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T.S.O.F -Terran Special Operation Force

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Level 6
Jun 3, 2007

Visit our Website for Screenshots and stuff.

Since the nunber of human Enemies of the UED increased, the UED was forced to create a new special unit to fight them.
Just choosing the best soldiers, veterans, etc. they formed a new special unit: Terran Special Operation Force
Few years later the UED found an unknown terran space station, that seems to be used for scientific uses. To find out what this station was used for TSOF - Omega Squad is sent in there, because it may be that a hostile group used it for researching for new weapon technologies.
The Mission proceeds just as expected no enemic troups, just an active security system, but there are no traces, that the Space station had been abandoned......

That's just the very beginning of the story of my new campaign project TSOF
For those people who know my former project SCBF: It's some kind of SinglePlayer part of that project.

You are the Leader of Omega Squad and you have to give your squad members commands like "hold position", "follow me", "go there" , etc.
The whole time you play in 3rd person or first person perspective, but for complex cammands you can stop the game see the situation in the normal warcraft perspective so that you have an better overview.

Why is that necessary? Some times you have to use your Squad. You can command your Ghost to cloak and sneak past a group of emenies to activate a switch that opens a door or something, just for example. Or command to lure some Enemies away.

Before every mission you can buy your equipment for the mission like grenades, guns, nightvision, medkits, etc.

I used Talon the Mage's konstrukt pack and some other models I got from his clan leader since Talon has stopped working on his project. I'd really like to have some Models from Acathla, since modellers are quite rare at inwarcraft.
Some models are even made by me.

The Team

Koho aka Michkus




former Members:







More Screeshots are in the gallery of our Website
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Level 2
Jun 4, 2007
Omg an FPS in Warcraft 3 ??? *drools*

By the way, are u planning to make like... 1 map per mission or what ? Sounds like alot of work if ur doing it like that. =.=
Oh yea, the hallways in the screenshot are genuinely scary. @_@
Level 6
May 27, 2007
Looks pretty amazing. Even better because you have a quite nice logo for this game.
Btw, I don't believe 'omega' is radio code. Here's some examples of radio code; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gold, Hotel, than the rest I can't remember.
Level 6
Jun 3, 2007
Looks pretty amazing. Even better because you have a quite nice logo for this game.
Btw, I don't believe 'omega' is radio code. Here's some examples of radio code; Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gold, Hotel, than the rest I can't remember.
omega is not a radio code.
It's Apha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whisty, X-Ray, Yankee, Zulu.

I thought Omega would be more interesting than something like delta squad or bravo squad. And since its NATO radio code and there is no NATO anymore in starcraft (at least I think that) it doesn't matter if I use real radio codes or just greek letters like omega

And yeah it is some kind of FPS. I would just call it shooter because if you play, you will realize that 3rd person is much more confortable.

The whole concept is finished, just some details in the storyline are not quite clear.
I've done the things like going around with keyboard, shooting, interacting with objects, an camera that is not influenced by cliffs, buy system.
I'm currently working on spells and items and skins. And I'd really like to make an AI for the Squad and Enemies.

The most work will be terraing because it needs much detail since you play in 3rd/1st person.
But there are people who will help me with that part. And even B²M would make a few Doodads if I want (although I can model too).
And one Mission will contain more than one Map.
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Ok two questions:

1. Where did you get the icon for the Vulcan cannon, shown in the picture of teh inventory. Is that availible for dl somewhere or did you make it.

2. What system are you using for the inventory? Is it custom made, or is that availible for dl too?

yes I know with a little effort I could help myself, but meh.

Anyways, the pictures are nice looking. Really like the one with the hallway.
Level 6
Jun 3, 2007
The Inventory is made by me. nearly completely with GUI since there is not much to script for such an inventory. And it's not really an Inventory it's more an interface for buying equipment for the mission.

The most things arer scripted by myself.
Only the VectorSystem that I use, because I was too lazy for making such an system. So I could make grenade physics or missiled easier than with angles since vectors are very handy.

The icon is made by me... or not I can't remember. I found it in the SCBF mpq and since I made alot icons for that project I think that one is made by me too.
But most of the Buttons are not the final versions. Most of them will be replaced with buttons which suits better to the stile of the campaign.
Level 12
Feb 1, 2007
Alright because I got that vulcan model in my map, along with about 6 others, and I would like to get some real icons for them, I am using in-games which don't look very nice. Also, that is a shop system? Would you mind sharing that? I think it would be useful in the RPG I am currently planning out, and I need something because the shops will have a lot of items. PM me about it.
Level 10
Feb 8, 2006
Im working on a TPS map right now, but looking at yours, Im just inclined to say that mine is a useless peice of dung, and you are tha master!!!!
If there is any way I can help (beta testing, terraining, ect), Id love to!
And, just to say it one last time: THIS IS AWESOME!!!
Level 6
Jun 3, 2007
omg... I love the idea, but you could use some help on the grammar, I can help you with any of that if you wish...
if I spend some time on writing Englisch texts, the grammar will be perfect.
I think I just have to get used to writing in englisch on the internet and spending some time when I'm posting. If I don't think in english, the whole construction of the sentences will get messed up, since my first language is German and my second language is Japanese.
And I have problems to find misstakes in texts, which are not handwritten.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
if I spend some time on writing Englisch texts, the grammar will be perfect.
I think I just have to get used to writing in englisch on the internet and spending some time when I'm posting. If I don't think in english, the whole construction of the sentences will get messed up, since my first language is German and my second language is Japanese.
And I have problems to find misstakes in texts, which are not handwritten.

Hey, just trying to help, I don't need any credit or anything I'll do it for you german dude.
Level 6
Jun 3, 2007
Kaitech[SanD];345673 said:
Tomura how can i put this... Sie sind das beste mapmaker schon! Ich kann nicht bis Freigabe warten! Hinzufügung zum Renommee! For those who can't read German; You are the best mapmaker yet! I can't wait until release! +Rep!
Thank you very much :grin:
There are some misstakes in that sentence, but thats ok

WHEN CAN WE GET IT!?!?!?!?!?

ps: oh yeah, when will it be transelated into english? ^^

Yeah you asked one of the questions I can't answer, yet.... When it's done
And it will be released in English, there won't be an German Version. There are some German terms on the Screenshots, because I use a German version of WarcraftIII.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
This is one of the best looking Starcraft conversions ever. In fact, I like this more than Acathla already!
Your terrain is pretty good, I like the one of the guy standing over the glaciers of spikes the most.
I've always wanted to make a map just like this, but my triggerers always quit! >.<
Maybe perhaps we can work together some day on another FPS mod? Maybe a remake of another FPS game such as Serious Sam or Team Fortress 2 :grin:

Also, I am taking a German language class, and know English perfectly (Since my primary language is English :p) so maybe I can help translate what ever I can.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
two words... jesus christ.
Ive watched over this thread a bunch of times just because of the fps idea but haven't seen it updated. I hope you will have an estimated release date for us. Good job and keep up the good work.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I think you should finish the Single-Player version (Which is your plan) and then consider making it multiplayer once WarSoc is completed. I think it'd be a great Co-op campaign in my opinion. But try to focus on cool gameplay features such as advanced physics and stuff like gravity. Making a good Co-op game is pretty tough.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
The mouse moving natives program thing is pretty old. At least the one at Wc3Campaigns is. But I believe MindWorX is creating a better FPS mouse native, one that is possibly better and easier to use than the other one(s) created in the past.

I'd guess you're using either WASD keys or Arrow keys to run, turn, and aim right?
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
He needs to finish it before he releases it. What would be the point of playing a released map that is all just terrain and not really much gameplay. I mean yeah FPS is great, but there's a lot more to a game than a point of view in a game. I'd love some big update explaining as much as possible about the gameplay that makes this unique and fun!
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
i can see what ur getting at but a teaser maybe ease there rush. Also, Yes please inform us about the game play.
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