Also, you may Set Variable - Point instead of using Random Point in Playable Map Area. Work with variables everytime it is possible.
This is partially true.
You should use a variable whenever the action is repeated twice or more.
In the case with random point though you need to use a variable as random point leaks if not removed.
This should be true instead of false
- (Terrain pathing at SpawnPoint of type Walkability is off) Equal to False
No, friend, it shouldnt be true because you checking:
IF terrain pathing at point of type WALKABILITY is OFF = false
Means that you should do THEN - ACTIONS if the terrain at the point is walkable. If not walkable, the ELSE - ACTIONS should run.
dude, you need a "respawn" unit or "spawn" unit system? respawn for me is reviving death unit..wait, sorry I didn't follow the comments..
I suggest you to use something I call "repeater". repeater is a looping integer that never ends until the matching conditions are met.
for example:
in that trigger, the system will always find a new point until the condition(point walkability blablabla) is met. I will explain more if you dont get clear enough..
- for loop integer A from 0 to 2
- actions
- set integer A = 0
- set point = (random point in map)
- if (point walkability is on equal to true)
- set integer A = 3 //this will ends the loop
- else
- destroy point