Summer in Lordaeron

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Just some environment i started on before x-mas when I was bored, and worked on a little now and then. To me this map is just some art, as I wanted to see how good environments I could create, but eventually I got bored, and consider my work on this map finished. I'm not going to make any improvements, so you have to do them yourself.

I've mixed some elements from Lordaeron Summer (base tilset), Ashenvale, Barrens, Sunken ruins and Village. It contains a little village, a beach, some plains and a lot of forests. There are 75 units(mostly critters), 468 trees/destructibles and 1223 other doodads.

I don't care what you do to this map, as long as you give me cedits.

Lordaeron, Summer, Forest, Environment, Mountains, Small, Village

Summer in Lordaeron (Map)

21:26, 16th May 2011 Cweener: Rejected Rejected permanently because Author stated there will be no updates. Check my post for details.




21:26, 16th May 2011
Cweener: Rejected
Rejected permanently because Author stated there will be no updates.
Check my post for details.
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
Downloaded and looked at it.

You have BEAUTIFUL tile merging...and great doodad PLACEMENT...
however, you use the most contrasting tiles I've seen in awhile.

In one specific spot you have a cactus, two tiles away from a flower patch.

It's just not natural. I could not see this being useful sadly.