- Joined
- Nov 7, 2007
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- 8
Ok, I need some help with this spell bcoz I want to replace the "ChainTarget" global variable with a local variable n then work with tables, etc. Here's the code:
scope ChainStormBolt //I want to make this spell MUI
unit ChainTarget
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return ( GetSpellAbilityId() == 'Aisb' )
private function Target_Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetIssuedOrderId() == String2OrderIdBJ("sleep")
private function Target_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
set ChainTarget = GetOrderTargetUnit()
private function Chain_Group takes nothing returns boolean
local timer tr = GetExpiredTimer()
local string s = GetAttachmentTable(tr)
return IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), GetOwningPlayer(GetTableUnit(s, "u")))== true and GetFilterUnit() != ChainTarget and IsUnitAliveBJ(GetFilterUnit()) == true and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(),UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) == false
private function Timer_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tr = GetExpiredTimer()
local string s = GetAttachmentTable(tr)
local unit u = GetTableUnit(s, "u")
local unit a = GetTableUnit(s, "a")
local real height = GetTableReal(s, "height")
local real time = GetTableReal(s, "time")
local real raisetime = GetTableReal(s, "raisetime")
local integer counter = GetTableInt(s, "counter")
local integer lvl = GetTableInt(s, "level")
local unit temp
call UnitAddAbility(a,'Acsb')
call SetUnitPositionLoc( a, PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(a), 7.00, AngleBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(a), GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget))) )
if ( DistanceBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(a), GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget)) <= 50.00 ) then
call SetTableInt(s, "counter", counter+1)
if ( IsUnitIdType(GetUnitTypeId(ChainTarget), UNIT_TYPE_FLYING) == true ) then
call DestroyEffect( AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\LightningBolt\\LightningBoltMissile.mdl",ChainTarget,"origin" ))
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget( "Abilities\\Spells\\Orc\\LightningBolt\\LightningBoltMissile.mdl",ChainTarget,"origin"))
set temp= CreateUnitAtLoc( GetOwningPlayer(u), 'e004', PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget), 100.00, 0.00), AngleBetweenPoints(PolarProjectionBJ(GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget), 100.00, 0.00), GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget)) )
call SetUnitInvulnerable( temp, true )
call UnitAddAbility(temp,'Acss')
call SetUnitAbilityLevel(temp,'Acss',lvl)
call IssueTargetOrder( temp, "thunderbolt", ChainTarget )
//call BJDebugMsg("CHAINIMPACT")
call RemoveUnitTimed(temp,1.5)
set ChainTarget = GroupPickRandomUnit(GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching(800, GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget), Condition(function Chain_Group)))
set height = GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(ChainTarget)
if (height < 40) then
set height = 40
if (ChainTarget == null) then
set counter = 2 + (lvl * 3)
set time = DistanceBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(a), GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget)) / 2000
set raisetime = (RAbsBJ(height - GetUnitFlyHeight(a))) / time
call SetUnitFlyHeightBJ( a, height, raisetime )
if (counter == 2 + (lvl * 3) ) then
//call BJDebugMsg("CHAINEND")
call PauseTimer(tr)
call DestroyTimer(tr)
call ClearTable(s)
call UnitRemoveAbility( a, 'Aloc' )
call RemoveUnit(a)
set tr=null
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local timer tr=CreateTimer()
local string s = GetAttachmentTable(tr)
local unit u=GetSpellAbilityUnit()
local real height=GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(ChainTarget)
local real time
local real raisetime
local integer lvl = GetUnitAbilityLevel(u,'Aisb')
local unit a
set a= CreateUnit(GetOwningPlayer(u), 'e004', GetUnitX(u),GetUnitY(u), GetUnitFacing(u) )
set time=DistanceBetweenPoints(GetUnitLoc(a), GetUnitLoc(ChainTarget)) / 2000
set raisetime=(RAbsBJ(height - GetUnitFlyHeight(a))) / time
call SetTableObject(s, "u", u)
call SetTableObject(s, "a", a)
call SetTableReal(s, "height",height )
call SetTableReal(s, "time", time)
call SetTableReal(s, "raisetime", raisetime)
call SetTableInt(s, "counter", 0)
call SetTableInt(s, "level", lvl)
call SetUnitInvulnerable( a, true )
call SetUnitPathing( a, false )
call UnitAddAbility( a,'Aloc')
call TimerStart(tr, 0.01,true, function Timer_Actions)
if (height < 40) then
set height = 40
call SetUnitFlyHeightBJ( a, height, raisetime )
public function InitTrig takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger trg=CreateTrigger( )
local trigger issued = CreateTrigger( )
set gg_trg_ChainStormBolt = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT )
call TriggerAddCondition( trg, Condition( function Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( trg, function Actions )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( issued, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER )
call TriggerAddCondition( issued, Condition( function Target_Conditions ) )
call TriggerAddAction( issued, function Target_Actions )
set trg=null
set issued=null
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