Pr0nogo, who are you to know what balance is? Statistics show that all 3 race matches have approximately a 50% win ratio. Deviations do occur but that is all in the expected distribution. To me this looks perfectly balanced.
The news I saw a few weeks ago did not yield those results. Perhaps I am judging the game off of defunct data. Comparing that data to the lower level leagues also yields far more staggering results. Some really funky balance stuff happens on the lower levels, so check out some examples on YouTube or something before you tell me that lower-level play doesn't matter. That's like saying people who play on leagues lower than Masters don't matter, and I'm sure they would take offence to that.
Of course, who am I to talk? Clearly, I have offended quite a few people. Still, I thought you might like to know, because
nobody should intentionally offend anyone.
On the subject of who I am to talk balance, I am someone who has beta tested every one of Blizzard's games since 2002, when I beta tested WarCraft III's expansion and witnessed quite a few changes to balance. I have quite a few years looking at this stuff under my belt. I would think my opinion should carry some weight, since I also beta tested StarCraft II. In my opinion, they had a bit better balance back then.
Why are you so against interns? I have to do one this summer with some company so are you saying I am stupid and what I will produce is useless? How dare you insult me like that. Who are you to even comment? I am on track for an Electronic and Software Engineering degree, are you? Do you even know how software is created?
This is probably where I should just stop talking to you, because these points are hilariously reminiscent of a fully-grown adult who was insulted by someone ten years his younger. But, I'm bored, and it's half past four, so why the fuck not?
I am against interns in Blizzard games because they have shown to significantly reduce the enjoyment I get from playing a game. Interns made me want to toss my monitor out the window while modding StarCraft and it's expansion. Interns made me extremely frustrated trying to change around sound assets in Diablo II. Interns made me laugh in horrific disbelief at the backward systems of WarCraft III's trigger and camera settings. Interns made me cry a wittle bit on da inside when I played StarCraft II's campaign. What did interns do so wrong in this game, though?
Interns did most of the voice acting. That was cringe-worthy.
Interns did the level designs. None of them felt like StarCraft. I don't mean the first game, I mean the universe. It felt foreign, and not the kinky Asian-Latino transexual stripper kind of foreign; the bad kind of foreign.
Interns made the new data editor a helluva lot more complicated than it had to be. I would have preferred WarCraft III's, with more assets to configure. The new way might have one or two new options, but sacrificing those so I could lose the 'let's create 1240890 other things to make one new unit' thing. That'd be real nice.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I don't think YOU are stupid because you are going to take part in an internship. I may think you are stupid for a legion of other reasons, or I may think you are a completely capable and functional gentlemen of today's society. You can decide for yourself what you think I think, just as you can decide whether or not what I think means anything to you. How dare I possibly think something you don't think, right?
You see, unless an intern really loves his or her role, they have no reason to do a good job on their product. The company will get rid of them after a while, and they know it. That's got to have been it, I think. Either that, or interns aren't responsible for this at all, and I should be blaming the actual in-house Blizzard development team for all of my complaints. You yourself told me not to do that, so...
You are comparing a 13 year old game with an expansion to a two year old game without an expansion? Seems rather stupid to me since a lot of balance changes have been made to that game over the last 13 years. If you want to compare Brood Wars you will have to compare it to Heart of the Swarm.
StarCraft's latest patch was in early 2007, unless 1.16.1 was patched over
just now. That effectively makes it a 9 year old game, so watch your numbers. Confusion does not make a good debate.
It is true, a lot of balance changes have been made. Perhaps it is a bit early to judge. In the time it takes Blizzard to release new patches, though, we can all sit back, enjoy a soda, and laugh at how pitiful the rest of the game is, right? I mean, we
can all agree at the level of crap the campaign, UI, and new "features" add up to, right? Hahaha! Ha! ... Ha... Yeah.
I suppose I'm so tough on Blizzard because they should have learned from their past patches. That, and...
Show me a single release patch that made a persistent change that made balance worse? Explain how the game can even be called imbalanced when statistics from masters and professional matches are showing a 50% win ratio for each race in un-even matches.
Well, you have called me stupid and your buddy here calls me retard and troll regularly. None of these statements are true, and still it happens. Crazy, right?
Here's your patch notes.
bad patches said:
Patch 1.4.3
A new upgrade has been added to the Fleet Beacon: Anion Pulse-Crystals. This upgrade increases Phoenix weapon range by +2.
Why? The Phoenix has very few natural air encounters, and can't engage ground units. Why does it need a bonus to its weapon range? That just makes it more ridiculous, and means Protoss players have one more thing to waste money on.
Snipe damage changed from 45 to 25 (+25 vs Psionic).
Cementing the role of the Ghost as a Templar killer only makes it more imbalanced against Protoss. Snipe already decided the battle of Terran balls against Protoss balls. Lighten up on the Protoss balls, will you, Blizzard?
Patch 1.4.0
Blink research time increased from 110 to 140.
Blinker rushes were not unstoppable, and Terran players could easily get their free scan box (or, you know, fucking scout or something) and adapt well before Blink is researched. One could also easily anticipate that something is up from the lack of contact that is associated with this type of rush/cheese/pasta/whatever else you like to call it.
Neural Parasite range decreased from 9 to 7.
The Infestor has been the single most changed-up unit in the game. It is ridiculous. That being said, this particular change makes the ability very hard to execute unless the Zerg player can stop microing and burrow-move into the designated enemies, and THEN cast the spell. No need for that, thank you.
I could go on.
To apologise for this delay they are releasing a patch soon that will modify BattleNet and StarCraft II Editor in many positive ways.
I certainly hope it succeeds.
So I am stupid because I use a pony avatar? Lol I think that argument backfires at who's stupid. In fact, lots of players called their user names MyLittlePwny and things like that - while being Master, I would never call my main acc like that if not some training, so does that make them stupid too? At least im not THAT big fan of the show, but why does this even matter?
You're asking me a lot of really stupid questions, and my answer to them all is
no. However, it is very interesting how you seem to be so easily riled up and so very self-conscious about watching a female children's television show. Particularly;
At least im not THAT big fan of the show
I actually really love that you followed it up with,
but why does this even matter?
You've struck gold, son. It doesn't.
No, you should apologize to calling esports for no brainers, not to me because this shows where you are, one clueless noob. I'm not a pro player but having played 5K 1v1 games on War3 and now in SC2 above 1000 games, I need just some silly comments to know where a person is in skill and how much he understands the game. There are Bronze players who are smarter than some whiny bitches, so I don't care about the league which yours is not high anyway.
Well, since all my apology did was make you angrier and more cuss-prone, I'll retract it. I'm not sorry, and I hope we can't be on 'I don't care about you at all because I've never met you' terms again. Did that make you feel better, or...?
I am sincerely confused. You rejected my apology, but then told me I should apologise to people I've never met before. I don't care if I insult them. I don't know if this is something you've never thought of, but do you care when you tell the funny racist jokes or funny sexist jokes to your buds? Not really. You get the feels-good-man feeling from making them laugh at your faux-bigotry, and that's fine. I do it all the time. You don't feel guilty for insulting people - people who you have never met, and who you have no intention of meeting, ever. Such a notion is silly, and you should not confine your life to this close-minded standard.
As for my intelligence and my skill, only one is lacking. Can you guess which one it is? I never did claim to be a stellar player, after all...
I'm glad you can make up your mind about someone's skill after a few hundred hours of gameplay. I might be able to grow up to be like you, someday.
Balance? Sure there is what to do in SCII. Years? Only a year and soon 2 years. Ok with Beta it's 2 years and 2 months. War3 balance? Both are not as balanced as SCBW but since SCBW is the oldest and they had the most time and War3 kind of died after SC2 came.. maybe it is explainable?
I wonder if you'd sound even more self-consumed in person...
Your nitpicking and semantics of my 'years' statement is not only stupid, it's wrong. It's stupid because you're exhibiting the same level of 'irritated assbasket' as that guy who says "It's not five, it's four fifty-eight!" when you tell someone what time it is. It's wrong because plural can refer to fractions and decimals, so as soon as it's that infinitely-smaller-than-smallest fraction of time past a year, it's been years.
Maybe the lack of proper balance is explainable. I've already touched upon this issue with the good doctor, though, so I'll let you exercise your reading skills up there instead of down here.
Do you think your balance is the reason why you suck, kid? Nope. Balance doesn't matter to you, balance is only on highest level where players can't get any further, for you it is just LACK OF SKILL.
Last time I checked, I was completely balanced. Maybe it's that chicken from Wendy's...
No, I think I'm good.
I really don't see how you demeaning my level of skill in StarCraft II is going to make you any more correct. You've committed ad hominem so many times that I have lapsed into doing the same back to you, in a far more sarcastic, haughty, condescending manner. That's not something I do often, but I quite enjoy it now that it's become obvious to any outside observer
with a brain (ooh, said it again! burn!) that you are incredibly self-absorbed and have no place in an intellectual debate. I actually reported your post for this reason, but decided that I'm better off showing everyone both of our true colours, rather than hiding them.
The scenario of players never being able to improve is also staggeringly improbable. Even if we were to set aside semantics of "his reaction time is .002 seconds faster now!" scenarios, players can always learn new things and they can always get better. There is no way you are going to sit there, tell me that people in high Masters are the glowing form of perfection amongst StarCraft II players, and even
think for a second that I will take you seriously.
I suppose we could just chock this up to your LACK OF INTELLIGENCE. Quick, kill that Centaur Sorcerer and take his +2 tome! You might even level up...
Just don't diss something that you suck at, that's what im gonna tell you. Go make your maps and shut up.
The notion of you telling me what to do over the internet is quite alike the notion of that thirteen year old kid playing HALO: Reach, calling everyone a 'faggot' or a 'gay person' while he does so. You're not that tough, bro, and I wouldn't let you come anywhere near me even if I were gay.
inb4 'u r gay u dum bass' statement (it's a multiple entendre, get over it)