spell bug

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Level 4
Dec 4, 2014
Hi guys its me again i need some help :D I kopied from a spellpack a gui spell and created all variables but now when i use it in the game the normal spell works but while doing the spell i imported he is doing a amination of another spell i dont know how to fix it pls help me :/
Level 15
Oct 29, 2012
You have to compare the old spell with the new copied spell. I mean the spell map triggers and your map triggers. Because there is a bug in World Editor. It is: when you copy a spell triggers from to map some values are edited.

Go to your trigger editor, and search for spell start trigger (when the event is Unit - A unit starts the effect of an ability . or something like this). When you find this trigger to to Conditions you find like this
  • Conditions
    • (Ability being cast) Equal to 'Not your spell'.
Then double click it and change it to the name of your spell , it becomes like this :
  • Conditions
    • (Ability being cast) Equal to 'Your spell now'.
I guess this is your meaning.
Level 4
Dec 4, 2014
i did that

but it still doesnt work :D

well i mean that is cast the spell that i coustomed and a other spell that he shouldend use at the same time :/
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Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Maybe the imported spells and your spell uses same Ability ID, for example, the imported uses Shockwave as base spell, and your spell also, uses Shockwave.
This would cause an overlapping of ability (only 1 spell will be used).

Solution is you have to change your spell into other base ability, or simply, use Channel, an ability that can morph its Ability ID into anything else (unlike other default spells), their Ability ID cannot be changed (even though you changed it in the Object Editor, it does not comply).

Well, this is just a wild guess on the problem.
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