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Spell Help - Turret Form

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Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Alright, so i got my hands on a cool model. A mobile tower model right.

And the thing i am worst at in map making... is making spells.

Now, this model has only 1 model, but the turret form is in the animations. It is the stand portrait alternate that is the turret animation and the stand portrait that is the tank. The morph animation changes the tank into the turret and the morph alternate changes the turret into tank.

And attack one alternate is the turret attacking, etc.

This does sound like a nooby question but, how do i make a spell that fits into that, and changes the tank from tank to turret and back.

Help me out guys. Here is the model. (Uses in-game textures)


  • MobileTower.mdx
    131.5 KB · Views: 72
Level 10
Mar 30, 2007
Animation problem

Alright, i tried this but i have a problem. I based the second form (Turret form) off of the bear form of the druid.

So all the alternate strings and all those things are already there. But now, when my tank is in normal form it uses the alternate attack animation, meaning it quickly forms into a turret, shoots, and forms back....Huh...

The turret form works fine though.

What did i do wrong?

Here's a picture of the object data.

Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
maybe make the unit upgradable into a separate tower unit with same stats as normal tower? then make the separate tower upgradable into the mobile form, but i don't know if you can upgrade normal units into structures & vice versa.
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