This skin is 1/4 the size of most skins, and takes up a minimal 20kb of space!
Demonic skin for the harpy semi-based off of the Diablo II demonesses. This skin can overwrite the harpy with Units\Creeps\Harpy\Harpy.blp or the Harpy Witch with Units\Creeps\HarpyWitch\HarpyWitch.blp or the harpy queen with Units\Creeps\Harpyqueen\Harpyqueen.blp
The only diferances between these models is what their portrait will look like, and these are shown above. The regular Harpy is my favorite, as it allows you to see the entire body.
If you use this skin in your map give credit to me, 67chrome =)
Harpy, Scout, Queen, Windwitch, Witch, Rogue, Storm, Hag, Demoness, Demon, Fel, Hell, Stygian, Harlot, Succubus, Vile, Temptress, Suffering, 67chrome