library TasFullScreenFrame initializer Init
/* TasFullScreenFrame V2 by Tasyen
This helps in creating Frames that can Leave 4:3 of Screen and helps in attaching to the left/right border of the window. Works in Warcraft 3 V1.31.1 and V1.36.
Creates 2 Frames TasFullScreenFrame & TasFullScreenParent.
TasFullScreenFrame can be used as relative Frame in BlzFrameSetPoint. It can not be a parent as it is hidden.
TasFullScreenParent is used as parent in CreateFrame to make your Frames able to leave 4:3. Do not use it for SimpleFrames.
TasFullScreenParentScaled like TasFullScreenParent but scales with UI scale option.
when Leaderboard/Multiboard are the anchestor, then they need to be visible otherwise your frames will not be visible. They can be hidden when your frame shows&creates Leaderboard/Multiboard after TasFullScreenFrameInit run.
Multiboard is used when there already exists a Multiboard when TasFullScreenFrameInit runs.
credits Niklas, ScrewTheTrees
function Test takes nothing returns nothing
local framehandle frame = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", TasFullScreenParent, 0, 0)
call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(frame, FRAMEPOINT_TOP, 0, 0.3)
set frame = BlzCreateFrame("ScriptDialogButton", TasFullScreenParentScaled, 0, 0)
call BlzFrameSetPoint(frame, FRAMEPOINT_TOPLEFT, TasFullScreenFrame, FRAMEPOINT_LEFT, 0, 0.10)
framehandle TasFullScreenParent = null
framehandle TasFullScreenParentScaled = null
framehandle TasFullScreenFrame = null
public boolean AutoRun = true //(true) will create Itself at 0s, (false) you need to TasFullScreenFrameInit()
public real UpdateRate = 0.5 // How fast to update the size of TasFullScreenFrame
public real lastXSize = 0.0
// provides the parent that can Leave 4:3 and with that our frames
public function GetParent takes nothing returns framehandle
// try to use "ConsoleUIBackdrop" can not happen in V1.31.1
local framehandle parent = BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop", 0)
if GetHandleId(parent) > 0 then
return parent
// ConsoleUIBackdrop failed, therefore use a Multiboard
set parent = BlzGetFrameByName("Multiboard", 0)
if GetHandleId(parent) > 0 then
return parent
// Multiboard failed, therefore use a Leaderboard
// try attaching to a existing one
set parent = BlzGetFrameByName("Leaderboard", 0)
if GetHandleId(parent) > 0 then
return parent
// create a Leaderboard and make it not seeable
call CreateLeaderboardBJ(bj_FORCE_ALL_PLAYERS, "title")
set parent = BlzGetFrameByName("Leaderboard", 0)
call BlzFrameSetSize(parent, 0, 0)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("LeaderboardBackdrop", 0), false)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(BlzGetFrameByName("LeaderboardTitle", 0), false)
return parent
public function Update takes nothing returns nothing
// update the full screen frame to current Resolution
local real y = BlzGetLocalClientHeight()
if y != 0 then
call BlzFrameSetSize(TasFullScreenFrame, BlzGetLocalClientWidth()/y*0.6, 0.6)
set y = BlzFrameGetWidth(BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop", 0))
if y != lastXSize then
set lastXSize = y
call BlzFrameSetScale(TasFullScreenParent, 1)
call BlzFrameSetScale(TasFullScreenParentScaled, y/0.8)
public function InitFrames takes nothing returns nothing
// Make the TasFullScreenFrames
// to allow TasFullScreenParent to expand over 4:3 it needs a Parent that can do such GetParent() gives us that one
local framehandle parent = GetParent()
call BlzGetFrameByName("ConsoleUIBackdrop", 0)
set TasFullScreenParent = BlzCreateFrameByType("FRAME", "TasFullScreenParent", parent, "", 0)
set TasFullScreenParentScaled = BlzCreateFrameByType("FRAME", "TasFullScreenParentScaled", parent, "", 0)
call BlzFrameSetScale(TasFullScreenParent, 1)
// Lets make another Frame which size is the whole screen
// it is hidden to not take control and dont have visuals.
// as child of TasFullScreenParent it can expand outside of 4:3
set TasFullScreenFrame = BlzCreateFrameByType("FRAME", "TasFullScreenFrame", TasFullScreenParent, "", 0)
call BlzFrameSetVisible(TasFullScreenFrame, false)
call BlzFrameSetSize(TasFullScreenFrame, 0.8, 0.6)
call BlzFrameSetAbsPoint(TasFullScreenFrame, FRAMEPOINT_BOTTOM, 0.4, 0)
// this would be an outside thing that calls the others
function TasFullScreenFrameInit takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer()
if t == null then
set t = CreateTimer()
call InitFrames()
static if LIBRARY_FrameLoader then
call FrameLoaderAdd(function InitFrames)
call TimerStart(t, UpdateRate, true, function Update)
public function Init takes nothing returns nothing
if AutoRun then
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), 0.01, false, function TasFullScreenFrameInit)