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Special arrow spell

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Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
Hi guys,
I want to make an arrow spell which has three arrows and they attack units and they cause damage like -20HPs per second and movement speed reduction. It would be autocast. What triggers do i need?
Please help me about that. I woudl really appreciate that and rep+!
Level 5
Feb 6, 2011
well i guess you could make 2 dummy units who cast the same spell but without dealing any damage.. create them at the place of the caster so it will seem like if the caster shot 3 arrows and in fact only 1 of these 3 arrows will deal the real damage and poison to the unit its targeting
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
I havent tried it yet but I will download it once my other download is complete. :)
Level 5
Feb 6, 2011
its a good map . seems you have puttin a lot of effort in terraining . anyways its cool and cold 1 . but needs a lot of time to win . and has no superior things or changes from any melle map its just the same but with defferent terrain.
you could have added super heroes into it that u can drive by races and some stuff of scary icy and shattery abilities
Level 15
Jan 12, 2011
Many thanks Anton Thabalin that you told me these good things about my map. Yes, i will plan to add mroe mighter heroes which can be only picked frome tier 3. There is a quest, too, and there are already 8 strong heroes. I am planning to add much more icy things and abilities. However, i am nwe to triggering so would you help me about it? :D
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