spell help request

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Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Dude your signature flash animation is *sick*.

but i want some debres to fly out in front of the shockwave projectile

What do you mean, "debree"?

It's quite easy to determine where the "shockwave projectile" will be, just run a periodic timer once the spell is put into effect that constantly updates global coordinate variables based on the direction that the shockwave was cast, and some object editor values such as the speed of the projectile.

I can do it for you, if you want (though you'll have to clear up my first question first), but you should really post requests in the Requests section.
Level 10
Apr 22, 2010
Dude your signature flash animation is *sick*.

What do you mean, "debree"?

It's quite easy to determine where the "shockwave projectile" will be, just run a periodic timer once the spell is put into effect that constantly updates global coordinate variables based on the direction that the shockwave was cast, and some object editor values such as the speed of the projectile.

I can do it for you, if you want (though you'll have to clear up my first question first), but you should really post requests in the Requests section.
i meant like debries for example rocks to fly out in front of it

i could find an modle but im just seeing if theres a way to kinda attach the rocj model in front of the projectile......
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
The Ancient Protector missile death animation is a good place to start, it looks like rocks are flying out of it which seems to be what you're asking for.

i could find an modle but im just seeing if theres a way to kinda attach the rocj model in front of the projectile......

There is no way to add attachments to special effects, or missile art.
solomon409 i could have 1 or 2 idead how 2 make such a thing (shockwave with different animation) but, well my problem is i don't have enough explainings of what u exactly want. do u want something like a pack of units as the shockwave or do u want a fire/frost/whatever else wave effect? well u could actually use (if u want a running unit as the shockwave effect) the lizards from the stampede spell effect (stamped = ultim8 spell of beastmaster). or u can also (depend on what u want) use the Carrion Swarm (fist ability in the list of Dread Lord spells) with a channged missile art. but as said.....if u want my detail advise, u have 2 say more precisely what exactly ur spell (spell art/missile) 2 look like
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Wow, yes, change the missile art. You're brilliant. I love how 3 people have come here saying the same fucking thing, "well maybe you could change the missile art". This is the triggers and scripts section, not the newbie-central forums where people don't know how to change basic Object Editor fields.

But maybe if you make the model the 'projectile image' and an attachment to that?

This doesn't even make sense. There is no such thing as a "projectile image". There is the "missile art", but again changing the missile art doesn't give you any control over it. Also if you simply changed the missile art to the Ancient Protector's missile it would show up as a rock moving through the air.

Sorry but you can't just click an "Add Option" button, there are a limited amount of ways this can be done and it would probably be more beneficial if you guys didn't come posting here with the same advice over and over again, especially when you haven't even tried it yourself.
Level 7
Feb 23, 2010
Wow, yes, change the missile art. You're brilliant. I love how 3 people have come here saying the same fucking thing, "well maybe you could change the missile art". This is the triggers and scripts section, not the newbie-central forums where people don't know how to change basic Object Editor fields.

This doesn't even make sense. There is no such thing as a "projectile image". There is the "missile art", but again changing the missile art doesn't give you any control over it. Also if you simply changed the missile art to the Ancient Protector's missile it would show up as a rock moving through the air.

Sorry but you can't just click an "Add Option" button, there are a limited amount of ways this can be done and it would probably be more beneficial if you guys didn't come posting here with the same advice over and over again, especially when you haven't even tried it yourself.

Ah people who only think they are listening...
If you make a dummy unit that has the model of shockwave and than ad an attachment to that with a special effect of whatever appeals most to you...

Ive done this personally with skills before -_- i know what im sayin
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
If you make a dummy unit that has the model of shockwave and than ad an attachment to that with a special effect of whatever appeals most to you...

Attachments don't play animations, and in order to get many of the models to work properly in this scenario (a constant playback) it is necessary to be able to control those animations. Destroying a special effect plays the model's death animation, which is why I suggested that rather than a unit in my very first reply.

It's quite easy to determine where the "shockwave projectile" will be, just run a periodic timer once the spell is put into effect that constantly updates global coordinate variables based on the direction that the shockwave was cast, and some object editor values such as the speed of the projectile.

The only thing you're suggesting is that instead of using a special effect, you use an attachment. The dummy unit is still going to need to have it's position updated and the mathematical calculations that I laid out here are still going to have to be made.

Ive done this personally with skills before -_- i know what im sayin

I have been doing this for over 5 years, and you can take a look in the JASS section to see what kinds of unit motion I deal with commonly. I do spell requests quite frequently, and a lot of them are a lot more complicated than this. This is rather simple.
Level 7
Feb 23, 2010
=| Don't underestimate a new idea. I've said I've done this. Here is what you do. Make a variable that is a certain distance ahead of where the caster is facing. When you create the unit (That will look like shockwave) order last created unit to move to that position.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
When you create the unit (That will look like shockwave) order last created unit to move to that position.

This will not work if the shockwave is supposed to move faster than 522, which is common.

Don't underestimate a new idea. I've said I've done this

It's not about estimation, it's about knowledge. I know for a fact your method is not a good approach.

Make a variable that is a certain distance ahead of where the caster is facing.

A variable cannot be "a certain distance ahead of where the caster is facing". A location, which a variable refers to, can be. Anyways, this will still look like the rock is just flying through the air. It won't be constantly destroyed, I brought this up here:

Attachments don't play animations, and in order to get many of the models to work properly in this scenario (a constant playback) it is necessary to be able to control those animations.

I have made things for Single Player that have worked perfectly, but that doesn't mean those ideas will work perfectly for multiplayer as well. You can't just assume that because you have done it before that it is undoubtedly possible in all scenarios.
Level 7
Feb 23, 2010
This will not work if the shockwave is supposed to move faster than 522, which is common.
Is it?

It's not about estimation, it's about knowledge. I know for a fact your method is not a good approach.

Works fine for me.

A variable cannot be "a certain distance ahead of where the caster is facing". A location, which a variable refers to, can be. Anyways, this will still look like the rock is just flying through the air. It won't be constantly destroyed, I brought this up here:
...What you just said is how you would do it... you basically just said no you can't peel an orange you can, however, peel an orange...

I have made things for Single Player that have worked perfectly, but that doesn't mean those ideas will work perfectly for multiplayer as well. You can't just assume that because you have done it before that it is undoubtedly possible in all scenarios.
Nope. I don't. And even though have the editor and worked with it since it came out(inconsistently). You probably (more than likely)have a greater knowledge pool about triggers. And you could be right here about the assumption thing. I was suggesting something that has worked for me, in the past.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006

There isn't a single missile in Warcraft III that moves slower than the fastest unit movement speed. You shouldn't be able to outrun a shockwave anyways.

Works fine for me.

Well using this code works fine for me, but I'm sure if you tried it in Battle.net (meaning a less controlled environment, not just you) it would most definitely cause everybody to desync:

if GetLocalPlayer() == Player(2) then
    call CreateUnit(Player(4), 'hfoo', 0, 0, 0)

...What you just said is how you would do it... you basically just said no you can't peel an orange you can, however, peel an orange...

No, not really, but I'm not going to argue with you.

Nope. I don't. And even though have the editor and worked with it since it came out(inconsistently). You probably (more than likely)have a greater knowledge pool about triggers. And you could be right here about the assumption thing. I was suggesting something that has worked for me, in the past.

Okay, that's a fair suggestion, but I am merely shining a light on the problems that can arise when using your approach.

Ah people who only think they are listening...

I was reading and understanding your approach in full capacity. I've seen it a thousand times in GUI code but personally I like to be a hell of a lot more thorough than that, especially when giving advice to newbies who may not know any better. You don't want someone coming back to the forums with a bugged map because of advice you gave weeks earlier.
Level 7
Feb 23, 2010
You don't want someone coming back to the forums with a bugged map because of advice you gave weeks earlier.

Well I've heard before...
"Simple triggers, simple problems. Complicated triggers, complicated problems."
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