Stun Help

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Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
ok i'll help u. Well the only way You could make some unit cast it on them useing the cast spell trigger or sumthing. You could make some unit controled by no one, make the range of the spell large enough and make the unit which can be off in some corner somewhere to cast it on the unit.
Level 5
Mar 11, 2006
1st make a dummy unit that has the following abilaties:
Locust and the stunning abilaty

give this unit as model file: (group) game interface, (model) campainglogo

This unit shouldnt have a normal attack (unless you use bash) and a very high move speed

the stunningspell should have a good range since it has to hit a hard running unit

this unit now is unselectable ingame and complete invisible (since it doesnt have a model that can be displayed)
make the following trigger:

A Unit falls of a cliff (for example)
Triggering unit smokes weed
Triggering unit has a beard
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching: (matching unit is triggering unit)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Create 1 dummy for Triggering Player at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees

Unit - Set level of stunning spell for (Last created unit) to (whatever level is required)

Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral - Hurl Boulder (or whatever the stun spell is based on) (Picked unit) (OR in case of bash) Unit - Order (last created unit) to attack once (picked unit)

Set Dummy=(last created unit) (=unit variable)

Wait 6 seconds

Remove (dummy) from the game

that should work with your description

EDIT made post more readable
and you could use Hurl boulder as the stun abilaty, adjust Stats - Duration Hero and Stats - Duration Unit to set the stunning time
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
Darkdraak said:
1st make a dummy unit that has the following abilaties:
Locust and the stunning abilaty

give this unit as model file: (group) game interface, (model) campainglogo

This unit shouldnt have a normal attack (unless you use bash) and a very high move speed

the stunningspell should have a good range since it has to hit a hard running unit

this unit now is unselectable ingame and complete invisible (since it doesnt have a model that can be displayed)
make the following trigger:

A Unit falls of a cliff (for example)
Triggering unit smokes weed
Triggering unit has a beard
Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area) matching: (matching unit is triggering unit)) and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
Unit - Create 1 dummy for Triggering Player at (Position of (Picked unit)) facing Default building facing degrees

Unit - Set level of stunning spell for (Last created unit) to (whatever level is required)

Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Neutral - Hurl Boulder (or whatever the stun spell is based on) (Picked unit) (OR in case of bash) Unit - Order (last created unit) to attack once (picked unit)

Set Dummy=(last created unit) (=unit variable)

Wait 6 seconds

Remove (dummy) from the game

that should work with your description

EDIT made post more readable
and you could use Hurl boulder as the stun abilaty, adjust Stats - Duration Hero and Stats - Duration Unit to set the stunning time

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhsahahahahHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHSADHAHSHDHASDHAHFHHGHVJHNKGAMAKLHAHAHAHAH. I would have just said ROFL but I don't think that quite gives you the impression I was going for, I know HOW to do it the dummy unit way and to do it better than the way you did it there lol, but I don't WANT to. I want a better way but it seems there isn't one.
Level 5
Mar 11, 2006
There is,
There is a function called pauze unit, and you can create a special effect on the unit which simulates stun. Use integers etc and after X time (X depending on level of stun) unpauze unit and remove special effect
and next time try to be a bit more thankfull i try to help you not to see you as a noob or something.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
@darkdraak ????, I was laughing at the "Unit smokes weed" and crap stuff, not at you lol. And does pause unit still allow the unit to take damage? I know about it but I thought it meant they couldn't be damaged.

@Ralle I was going to use bash for one of a hero's abilities but when I looked at it I didn't see any way to change the stun duration, just chance to bash and extra damage.
Level 5
Mar 11, 2006
i am sorry for misunderstanding you :p i forgot that i added those jokes :p
I misunderstood because after the laughings you said you already knew it.
Still best friends *hug*
Ill test the pause right now.

Edit You can kill pauzed units
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