Heres the
Im not really familiar with sounds and i never read something
its just my own experience
And as far as i know there can be played one sound at the sime time
only after this sound completely finished (look duration in the sound editor) another one can be played ( i guess even a faster pitch that the sound is shorter does not affect this)
and afaik 3D sounds can be played after the same sound has finished
you can play sound A,B, and C at the same time. but you can play A only after the first A has finished again
To solve this kick blizzards ass or try to import own shorter sounds that you also avoid changing the pitch in the editor
Another option could be (dunno if it works) try to create multiple variables of the same sound for the ones which are played very fast
instead of playing A,A,A,A verxy fast try to play A1,A2,A1,A2 or even with 3
but thats just an idea which may does not even work