As the title says, i got a problem with the ultimate of the pandaren brewmaster. i got a simple trigger. it displays a message whenever a hero dies. (KillerName has killed OwnerOfDyingUnit)
well but if the hero dies through the Pandaren ulti (all elementals die) i cannot catch the killing player. seems like he get killed by "nothing". Any tricks?
i got a solution, but i wanna know if there are easier ones (in dota it seems to work).
Solution: create the 3 panda elements via trigger and damage the main panda if all 3 are dead (damage source is the killer of the last panda element, of course hide the main panda while the ulti lasts on)
well but if the hero dies through the Pandaren ulti (all elementals die) i cannot catch the killing player. seems like he get killed by "nothing". Any tricks?
i got a solution, but i wanna know if there are easier ones (in dota it seems to work).
Solution: create the 3 panda elements via trigger and damage the main panda if all 3 are dead (damage source is the killer of the last panda element, of course hide the main panda while the ulti lasts on)