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Super Smash Bros Brawls Character Requests

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Level 2
Aug 10, 2007
Requesting models from the game: Super Smash Brothers Brawl.
If you have never played before, characters are located here: http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/characters/index.html
Please take your time on each model and be aware that I may not use your model.
I want to use these models for a super smash brothers brawl arena map that I hope will be popular. Below are small descriptions of each character.
Pit: Spell animations attack with bow, normal attack attacks with dual blades. Please add a flying animation.
Wario: Make his animations look quick, not smooth. Go crazy.
Zero Suit Samus/Samus: Samus is original, make ZSS a morph model (like illidan). Samus attacks are melee, spell is shooting gun. ZSS's attacks are using a plasma whip.
Ike: Uses a giant sword to attack, one animation I'm looking for, but is not required, is him throwing his sword in the air and then spinning back to the ground with it. Otherwise make him have Blademaster's slam animation.
Pokemon Trainer: Don't make him unless you really want to, switches between pokemon, I prefer you make a seperate model for each.
Diddy Kong: Spell animation shoots a peanut popgun. Attacks using quick spinning attacks.
Meta Knight: Attack animations are all quick and fast. Do what you like with spells.
Snake: Have several spell animations of him throwing grenades or launching mortars or firing a bazooka. Normal attacks w/e you like.
Lucas: Spell anim similar to Blood Mage. Attacks using stick.
Sonic: Spins into a ball for attacks. No spell anims.
King Dedede: Throw animation for spells. Attack with giant hammer.
Olimar: Attacks by throwing pikmin. Have pikmin following him. Please make seperate pikmin with team color.
Mario: Uses fists to attack. Make spells similar to attacks.
Link: Uses sword to attack. Spell is him firing bow. NOT REQUIRED.
Kirby: Not required, there is already a kirby model.
Pikachu: Attacks using head and tail, spells are basically similar, except one is similar to Druid of Claw's roar anim.
Fox: Fights using feet. Spell anim is firing gun.
Zelda/Sheik: Another morph model. Zelda uses attacks with open palm, Sheik does quick attacks using daggers/knives and is quick. Run anim similar to illidan.
Bowser: Slow model, attacks using claws, spell is him breathing fire (don't actually include fire in model)
Donkey Kong: Attacks using slapping and punching techniques.
Yoshi: Uses head and tail for attacks. Spell anim is him shooting his tongue out at an enemy.
Peach: Attacks uses slapping attacks. Can also have Golf Club, Pan or Tennis Raquet to attack. Spell anim is her pulling toad out as a shield.
Ice Climbers: Duel model, like mortar, Uses hammer to attack. Spells are open palm.
Ness: Similar anims to lucas, except uses bat instead of stick.
Marth: Uses sword like ike, but more quickly. Spell anim is more sword attacks, but more powerful. Channeling anim is him charging up an attack.
Luigi: Similar to Mario, channeling is him dancing around.
Falco: Very similar to fox. Uses hands instead of feet. Spell is same.
Captain Falcon: Uses quick attacks. Channeling is charging up a powerful punch. Spell is uppercut.
Lucario: Uses open palm attacks. Channeling is charging up a large orb. Spell is releasing the large orb.
R.O.B.: Basically a robot, uses hands to attack. Spell is jumping in air and using boosters on bottom of feet to attack.
Mr. Game and Watch: Not needed.
Ganondorf: Attack simliar to Capt. Falcon, except slower. Channeling is same and Spell is him grabbing and throwing down. Give him a morph anim but not the actual morph itself.
Jigglypuff: Uses hands to attack. Sings a song and falls asleep.
Toon Link: Same as link.
Wolf: Same as Falco except uses claws to attack.

If you know the game, feel free to add more anims or use your own anims. Post any questions below.

DONT POST EVERY MODEL AT ONCE! - Post one, if I like it then you continue posting, you can choose any model you want to start. Don't go post all of them, because if I don't like them you would have wasted a lot of valuable time (if you worked hard).
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Level 9
Jul 20, 2005
A custom model is better than one.
I wouldn't be telling modelers that we may work for hours, but if it's not good enough for you, you won't use it.

I know I wouldn't (and won't) want to be wasting my time on some picky dude.

Use the search button, too... A lot of those on the list have already been created: Bowser, Yoshi, Peach, Mario, Luigi, Wario (I think), Link, Pikachu, Sonic, Samus, Snake, etc.

And also, post some pictures dude.
If you're going to request DAYS of work for all these models, show what you've worked on.
Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
it is so rare a request like this will ever get even a portion of the models completed, let alone to a high caliber. I bet you will end up using what ever you can get.

I mean, you can't even really afford to be picky.... how can anyone even be sure that you can even trigger/terrain a map worth their models? With 15 posts, 0 rep, no previously completed maps and nothing to show for this one so far you really haven't provided a reason for making these yet.

....also, there is already a smash brothers map in development if you want to check the threads. So if noone is going to any great effort to make incredible models for that map which is already in part completion, then you have no hope. Sorry to be blunt, but that is how it is.
You should try searching through the model database before you make requests.

Anyway, these are following Nintendo characters I could find in this site (though not all have your desired features):

Mario (2 versions):

Luigi (2 versions):



Princess Peach:

Regular Samus (2 versions):


Link (2 versions):

Kirby (2 versions):

Not R.O.B., but has some similar looks:

A model that looks similar to Ike:
(Note: Some Antivirus programs think that the model contains virus)

Giving credits to the authors is a must when you use their models in your map.
Level 2
Aug 10, 2007
I posted what I wanted, I'm not trying to be too picky. I want the animations to be similar to the ones in game is what I was posting.

I gave a link for the picutures didn't I?

I looked at some of the models, I did cross some of my list if you hadn't noticed. Pikachu (on hive models) has no attack, that's why I didn't use him.

When I say I might not use yours, that depends on if you actually try to make a good 3-D model, or if you just decided to slop something together, why would anyone want to use something like that?

There's already one being made? Ok someone delete this thread xD
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