it depend on how much you want to save, eg
- what is value range for :
Hero kill: 0-1295 ? (2 digit)
Hero Death: 0-11295 ? (2 digit)
creep kills: 0-46655? (3 digit)
creep deaths: 0-46655? (3 digit)
Ranks : 0-1295? (2 digit)
1, copy code below, paste into top of the map (in GUI).
those code are basic function for convert/encrypt.
//| Prepares the char table. Call this function once on map initialization.
//| Make sure you have a global string array variable named "CharTable"
//| ("udg_CharTable"), otherwise this function will not compile. The size of
//| the array should be 70, but that is not important since arrays are dynamic.
function SetupCharTable takes nothing returns nothing
//Sets the digits
set udg_CharTable[0] = "0"
set udg_CharTable[1] = "1"
set udg_CharTable[2] = "2"
set udg_CharTable[3] = "3"
set udg_CharTable[4] = "4"
set udg_CharTable[5] = "5"
set udg_CharTable[6] = "6"
set udg_CharTable[7] = "7"
set udg_CharTable[8] = "8"
set udg_CharTable[9] = "9"
//Sets the capital letters
set udg_CharTable[10] = "A"
set udg_CharTable[11] = "B"
set udg_CharTable[12] = "C"
set udg_CharTable[13] = "D"
set udg_CharTable[14] = "E"
set udg_CharTable[15] = "F"
set udg_CharTable[16] = "G"
set udg_CharTable[17] = "H"
set udg_CharTable[18] = "I"
set udg_CharTable[19] = "J"
set udg_CharTable[20] = "K"
set udg_CharTable[21] = "L"
set udg_CharTable[22] = "M"
set udg_CharTable[23] = "N"
set udg_CharTable[24] = "O"
set udg_CharTable[25] = "P"
set udg_CharTable[26] = "Q"
set udg_CharTable[27] = "R"
set udg_CharTable[28] = "S"
set udg_CharTable[29] = "T"
set udg_CharTable[30] = "U"
set udg_CharTable[31] = "V"
set udg_CharTable[32] = "W"
set udg_CharTable[33] = "X"
set udg_CharTable[34] = "Y"
set udg_CharTable[35] = "Z"
//Sets the small letters
set udg_CharTable[36] = "a"
set udg_CharTable[37] = "b"
set udg_CharTable[38] = "c"
set udg_CharTable[39] = "d"
set udg_CharTable[40] = "e"
set udg_CharTable[41] = "f"
set udg_CharTable[42] = "g"
set udg_CharTable[43] = "h"
set udg_CharTable[44] = "i"
set udg_CharTable[45] = "j"
set udg_CharTable[46] = "k"
set udg_CharTable[47] = "l"
set udg_CharTable[48] = "m"
set udg_CharTable[49] = "n"
set udg_CharTable[50] = "o"
set udg_CharTable[51] = "p"
set udg_CharTable[52] = "q"
set udg_CharTable[53] = "r"
set udg_CharTable[54] = "s"
set udg_CharTable[55] = "t"
set udg_CharTable[56] = "u"
set udg_CharTable[57] = "v"
set udg_CharTable[58] = "w"
set udg_CharTable[59] = "x"
set udg_CharTable[60] = "y"
set udg_CharTable[61] = "z"
//Sets the special characters
set udg_CharTable[62] = "("
set udg_CharTable[63] = ")"
//Sets the special characters
//(These will NOT be encrypted)
set udg_CharTable[64] = "."
set udg_CharTable[65] = "-"
set udg_CharTable[66] = "_"
set udg_CharTable[67] = "["
set udg_CharTable[68] = "]"
set udg_CharTable[69] = " "
//| Converts an integer value (ASCII) to a character base on Character Table
//| eg, 61 -->"z",
function ConvertIntToChar takes integer Value returns string
return udg_CharTable[Value]
//| Converts Decimal to any Base.
function ConvertToBase takes integer num, integer base returns string
local integer m
local string result = ""
return result;
if(nbase > 36)
return result;
set m = ModuloInteger(num, base)
set result = ConvertIntToChar[m] + result;
set num = num/base
exitwhen num >= base
return result
//| Converts a character to an integer value (ASCII)
function ConvertCharToInt takes string Character returns integer
local integer Index = 0
//Traverses the ASCII table until the character is found.
exitwhen udg_CharTable[Index] == Character
set Index = Index + 1
//If the character is not found, return 0
if Index >= 70 then
set Index = 0
exitwhen true
return Index
//| Does a bitwise XOR on two integer values
function BitwiseXOR takes integer Value1, integer Value2 returns integer
local integer Index
local integer ResultValue
local integer array Byte1
local integer array Byte2
local integer array ResultByte
//Convert Value1 to a Byte
set Index = 8
set Index = Index - 1
set Byte1[Index] = ModuloInteger(Value1, 2)
set Value1 = Value1 / 2
exitwhen Index <= 0
//Convert Value2 to a Byte
set Index = 8
set Index = Index - 1
set Byte2[Index] = ModuloInteger(Value2, 2)
set Value2 = Value2 / 2
exitwhen Index <= 0
//Makes a bitwise XOR on the Bytes
set Index = 0
if (Byte1[Index] == Byte2[Index]) then
set ResultByte[Index] = 0
set ResultByte[Index] = 1
set Index = Index + 1
exitwhen Index >= 8
//Convert the resulting Byte back to an integer
set Index = 0
set ResultValue = 0
set ResultValue = ResultValue * 2
set ResultValue = ResultValue + ResultByte[Index]
set Index = Index + 1
exitwhen Index >= 8
return ResultValue
//| Takes a string and uses the key (usually a player's name) to encrypt it.
//| To get the original string back, call the function with that string and
//| the same key used in the encryption.
function GeneratePassword takes string Code, string Key returns string
local integer Index = 0
local integer KeyIndex = 0
local integer KeyLength = 0
local integer CurrentValue = 0
local integer CurrentKeyValue = 0
local string CurrentCharacter = ""
local string CurrentKeyCharacter = ""
local string ResultCode = ""
//Calculates the length of the Key
exitwhen SubStringBJ(Key, KeyLength + 1, KeyLength + 1) == ""
set KeyLength = KeyLength + 1
//Abort if the key length is 0 (to avoid crashes)
if KeyLength <= 0 then
return ""
//Loop through every character in the string and encrypt it
//Get a character from the code
set CurrentCharacter = SubStringBJ(Code, Index + 1, Index + 1)
//Exit when the end of the code string is reached
exitwhen CurrentCharacter == ""
//Converts a character to a value
//Traverses the character table until the character is found
set CurrentValue = 0
exitwhen udg_CharTable[CurrentValue] == CurrentCharacter
set CurrentValue = CurrentValue + 1
//If the character is not found, set it to 0
if CurrentValue >= 70 then
set CurrentValue = 0
exitwhen true
//Get a proper key index
set KeyIndex = ModuloInteger(Index, KeyLength)
//Get a character from the key
set CurrentKeyCharacter = SubStringBJ(Key, KeyIndex + 1, KeyIndex + 1)
//Converts a character to a value
//Traverses the character table until the character is found
set CurrentKeyValue = 0
exitwhen udg_CharTable[CurrentKeyValue] == CurrentKeyCharacter
set CurrentKeyValue = CurrentKeyValue + 1
//If the character is not found, set it to 0
if CurrentKeyValue >= 70 then
set CurrentKeyValue = 0
exitwhen true
//Make sure only a valid character is encrypted
if ((CurrentKeyValue < 0) or (CurrentKeyValue >= 64)) then
set CurrentKeyValue = 0
//Encrypt the character using XOR
set CurrentValue = BitwiseXOR(CurrentValue, CurrentKeyValue)
//Convert the value to a character
set CurrentCharacter = udg_CharTable[CurrentValue]
//Add the character to the resulting code string
set ResultCode = ResultCode + CurrentCharacter
set Index = Index + 1
return ResultCode
2, create variable :
CharTable : string array
set Hero_kill_string
set Hero_Death_string
set creep_kill_string
set creep_deaths_string
set Ranks_string
also, call follow script to set up character table
custom script "call function SetupCharTable"
3, How to generate saving code :
then try :
set Hero_kill_string = ConvertToBase(Hero_kill_number, 36)
set Hero_Death_string = ConvertToBase(Hero_Death_number, 36)
set creep_kill_string = ConvertToBase(creep_kill_number, 36)
set creep_deaths_string = ConvertToBase(creep_deaths_number, 36)
set Ranks_string = ConvertToBase(Ranks_number, 36)
// make sure Hero_kill_string is 2 digit, if it is 1 digit, then add "0" to front. do same for other value
set final_code_string = Hero_kill_string + Hero_Death_string + creep_kill_string + creep_deaths_string + Ranks_string
set secured_final_code = GeneratePassword ( final_code_string, player_name)
4, How to Loading code:
player_enter_code // this code enter by player
set final_code_string = GeneratePassword (player_enter_code, player_name)
if(final_code_string != 12 digit)
then invalid code
Hero_kill_string = first 2 digit of (final_code_string)
Hero_Death_string = next 2 digit
Ranks_string = last 2 digit
1, copy code below, paste into top of the map (in GUI).
those code are basic function for convert/encrypt.
//| Prepares the char table. Call this function once on map initialization.
//| Make sure you have a global string array variable named "CharTable"
//| ("udg_CharTable"), otherwise this function will not compile. The size of
//| the array should be 70, but that is not important since arrays are dynamic.
function SetupCharTable takes nothing returns nothing
//Sets the digits
set udg_CharTable[0] = "0"
set udg_CharTable[1] = "1"
set udg_CharTable[2] = "2"
set udg_CharTable[3] = "3"
set udg_CharTable[4] = "4"
set udg_CharTable[5] = "5"
set udg_CharTable[6] = "6"
set udg_CharTable[7] = "7"
set udg_CharTable[8] = "8"
set udg_CharTable[9] = "9"
//Sets the capital letters
set udg_CharTable[10] = "A"
set udg_CharTable[11] = "B"
set udg_CharTable[12] = "C"
set udg_CharTable[13] = "D"
set udg_CharTable[14] = "E"
set udg_CharTable[15] = "F"
set udg_CharTable[16] = "G"
set udg_CharTable[17] = "H"
set udg_CharTable[18] = "I"
set udg_CharTable[19] = "J"
set udg_CharTable[20] = "K"
set udg_CharTable[21] = "L"
set udg_CharTable[22] = "M"
set udg_CharTable[23] = "N"
set udg_CharTable[24] = "O"
set udg_CharTable[25] = "P"
set udg_CharTable[26] = "Q"
set udg_CharTable[27] = "R"
set udg_CharTable[28] = "S"
set udg_CharTable[29] = "T"
set udg_CharTable[30] = "U"
set udg_CharTable[31] = "V"
set udg_CharTable[32] = "W"
set udg_CharTable[33] = "X"
set udg_CharTable[34] = "Y"
set udg_CharTable[35] = "Z"
//Sets the small letters
set udg_CharTable[36] = "a"
set udg_CharTable[37] = "b"
set udg_CharTable[38] = "c"
set udg_CharTable[39] = "d"
set udg_CharTable[40] = "e"
set udg_CharTable[41] = "f"
set udg_CharTable[42] = "g"
set udg_CharTable[43] = "h"
set udg_CharTable[44] = "i"
set udg_CharTable[45] = "j"
set udg_CharTable[46] = "k"
set udg_CharTable[47] = "l"
set udg_CharTable[48] = "m"
set udg_CharTable[49] = "n"
set udg_CharTable[50] = "o"
set udg_CharTable[51] = "p"
set udg_CharTable[52] = "q"
set udg_CharTable[53] = "r"
set udg_CharTable[54] = "s"
set udg_CharTable[55] = "t"
set udg_CharTable[56] = "u"
set udg_CharTable[57] = "v"
set udg_CharTable[58] = "w"
set udg_CharTable[59] = "x"
set udg_CharTable[60] = "y"
set udg_CharTable[61] = "z"
//Sets the special characters
set udg_CharTable[62] = "("
set udg_CharTable[63] = ")"
//Sets the special characters
//(These will NOT be encrypted)
set udg_CharTable[64] = "."
set udg_CharTable[65] = "-"
set udg_CharTable[66] = "_"
set udg_CharTable[67] = "["
set udg_CharTable[68] = "]"
set udg_CharTable[69] = " "
//| Converts an integer value (ASCII) to a character base on Character Table
//| eg, 61 -->"z",
function ConvertIntToChar takes integer Value returns string
return udg_CharTable[Value]
//| Converts Decimal to any Base.
function ConvertToBase takes integer num, integer base returns string
local integer m
local string result = ""
return result;
if(nbase > 36)
return result;
set m = ModuloInteger(num, base)
set result = ConvertIntToChar[m] + result;
set num = num/base
exitwhen num >= base
return result
//| Converts a character to an integer value (ASCII)
function ConvertCharToInt takes string Character returns integer
local integer Index = 0
//Traverses the ASCII table until the character is found.
exitwhen udg_CharTable[Index] == Character
set Index = Index + 1
//If the character is not found, return 0
if Index >= 70 then
set Index = 0
exitwhen true
return Index
//| Does a bitwise XOR on two integer values
function BitwiseXOR takes integer Value1, integer Value2 returns integer
local integer Index
local integer ResultValue
local integer array Byte1
local integer array Byte2
local integer array ResultByte
//Convert Value1 to a Byte
set Index = 8
set Index = Index - 1
set Byte1[Index] = ModuloInteger(Value1, 2)
set Value1 = Value1 / 2
exitwhen Index <= 0
//Convert Value2 to a Byte
set Index = 8
set Index = Index - 1
set Byte2[Index] = ModuloInteger(Value2, 2)
set Value2 = Value2 / 2
exitwhen Index <= 0
//Makes a bitwise XOR on the Bytes
set Index = 0
if (Byte1[Index] == Byte2[Index]) then
set ResultByte[Index] = 0
set ResultByte[Index] = 1
set Index = Index + 1
exitwhen Index >= 8
//Convert the resulting Byte back to an integer
set Index = 0
set ResultValue = 0
set ResultValue = ResultValue * 2
set ResultValue = ResultValue + ResultByte[Index]
set Index = Index + 1
exitwhen Index >= 8
return ResultValue
//| Takes a string and uses the key (usually a player's name) to encrypt it.
//| To get the original string back, call the function with that string and
//| the same key used in the encryption.
function GeneratePassword takes string Code, string Key returns string
local integer Index = 0
local integer KeyIndex = 0
local integer KeyLength = 0
local integer CurrentValue = 0
local integer CurrentKeyValue = 0
local string CurrentCharacter = ""
local string CurrentKeyCharacter = ""
local string ResultCode = ""
//Calculates the length of the Key
exitwhen SubStringBJ(Key, KeyLength + 1, KeyLength + 1) == ""
set KeyLength = KeyLength + 1
//Abort if the key length is 0 (to avoid crashes)
if KeyLength <= 0 then
return ""
//Loop through every character in the string and encrypt it
//Get a character from the code
set CurrentCharacter = SubStringBJ(Code, Index + 1, Index + 1)
//Exit when the end of the code string is reached
exitwhen CurrentCharacter == ""
//Converts a character to a value
//Traverses the character table until the character is found
set CurrentValue = 0
exitwhen udg_CharTable[CurrentValue] == CurrentCharacter
set CurrentValue = CurrentValue + 1
//If the character is not found, set it to 0
if CurrentValue >= 70 then
set CurrentValue = 0
exitwhen true
//Get a proper key index
set KeyIndex = ModuloInteger(Index, KeyLength)
//Get a character from the key
set CurrentKeyCharacter = SubStringBJ(Key, KeyIndex + 1, KeyIndex + 1)
//Converts a character to a value
//Traverses the character table until the character is found
set CurrentKeyValue = 0
exitwhen udg_CharTable[CurrentKeyValue] == CurrentKeyCharacter
set CurrentKeyValue = CurrentKeyValue + 1
//If the character is not found, set it to 0
if CurrentKeyValue >= 70 then
set CurrentKeyValue = 0
exitwhen true
//Make sure only a valid character is encrypted
if ((CurrentKeyValue < 0) or (CurrentKeyValue >= 64)) then
set CurrentKeyValue = 0
//Encrypt the character using XOR
set CurrentValue = BitwiseXOR(CurrentValue, CurrentKeyValue)
//Convert the value to a character
set CurrentCharacter = udg_CharTable[CurrentValue]
//Add the character to the resulting code string
set ResultCode = ResultCode + CurrentCharacter
set Index = Index + 1
return ResultCode
2, create variable :
CharTable : string array
set Hero_kill_string
set Hero_Death_string
set creep_kill_string
set creep_deaths_string
set Ranks_string
also, call follow script to set up character table
custom script "call function SetupCharTable"
3, How to generate saving code :
then try :
set Hero_kill_string = ConvertToBase(Hero_kill_number, 36)
set Hero_Death_string = ConvertToBase(Hero_Death_number, 36)
set creep_kill_string = ConvertToBase(creep_kill_number, 36)
set creep_deaths_string = ConvertToBase(creep_deaths_number, 36)
set Ranks_string = ConvertToBase(Ranks_number, 36)
// make sure Hero_kill_string is 2 digit, if it is 1 digit, then add "0" to front. do same for other value
set final_code_string = Hero_kill_string + Hero_Death_string + creep_kill_string + creep_deaths_string + Ranks_string
set secured_final_code = GeneratePassword ( final_code_string, player_name)
4, How to Loading code:
player_enter_code // this code enter by player
set final_code_string = GeneratePassword (player_enter_code, player_name)
if(final_code_string != 12 digit)
then invalid code
Hero_kill_string = first 2 digit of (final_code_string)
Hero_Death_string = next 2 digit
Ranks_string = last 2 digit
Or you could use Nestharus' BigInt library and the his countless Snippets for Save/Load in the "Small Code Snippets" thread.
There's also a demo map for it in the spells section.
I already give you functions requires to handle encrypt/descrypt/convert.
the functions are well document so it should be easy to understand what it do with little knowledge.
It doesn't matter what save/load system, you still have to do following work :
- combine information you want to saved in one big/long string.
- convert big/long string to shorter string (base 10 to base 36)
- encrypt shorter string with player's name so the code cannot share with other.
- after reading code, work out some simple rule to make sure the code is valid (eg, Rank should be 1-100? then 10000 rank must be invalid)
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