not enter the temple before the allowed time has expired. The game will then acquire a score from each team based on, kill and death ratios, assists, average distance traveled between the starting area and goal among teams and the number relics acquired.
"Temple Destruction"
Mode: "- totd"
Story: The attacking team knows that the temple will bring doom to the world which they know if the wrong people acquire its power, so to make sure the Temple of Time causes no harm to the world, they will destroy it. While the defending team believes that if the temple of time is destroyed, life as they know it will cease to exist.
Attack Goal: Carry a bomb infused with magic into the temple before the allowed time expires.
Defending Goal: Do not allow the temple to come to any kind of destruction by not allowing the bomb to enter the temple.
"Temple Destruction" consists of two 15 minute rounds in which each team will have their chance to carry a bomb from the starting point of the attacking team to the inside of the temple, thus destroying it. The bomb may be carried by anyone on the team, however, upon death of person who carries the bomb, the bomb will drop at the position of death and start a 25 second countdown. If nobody on the attacking team picks the bomb up in that amount of time, the bomb is then moved back to the nearest attacking graveyard.
Tie!?: In the event that both teams do not place the bomb within the temple before the allowed time has expired. The game will go into a "Hot Potatoesk" bomb match, in all members of each team will be stripped of their skills, and one bomb will be placed into the bag of a random player, that player must get rid of it by passing it to someone else (hopefully a member of the opposite team) after a random amount of time, the bomb will go off, exploding whoever still has possession of the bomb. The first team to lose all of its players via the bomb, will lose the game, thus making the other team the winners.
Mode: "-rdm"
I think the name speaks for itself, when the host selects this, it will randomly choose from the modes in the game. And run that mode.
Note!: The classes will be released on this thread as they are created.
Quote : "I hate resorting to violence."
With her sweet face and enchanting voice, this mage is often taken lightly. But behind that sweet face is a blood thirsty, freezing, scorching, mind blasting psycho. She promises to all, that the last thing her victims hear is her kind words whispered in their ear.
Scorching Sun
The Mage channels the power of the sun into a great fireball in front of her, increasing its size as well as the amount of damage it causes based on how long she channels the spell. 50 damage every second channeled.
Level 1 - Channels for 3 seconds
Level 2 - Channels for 4 seconds
Level 3 - Channels for 5 seconds
Level 4 - Channels for 6 seconds
Mirror Image
Confusing the enemy the mage will create a almost perfect duplicates of herself. Images take double damage.
Lasts 45 seconds
Level 1 - Creates 1 image
Level 2 - Creates 2 images
Level 3 - Creates 3 images
Level 4 - Creates 4 images
Elemental Explosion
The mage understands the power of elements better than anyone, using the power of each element she causes pain to her surrounding enemies.
Level 1 - Arcane Explosion, 100 damage, 3% chance regain mana.
Level 2 - Fire Explosion, 200 damage, 15% chance to burn the target.
Level 3 - Frost Explosion, 300 damage, 50% chance to slow the target.
Level 4 - Elemental Explosion, 400 damage, combines all 3 elemental effects.
Portal (Spellbook)
The mage creates portals for her and her allies to reach the goal faster. Leveling her portal ability allows for her allies to travel through faster.
Portal Entrance
Level 1 - 7 second transport cooldown
Level 2 - 5 second transport cooldown
Level 3 - 3 second transport cooldown
Portal Exit
Level 3 - Portal Pull (Exit Portal Ability)
Allows for the mage to control the portal by grabbing enemies and pulling them back through the portal causing 300 damage on reentry.
The Mage channels the power of the sun into a great fireball in front of her, increasing its size as well as the amount of damage it causes based on how long she channels the spell. 50 damage every second channeled.
Level 1 - Channels for 3 seconds
Level 2 - Channels for 4 seconds
Level 3 - Channels for 5 seconds
Level 4 - Channels for 6 seconds
Mirror Image
Confusing the enemy the mage will create a almost perfect duplicates of herself. Images take double damage.
Lasts 45 seconds
Level 1 - Creates 1 image
Level 2 - Creates 2 images
Level 3 - Creates 3 images
Level 4 - Creates 4 images
Elemental Explosion
The mage understands the power of elements better than anyone, using the power of each element she causes pain to her surrounding enemies.
Level 1 - Arcane Explosion, 100 damage, 3% chance regain mana.
Level 2 - Fire Explosion, 200 damage, 15% chance to burn the target.
Level 3 - Frost Explosion, 300 damage, 50% chance to slow the target.
Level 4 - Elemental Explosion, 400 damage, combines all 3 elemental effects.
Portal (Spellbook)
The mage creates portals for her and her allies to reach the goal faster. Leveling her portal ability allows for her allies to travel through faster.
Portal Entrance
Level 1 - 7 second transport cooldown
Level 2 - 5 second transport cooldown
Level 3 - 3 second transport cooldown
Portal Exit
Level 3 - Portal Pull (Exit Portal Ability)
Allows for the mage to control the portal by grabbing enemies and pulling them back through the portal causing 300 damage on reentry.
Note!: At this time I will not be releasing the exact description of the vehicles, but there will be roughly 3 given on the beach to the attacking team and 3 near the temple for the defending team.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned relics, relics will be the "gold" of this game, unlike many other games, the relics will be given in smaller amounts, obviously making items you purchase cost less, one 3 relics will be given for a kill, 1 relic for an assist, many more may be given based on killing sprees and up.
Note!: Items purchased by relics will not be given out till beta testing begins on this game.
Achievements are something we see more and more in newer games. I thought it might be nice to put these achievements into a Warcraft 3 Game. Using a save game cache, each player will be given a new code at the end each game, if they progress an achievement. Uploading these codes before each game will allow for that player to reap the benefits of the achievements they have completed.
Note!: Again at this time I will not be releasing ALL of the achievements as I still have not thought them up yet. But for these I would be happy to hear suggestions for fun, clever, difficult or time consuming achievements. ALSO when the class abilities are released you can created achievements based on their abilities.
Killing Spree: Kill 3 players without dying.
Cant Touch This: Kill 10 players without dying.
Pretty Shinny Things: Collect 10 relics.
Not It!: Be the last person alive in a "Hot Potatoesk Match"
Casual Player: Win 5 games.
Too Legit to Quit: Win 25 games.
DotA? Never Heard of It: Win 50 games.
Achievement Rewards:
Achievement Rewards will be given to particular classes based on the achievements you've completed for that class as well as many more, rewards consisting of increasing damage, shortening the duration, cooldown, casting time of spells while also adding one new spell to each class if all achievements are completed pertaining to that class. Also completing non class specific achievements will get you rewards, rewards like but not limited to, a party hat on you're hero, enemies exploding when you kill them and items needing less relics to purchase.
So whats next? I sure see a lot of text and a lack of screenshots.
I've marked this as a currently in progress map as it still is. Screenshots will be released soon, showing the map, as well as some of the class abilities.
Please post suggestions, comments, rants, pro's and cons below.
If you have ideas for spells or achievements, or achievement rewards please send them to be in a private message. You will be mentioned in credits.
While I've come to the realization that I might be doing this project by myself, help is always a nice thing. If you are interested on helping the project, again please send me a private message. You will also be mentioned in credits and be given the opportunity to name one the classes based on yourself.
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