Steel/Koprite/Ironite/Obsiusite/Kenosite Upgrades

This bundle is marked as pending. It has not been reviewed by a staff member yet.
Hand painted icon for my own Wc3 faction. This is my first time !
And yes, it's a weapon inspired from the Mesopotamian Khopesh.
I commissioned HOLIKAMI for the reworked versions of the Kpesh, the older ones are still available if you want.
They are all free to use & edit, as long as you allow further edits & uses ; for commercial projects please contact me to make an arrangement.
Koprite is a fictional metal of mine. It's cheap but tougher than regular metals. Like copper it oxides a bit but it doesn't affect the properties of the material. In game it's the Tier I upgrade.Ironite is rarer but stronger. Like Iron it rusts but only the surface like Koprite. In game it's the Tier II upgrade.Obsiusite is exceptional in quality. It accumulates the great hardness and purity of Obsidian, while absorbing shocks and flex like regular metals. In game it's the Tier III upgrade.Kenosite is a non-euclidian matter outside space and time, consuming the will of the wielder to the void. It is indestructible as the blade is stopped in time & cannot process any physical phenomenons.

Tags : Mesopotamia Mesopotamian Copper Iron Obsidian Sabre Scythe Sickle Rust Amerindian Blade Aztec Egyptian Egypt Fantasy Asian Chinese Japanese Void Fractal Glitch Steel Purple

Steel Kpesh (Icon)

Koprite Kpesh (new) (Icon)

Ironite Kpesh (new) (Icon)

Obsiusite Kpesh (new) (Icon)

Kenosite Kpesh (Icon)

Steel Kpesh Reforged (Icon)

Koprite Kpesh Reforged (new) (Icon)

Ironite Kpesh Reforged (new) (Icon)

Obsiusite Kpesh Reforged (new) (Icon)

Kenosite Kpesh Reforged (Icon)

Koprite Kpesh (old) (Icon)

Ironite Kpesh (old) (Icon)

Obsiusite Kpesh (old) (Icon)

Koprite Kpesh Reforged (old) (Icon)

Ironite Kpesh Reforged (old) (Icon)

Obsiusite Kpesh Reforged (old) (Icon)

Koprite Armor (new) (Icon)

Ironite Armor (new) (Icon)

Obsiusite Armor (new) (Icon)

Koprite Armor Reforged (new) (Icon)

Ironite Armor Reforged (new) (Icon)

Obsiusite Armor Reforged (new) (Icon)

Koprite Armor (Icon)

Ironite Armor (Icon)

Obsiusite Armor (Icon)

Koprite Armor (HD) (Icon)

Ironite Armor (HD) (Icon)

Obsiusite Armor (HD) (Icon)

This looks amazing - and you say this is for a custom faction you are working on? I am intrigued all around, look forward to seeing more content like this <3
I proposed to my friends a Wc3 map project where each of us design a custom faction and I implement it (I'm the only expert mapper there).
For the time being it's in french but once I make the 4th faction playable I'll work on a translation. The techtrees have a lot of private jokes represented as units, technologies and abilities, but the objective is to make them playable against vanilla ones. There's a total of 6 planned factions, since there's me and 5 people volunteering to have their faction.
I also drew the faction cards of each of us (WiP) !










Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
I proposed to my friends a Wc3 map project where each of us design a custom faction and I implement it (I'm the only expert mapper there).
For the time being it's in french but once I make the 4th faction playable I'll work on a translation. The techtrees have a lot of private jokes represented as units, technologies and abilities, but the objective is to make them playable against vanilla ones. There's a total of 6 planned factions, since there's me and 5 people volunteering to have their faction.
I also drew the faction cards of each of us (WiP) !










Damn that sounds like a fun project idea to have those different concepts coming together like that. Is there somewhere I can keep track of project development?
Damn that sounds like a fun project idea to have those different concepts coming together like that. Is there somewhere I can keep track of project development?

I mean, right now the project is in french so I prefer to translate it first before posting it somewhere on the hive ; but if you're not alergic to french I could send you an indev version so you can play around a bit !

Like my ADHD faction topic, I will make the same for each of these factions when I'll get the time (loving doing this but it is time consuming).
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009

I mean, right now the project is in french so I prefer to translate it first before posting it somewhere on the hive ; but if you're not alergic to french I could send you an indev version so you can play around a bit !

Like my ADHD faction topic, I will make the same for each of these factions when I'll get the time (loving doing this but it is time consuming).
For some reason I did not piece together that the initial version being in French would make it difficult for me to keep track of current development. I guess today my mind is going to be a bit silly haha 😅

Well I'm not too allergic to trying out something in a language I don't understand, hopefully I'll be able to get the gist of the playstyle you have for each faction so far either way :D
That would be awesome, thank you!