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StarCraft II Patch 1.1.0

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Level 77
Oct 6, 2004
A new patch for StarCraft II has been pushed out. Finally those Siege Tanks have been nerfed! Read more below :)
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty patch 1.1.0 is now live! This patch features adjustments to protoss, terran, and zerg balance, notable StarCraft II Editor improvements, and several bug fixes. Be sure to check out the full patch notes below to learn all about the latest changes.


• The Standard (US) and Standard for Lefties (US) hotkey configurations are now available in all regions.
• A new game clock has been added. Players can now instantly see how long they’ve been in their current mission or match. This feature can be turned on or off in the Gameplay Options menu.
• A new Quick Save option is now available for the single-player campaign. Players can now quickly save their mission progress by pressing Ctrl + Q.
• A new System Panel has been added. Players can now view their local time and FPS while in game by mousing over the Menu (F10) button in the upper-left hand corner of the game screen. Laptop users can also view Wi-Fi signal strength and battery levels.
• Sight granted by death reveal no longer lifts Fog of War. Units revealed in this manner are not targetable.
• (Mac only) Moved StarCraft II data files and settings from the Documents folder into the Application Support folder.
• Support for NVIDIA 3D Vision has been added. To experience StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty in 3D on your desktop or notebook, you will need 3D Vision. For more information, visit www.nvidia.com/Starcraft3D

Balance Changes:


• Zealot

• Build time increased from 33 to 38.
• Warp Gate cooldown increased from 23 to 28.


• Battlecruiser

• Ground damage decreased from 10 to 8.

• Bunker

• Build time increased from 30 to 35.

• Reaper

• Build time increased from 40 to 45.

• Siege Tank

• Siege mode damage changed from 50 to 35 (+15 armored).
• Upgrade damage changed from +5 to +3 (+2 armored).


• Ultralisk

• Ram ability removed. Ultralisk will now use normal attack against buildings.
• Damage decreased from 15 (+25 armored) to 15 (+20 armored).

• Maps

• Desert Oasis

• Destructible Rocks have been added to make natural expansions easier to protect.
• Center Xel'Naga Tower area has been narrowed.

StarCraft II Editor Improvements:

• Added new requirement types: Odd, Divide, Mod, Multiply.
• Added a chance field to effect data.
• Added support for the Slider dialog control type.
• Added a trigger to deal damage from a unit.
• Added a trigger event response to provide the amount a player or unit property changes.
• Added a trigger event when an effect executes.
• New Trigger Editor functions:

• Save Data Conversation State Value (Action).
• Load Data Conversation State Value (Action).
• Players On Team (returns Player Group associated with teams in game lobby).
• Unit Owner Changes (Event).
• Old Unit Owner (returns player ID in response to Unit Owner Changes).
• New Unit Owner (returns player ID in response to Unit Owner Changes).

• XP, Level, and Bounty unit properties can now be modified by triggers.
• Banks now save/restore XP, learned abilities, and items.
• Message Window now includes a time stamp for each message.
• An actor event is now dispatched when a missile cannot hit its target.
• When loading documents with Battle.net-only dependencies, you will now be prompted to log in and download the dependency data, rather than failing to load.
• Game variants now automatically use the default melee variants for new maps, without requiring manual generation. This will not take effect for maps created prior to this patch.
• The Custom game variant is no longer automatically included when other non-default variants are defined.
• Increased the maximum recharge vital rate for heal effects.

Bug Fixes:

• Battle.net

• Chat windows no longer vanish when exiting a multiplayer map or campaign mission.
• Fixed an issue where players would still receive toasts when their status was set to busy.

• Custom Games

• Default race in a game lobby is now properly set to Random.
• Players can now configure the lobby for 1v5 matches.
• The search functionality for map searches has been improved.
• Lobby hosts will now receive a toast when an invited player declines an invitation.
• Custom game lobbies will now remember the game mode chosen under a category.
• Fixed an issue where changing the category to "Custom" would default the teams to 5v3.
• Fixed an issue where custom maps could not be reported from the map preview screen.

• Gameplay

• General

• If a unit loads into a transport, missiles targeting it will no longer target similar units in the area.
• Structures damaged during construction will no longer count towards structures lost.
• Fixed an issue where builders waiting for an area to clear could block units trying to leave the area.
• Fixed an issue with inventory drop range checks.
• Fixed an issue that, in certain cases, allowed a command to be issued that did not appear on the command card.

• Interface

• Queue tooltips now display information about what is in progress.
• Fixed an issue where the back button would not always return players to the score screen properly.

• Terran

• Marines trained at multiple Barracks will now prefer a Barracks with a Reactor over one with a Tech Lab or no attachment.
• SCVs will now load into the closest Command Center if multiple are within range.

• Zerg

• Creep now recedes properly when an AI-controlled Hatchery, Lair, or Hive is destroyed.

• StarCraft II Editor

• The Player Leaves Game event now fires when a player leaves or they are defeated/victorious.
• Loading screen progress bar option now works when using Melee loading screen type.
• Test Document now works properly on maps with Battle.net-only dependencies.
• Publishing a new file using Major revision will now properly set the document version to 1.0.
• Publish dialog now properly remembers the Show Real Name setting from previous publish.
• File preview panel now displays author's real name if that option was set during publishing.
• The Import module will now allow importing an override Assets.txt file.
• Undoing a terrain object modification will now also undo associated terrain changes.
• Editor will display document text from another locale if no text for the active locale exists.
• Copying points with custom models will display the model properly on the pasted point.
• It is no longer possible to have multiple default variants in the Game Variants dialog.
• Removed icon support for attribute and variant definitions, as Battle.net does not display these.
• Fixed issues with invalid map bounds when creating 32x32 maps.
• Fixed issues with poor performance in the Terrain Editor when scroll bars are visible.
• Fixed issues with drag-and-drop in Trigger Editor when tracking is not enabled.
• Fixed an issue that would cause a crash if multiple unit forms had too many abilities.
• Fixed an issue with temporary publish names in the Publish dialog still verifying the original name.
• Fixed an issue with the Unit Manipulates Item trigger.
• Fixed excessive delays on some systems when saving files using the Smaller Files option, and also when publishing Locked files.
• Fixed preview panel display in Terrain Editor palettes.
• Fixed performance issues in Terrain Editor when modifying terrain with many road tiles on the map.
• Fixed initial display of variables in the Trigger Debugging Window.
• Fixed generated script for built-in attribute values, which caused them to not be accessed properly.
• Fixed action list when modifying a Custom Script action without sub-views enabled.
• Fixed loading map dependency data.
• Fixed an issue where loading complex bank files would cause the client to disconnect from Battle.net.

• Technical Issues

• Fixed an issue where unplugging headphones could cause the game to freeze.
• Fixed an issue where XP systems running with Unicode characters enabled could prevent a player from starting a multiplayer game.
Level 12
Nov 24, 2007
Wow, the patch has been out for a few h and already I'm hearing complaints, the main one being since ultras had there ram attack removed there splash damage now originates from the center of the attacked target. This works an building and that leads to this.

Level 10
Jul 12, 2009
I'm mostly ambivalent about the balance changes, although the Siege Tank change seems appropriate and returns it to a state more like SC1. The Zealot build time increase seems unnecessary, and honestly, Battlecruisers seemed underpowered until Yamato, to me (though with Yamato they seem OP).

My knowledge all comes from a small amount of playing the beta, and watching replays, however.

I'm surprised there are no changes to MMM. In so many replays, I've seen an MMM ball pull off a clutch victory, surviving almost endless onslaught and sniping buildings in the blink of an eye. A lot of this is due to their ability to kite, so I'm not sure a Marauder damage nerf or a healing nerf are really appropriate. I'm actually wondering whether a mechanic like the Dragoons from SC1 might work, whereby a Marauder would have a slight delay after stopping movement before it can shoot.

Also, to me, Zerg has seemed like it is balanced against the other races at its best, but requires a higher relative skill level than the other races (and to play at the apex takes more skill than to play the other races at their apex). I might be talking nonsense, but some change to let the Zerg get into the game a little more quickly (but not increasing their overall power potential) might be appropriate - something like a slight reduction in the build time of a Queen and to morph to Lair.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I'm surprised there are no changes to MMM. In so many replays, I've seen an MMM ball pull off a clutch victory, surviving almost endless onslaught and sniping buildings in the blink of an eye. A lot of this is due to their ability to kite, so I'm not sure a Marauder damage nerf or a healing nerf are really appropriate. I'm actually wondering whether a mechanic like the Dragoons from SC1 might work, whereby a Marauder would have a slight delay after stopping movement before it can shoot.

Cool story bro! You must be watching too many movies.

Wow, the patch has been out for a few h and already I'm hearing complaints, the main one being since ultras had there ram attack removed there splash damage now originates from the center of the attacked target. This works an building and that leads to this.

The left Turret next to the CC right? Ultralisk range, roflmao xD

Why complain? It's all normal /sarcasm fanboys
Level 10
Jul 12, 2009
Do you, like, play the game?
Nope. Besides, I'd never play competitively enough for it to matter to me.

What matchup do you think they're an issue in?
Versus Zerg, Protoss, or Terran. :crazz: It's an army that just keeps going despite facing ostensibly superior forces. I've never seen any other army do as well when controlled with a similar amount of skill.

Cool story bro! You must be watching too many movies.
That is what I said, yes.
Level 8
Nov 21, 2008
the ultralisk dmg nerf was a good one but removing Ram was abit extreme.

As a zerg player this was probably one of the best changes to the ultralisk i seen done. Not sure if your a high lvl player but in TvZ, supply depots and other tightly packed buildings do take longer to kill because your just attacking one single target, overall they will be doing more damage as they will be attacking the masses of tightly packed buildings as opposed to one.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
As a zerg player this was probably one of the best changes to the ultralisk i seen done. Not sure if your a high lvl player but in TvZ, supply depots and other tightly packed buildings do take longer to kill because your just attacking one single target, overall they will be doing more damage as they will be attacking the masses of tightly packed buildings as opposed to one.

No it can't stay like that, it's damaging out of it's range, that is it needs fixing.
Level 12
Feb 7, 2008

Also, what i wanted to point out, just look at the video on one of the earliest replies.
the range for the splash is just lame, considering you pretty much cannot repair your wall as long as those ultras are alive (or any 'long range' unit for that matter)

EDIT: that is if you got a wall, which mainly affects terran players.

The ultralisk is now pretty much the biggest and meanest anti-wall unit in the game.
yay! they fixed 4 errors which made the game crash for me! :D (actually I never play longer than an hour or so because I do stuff the regular user does not do which makes me suffer lots of errors :S)

however 3d is totally messed up now
it worked rather fine before but now the red and blue channels are shifted by 80% of the screen size so you have a 10% wide column on the left side and same on the right side with 80% black in the center
would make a screenshot of it but I always get a black screen
same goes for video capture
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Versus Zerg, Protoss, or Terran. :crazz: It's an army that just keeps going despite facing ostensibly superior forces. I've never seen any other army do as well when controlled with a similar amount of skill.
Versus Zerg it's pretty awful unless you opened with 5rax reaper and thus both had the advantage and had the barracks, and vs Terran it's pretty awful just because marines are pretty much crap in TvT (except in very small numbers which can run in to defend against vikings/banshees if needed) and because as the game progresses builds get more and more mech-heavy.

Versus Protoss it's okay but that's more because you don't have any better option than because it's actually particularly efficient.
Level 2
Aug 14, 2010
Patch 1.1.0 Changes

Lost Book of Crafty Stars
Page Number 2
1.1.0 Have a sit down with a terran and a noodle cup

Greetings fellow player with the ability to read english or use a google translator. I am greeted with a sense of happiness and sadness as we are greeted by the first official retail patch for StarCraft 2. Several dynamics are shifted by the patch

Is facing a more difficult game early vs both terran and zerg as the build time is increase for the zealot (15% increase normally, 21% increase for warp gate). Although one could argue that the protoss could compensate for the longer build time with additional gateway(s), if additional gateway(s) is/are constructed then the protoss would not be able to tech up or expand as quickly. I think this is a huge mistake since the zealot unit is one of three possible units. Could you imagine what the effects on balance if the zergling or the marine was delayed 15% as well? I think the penalty of 15% or the arbitrary 5 seconds is too great a number and hopefully be reduced in a later patch.

The decrease in battlecruiser's damage does slightly reduce the viability of the strategy of rushing to battlecruisers and using a MULE drop for repairs along with medivac marine drop to apply early pressure. The bunker build time is a welcome change by the majority I feel as it the timing attack with 1 marauder or 1 reaper with +1 range and the repair scv was unreasonably strong vs zerg early game. The reaper's build time increase of 5 seconds or 12.5% makes it slightly more difficult to group reaper harass early on, but not impossible. The siege tank change surprised all players. Although the change vs. zerg is not significant, as their units tend to have the least hp of all, the change vs. protoss is quite large. The zealot unit will now take 5 shots instead of 3 to kill, which makes the zealot bombs more viable when used with hallucination to elminiate tanks. It also severely increases the late game strength of the protoss army vs terran.

The least modified race of all three does finally get rid of the ability "Ram" from the ultralisk as it did less damage vs buildings than with the ability that was designed to destroy buildings.

I think the conclusion the balance team reached was either the terrans needs to be toned down or that it is the most balanced (already toned down) of the three. It is hard to distinguish between the two as they tailored so many changes for terran, yet so little for protoss and zerg.
What do you think of the patch 1.1.0 changes?

I fully realize that all if not many of the readers will automatically assume a higher understanding of the Crafting of Stars. However, please allow me and others to freely contribute to this discussion because if it were otherwise, only a handful of people should give their opinions about a game millions of players purchased, which does not seem like a very pleasant notion.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I am dissapointed that custom maps still seem to suffer the popularity problem despite them saying they would look into fixing that. or did I miss something related to this?

I will miss ultralisk's ram attack, I guess it went the same way as the mutalisks acid sting attack (which was seen in early gameplay footage and is showed in the campaign cinimatics). The siege tank nerf was needed I understand but it is still something one will miss (the insane anti weak bio power they had).

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The difference is pretty much some bio units like marines probably need an extra hit to be splash killed while hydralisks probably 2 extra hits. This makes them from being wasted against siege tanks to being still viable at times. Additionally lings will probably also take an extra shot to splash kill at times based on weapon upgrades and armor.

The ultralisks building cleve might need some tuning. Yes they deal less damage now per hit but they will hit all buildings and units directly ajacent to a strucutre. Get like 2-3 to attack a command structure and they will heavilly damage all workers (worse if the terran tries to repair). I am pretty sure this must be a bug as it is nonsense killing units like 3 tiles away from their front. Blizzard probably did the splash calculation by getting their target unit and adding a bonus to its radius to make it more effective against large units like thors and since they had ram there was no worry of it hitting buildings (which now they can).

2 solutions are to eithor make it that buildings are treated as a separate effect path which results in the same damage but with splash localized slightly infront of the ultralisk or to make it that all splash damage is a fixed offset infront of the ultralisk. Solution 1 would not alter their normal combat effectivness while stopping the mega splash against large buildings while solution 2 would keep their splash radius consistant at all times but would probably lower their unit combat effectiveness if simply a moved. Currently their splash is worthy of its own unit who is designed specificially to do such a thing rather than an ultralisk.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Patch 1.1.1 is up, wonder why its not posted up already...
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.1.1

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Ultralisk cleave range was being unintentionally extended by larger targets.
  • Fixed an issue where the Phoenix's Graviton Beam was automatically canceled if you used it just after the Phoenix reached 50 energy.
  • Fixed an issue where queuing Return Cargo on a worker would cause it to ignore the built-in delay after it finished gathering.
  • Fixed an issue where players watching older replays or saved games would experience stuttering.
  • Fixed an issue where some Mac users were unable to join games properly.

Full patch notes in all languages...
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