Targeting Abyss Terrain

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Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
Oh, I see what you meant by abyss.
I'm still not sure what are you up to, please go deeper into details.

However, I think you want let shockwave (or some other spell) to be casted only on abyss terrain, maybe..
To check the type of the terrain with triggers use a condition: Terrain type comparison.
Level 5
Nov 4, 2006
I am doing a space type game and the normal terrain at the moment for most of the map is abyss but I need either a way to cast most spells on this terrain type or another way to make a new terrain type that looks like the abyss terrain.
Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
Okay, I created a map in WE, layed down some abyss in the middle and I could cast spells into the abyss, so I'm totally confused. You can already cast spells there.

I'm sorry, it might be my language gap, or yours, but I think we lack information regarding your problem.
Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
Well, I placed a bloodmage near to the abyss and casted a fire.. blast.. thingy into the abyss and it appeared. I'm going to check it again with other spells.

Edit: Oh! Sorry, you are right. While the flame strike spell animation does appear, the truth is, it doesn't do any damage, shockwave isn't castable there either, and I guess no spells are functioning properly in the abyss.

I think you will find space textures on this site somewhere, I don't think you are the first person with this problem :)

Edit2: Okay, I checked the skins section and I'm afraid there are no space themed tilesets on the Hive.
Level 11
Aug 25, 2006
Both shockwave and flame strike only target ground. True, you can change it so they can hit air/ground, but that doesn't work with all spells. Because ground units can't stand on abyss, you may be missing the actual problem.
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
you can stop unit from casting if unit or target point is not on some type of terrain

Sorry forgot how to detect terrain type under a point
Need_O2 summons a GUI user

lets hope someone remembers tell us
Level 17
Apr 13, 2008
To check the type of the terrain with triggers use a condition: Terrain type comparison.
But sorry, O2, that's not the problem here :p

I don't think it can be solved with triggers. As wd40bomber7 said, try to edit abilities like shockwave to target air, maybe that fixes it, but some spells won't work in abyss, like a healing ward (although, you can create a flying ward or simply forget about spells not working).
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