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Spore like test

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Level 3
Feb 23, 2008
ok i will make this map but it is 1% done for now but i have done alot for 2 weeks i am recruting join? if you whant
story what i have not fin yet i am geting help


  • A Spore remake.w3x
    162.7 KB · Views: 90
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Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
*Write proper english (or atleast try as good as u can)
*Read Forum Rules
*1% finished tells that the map is not even alpha so rather unplayable
*Without description no one will even bother downloading...
i am recruting join?
If your recruiting this is the wrong forum
*I dont see how this thread belongs in idea factory forum
but i have done alot for 2 weeks i am recruting join? if you whant
story what i have not fin yet i am geting help
Feels like your saying this map is just gonna take 2-5 weeks to make, quality maps usually doesnt take that small amount of time to make!
*Didnt bother playing the map, but sounds like a remake of another virus/infection/spore map i've played on Bnet...
*Screenshots of map helps you to make the map more interesting :wink:
Level 3
Feb 23, 2008
ok your cleaning problem suck and i have only been working on it for 2 weeks and i put this up at midnight and that is what i can do with 3 hours a day
and it is not like others it has a story so dont have a nice thing to say about my map then cleaning problem is the worstist map ever! even when i was a 13i made beater so stop looking at the cover and the recruit ment is for people
that like it and know thay can help and i think you should stop cleaning problem*fast!*it is a problem and i have got help now so it can go faster
Level 3
Jul 14, 2007
Yea, I'm going to agree with everything that Nudl9 said, from reading what you said I simply don't know what your map is about. The idea of a map based of off Will Wright's spore sounds good, but it doesn't even sound like you have a plan on how to make this map happen, I'd make one and post it THEN recruit.
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Level 4
Mar 2, 2008
By the time you make a really good spore map the game will probably be out already.. not to ruin your fun. I'd also like to point out that theres already some perfectly good ones out there already
Level 3
Jul 14, 2007
If there are already perfectly good maps out there pertaining to Spore, why are you making a new one that will only take two weeks to complete so obviously won't be nearly as high quality?
Level 4
Mar 2, 2008
Well this is like the dota analogy, tons of people try to make AoS maps just like Dota but of course they never are as good. The only way people will like them is if they are DIFFERENT than the other maps. So branch off a different direction, in your direction.

Of course, i havn't even played your map yet and only 2 or so other spore variants, so who am I to say.
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