Souls, map need more souls!

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Level 3
Aug 31, 2009
So I desided to try this map on hive requests. Our development team (which is I) has no good describer so we havent name this map. However for now lets call it
The Demon Plague

Progress: 1.1%
So we got here two hostile fractions of demons. One team - satirs, the second - draeneis. Map contains two cities in the corners of maps and a large forest between them. According to the evil demon plan each team must destroy a city. Each city is a purpose for one fraction of demons, the other cause no interest or them. Both cities are hostile to all the demons, but in the mode of villager they are neutral to the player (Each player has a metamorphosis that will turn it into villager until he cause damage.). While you are in the skin of villager you can get some quests to earn money/experience or make some diversion.

Both cities are heavily protected by guards, archers, towers etc, and can only be destroyed by army of demons (summoned by team). But demon army can fail if city will be too strong. So it very important to make some diversions that will lower city spirit, armor and count of guardians.

Also summoning the army of demons will be possible only when team get and certain amount of points which is collected when you make an successful diversion or kill an enemy demon.

I plan to add a few features like:
  • unlimited inventory - partially done
  • Death and revive system - partially done
  • 3D camera system
  • achievement save system

So if you have any any knowledges in map making and you liked the idea PM me here. Any help is needed.

Oh and almost forgot

Feel free to ask me any questions about the map idea, and if it needed I can upload null version for you to play it, but for now it sux.

tried to fix the leaks - all crashed
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Level 3
Aug 31, 2009
well it's hard to find any other wc3 standart units that is light armored and that transformation to human form did not cause large changes in shape. The idea is that these two teams, are the vanguard of demons, who must prepare a place for the arrival of the Army. They can't do much but diversions and hiding is their specialisation.

There is 2 model of satyrs - blue and grey, 3 models of draeneis - gray, red, mage.
Eredar and Facless One (blue and red) are good for this but which team they ranked to? Draeneis or satyrs?

, /VS/ ,

, , -?
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Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
I re-read the main idea and from what I understand, the 2 cities belong to computer controlled AI, and the players are demons who are sent from the twisted Nether to bring the demonic forces onto the mortal plain.

But what I don't understand is... Why are there TWO teams of demon vanguards?

Here's a suggestion for your model line-up, get some modellers to make simple models of Satyrs and 'Lost Ones' (World of Warcraft term for this type of Draenei).
Level 3
Aug 31, 2009
But what I don't understand is... Why are there TWO teams of demon vanguards?
1. Maximum number of Players - 12. So separating players on 3 teams on such big map cause boring for those who love meatfigh.
2. Count of cities. Each team must destroy its only city. I marked the location of spawn crosses. Red team must destroy the city in the red zone. Blue in the blue zone. Red team can not harm the city in a blue zone, but can prevent harm to blue city stopping of the blue team.

I can create another city but again where to place it?
Level 3
Aug 31, 2009
Must greatly thank you for such an active part in the project. However, I am a bit stuck here with the development. It seems all is not working but I do not know what to fix. I will write description for now because most abilities are named channel.

By the way I can upload that null version so you can see it, if you are not afraid.
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Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
I tested the map and now I got a slight headache after a few minutes playing it...

Question: Why the players must be in first person view...?
Due to the fact that players must use a mouse to move around, the default game-play view is much more suitable and user friendly.
However, if you still insist on using first person view, then make use of the Arrow keys (for example) to move and turn around. That way it might solve the 'headache & vomit' sensation players may suffer.

Here is an example of a map that utilizes first person view : Ninja Combat Beta.
This map has a good movement system using the keyboard. Perhaps you can make an 'Upgraded' version of the system.
Level 7
Feb 14, 2008
I have noticed your thread, but to be honest I am a little tired of reading RPG's... In the last three days I have seen no less than 5 new ones appear. Some appear epic and others are simply people trying to learn to Mapmake.

Perhaps a big help would be to clear up your description. I am not sure what the map is like even after reading it.

Who are the players, and who is the ai?
What do players do in beginning, mid, and late game?
Level 3
Aug 31, 2009
hmm well
player control his demon hero
AI is controling everything else (mobs, forest cams, city guards and townspeople)

It's more like arena then RPG. You spawn, you farm, you kill, you win (or lose because of your team).

What do players do in beginning, mid, and late game? I am realy not shure.
In the beginning you get your hero, get some beginers items and skills, and go to the creep farming. However creep farming is not the only one source of money and exp. If you got a good team you can buy some pvp skills at start and hunt enemy heroes or try to destroy their city.

Mid game will be full of trips to the dungeon and bossfights, and if your team will be strong to fight defenders of the city to lower city defence even more you should do it.

Late game will be all about who first will summon demon army (AI controled). If your oponent to strong you must weak them by killing them. Becouse when you summon demons army and it fails - you lose.
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