Temple of Midara

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

This is my very first map originally intended for RPG purposes. Use however you like.

Check it out - I'd be glad to receive some feedback/criticism.

Sunken Temple

Temple of Midara (Map)

12:17, 10th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
I suppose this is meant to be a terrain template.
You should remove the trigger in that case.

The raw terrain itself (tileset, wireframe) looks all right, but you shouldn't spam doodads like this.

You've done this quite a lot, looks like some sort of terrainer laziness (because creating loads of different doodads to create a more realistic atmosphere takes quite some time).

Also, not everything fits together: the right side of the map (the shroom-trees with the leaves and blight) just doesn't blend in with the rest.

Another downside is the blizzard cliff'ed water. Water should (nearly) always be done with the raise/lower tool.
The difference is really enormous.
The entire down-right side suffers heavily from this. The drawback is that you cannot fix this the easy way: you must redo the entire map in order to use water like that (next time you start a map, please remember this! Always set the initial water level to shallow!).

Since this is only a brief overview (and I surely haven't pointed out all flaws), I'll check out the posts of other users first =D
Level 2
Sep 3, 2010
I'm checking out the map now but I noticed the "Structure 12" Doodads change from cannon towers to scout towers, is this supposed to happen?
Level 2
Feb 2, 2011
Ap0calypse, thanks for feedback! Appreciate it.

I'm checking out the map now but I noticed the "Structure 12" Doodads change from cannon towers to scout towers, is this supposed to happen?

The only trigger this map contains, is used to play the towers 'scout tower' animation, so they stay as scout towers in-game (I actually havent tested how the towers act without the trigger).