k, i wanted to create heroes which each have 3 skills, each skill being based of the spellbook skill (the one were u click on the skill, and a list of spells pop up)
sorta to make it like WoW were u can put talents in
so first, i made a mage.
the first skill i made for it was fire
which is a spellbook full of fire spells, and as u level it u get more fire spells
which worked great, was alot of fun to play,
then i decided to add the other 2 skills, same sorta things, one for arcane and one for ice
so, i test my hero
i put a lvl into fire, a lvl into arcane, a lvl into ice
i click on the fire book, to caste my first fire spell
the fire book has the ice and arcane spell in it aswell! i checked the other two, and they had also gained the spells from the other books
its like the books merged or sumthing once u put points into them
any way to stop this happening? or can u only have one spell book style skill per hero?
sorta to make it like WoW were u can put talents in
so first, i made a mage.
the first skill i made for it was fire
which is a spellbook full of fire spells, and as u level it u get more fire spells
which worked great, was alot of fun to play,
then i decided to add the other 2 skills, same sorta things, one for arcane and one for ice
so, i test my hero
i put a lvl into fire, a lvl into arcane, a lvl into ice
i click on the fire book, to caste my first fire spell
the fire book has the ice and arcane spell in it aswell! i checked the other two, and they had also gained the spells from the other books
its like the books merged or sumthing once u put points into them
any way to stop this happening? or can u only have one spell book style skill per hero?