Need help on a map.

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Level 1
Aug 20, 2011
Ok so heres the deal. im making this map for me and my brother, im still new to the editor and dont know everything but i have a pretty good base of knowledge to get me far enough for a decent map. but what i need help with is the triggers i have problems and i will simpilize it for you.

Balancing units - Modifying timers on waves for fair fights - Modifying amount of units sent per wave - Balancing income with prices

Now i know this is the most painful part of making any map so you wont hurt my feelings if you dont want to help rofl.


The map is for two players, (i plan on adding one player mode). Player one is named tits, the army is generally a mix of animals, player two is named nipples, and has a blood elf army. Each player has a base (tits [p1] to the east - nipples [p2] to the north west) inside this base you have gates, and towers for defence, a king (of which dies you lose) and a single peasant.

A city is to the north and has its own army (partially controlled by nips), nips base is connected to the city, while tits is not. The city has lots of little perks about it that make gameplay funner and easier.

Tits and Nips need to defend their bases from the shit storm (located to the south) which attacks in waves. To defeat the shit storm you must kill the general of the shit storm opening gates that lead to the king of the shit storm.

I know all this sounds muffed up and shit but like i said the game is just something im making for me and my brother.

But if your serious about helping me with this you can e-mail me at [email protected] and i can send you the map and you can check it out and let me know if you want to help. if not what ever.
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